We have noticed that those who are sensitive to all the Energies that are around in your atmosphere, are having a challenging time sleeping or needing more sleep and that you do not allow yourselves to relax or rest enough, in-order to 'allow in' the Energies that are upon you. We want you to know that there is a significance, to how hydrated you are, in regard to how much of these Energies you can ground into your bodies, and to know that there are other ways that you have of acclimating to the Higher Frequency Energies.
Again, we suggest you find more time to go out into nature, take the time to submerge yourselves into water, mediate, reflect, and enjoy life. Understand that not only have you created your life as an opportunity to Grow, but also, as an opportunity to 'experience Love and Joy'. Therefore, we recommend that if you are not doing something that you Love, that you do the best that you can, and to 'pay more attention' to those inner nudges and impulses. You want to follow your Heart, because once you do that, you are then in the right place, at the right time, to receive and embody the Energies available to you.
By acclimating to the Energies upon you, it provides you with the opportunity to receive more, that then, allows you to become more specific with which types of Energies you want to receive and why. It may be that you want some inspired ideas for something that you are working on, or to access past life information, or perhaps access more of your Spiritual Gifts. Therefore, we suggest you take the opportunity to work with these Energies that are upon you, with the 'knowing' that they are all around you, while also knowing, that many Energies present right now on Earth are Positive, Higher Vibrational and Integrative.
Understand that there is nothing to fear by opening yourselves up to what is available to you, because you are already operating at a Higher Frequency. You are engulphed in an ocean of benevolent, helpful Energies that are there to assist you to move to the next level of your Consciousness, and those of you receiving this message, are also 'ready to receive' the Higher Frequency Energies, and sometimes you just need that reminder, that they are out there and are available to you. And regardless of whether they are 'opening up' now or later for you to receive them, there will be more Energies to come for All. Understand that you are rising above that which is no longer Serving you, and that is going away.
Those Energies are also having their own journey, and they will be able to 'know themselves' as more of Who They Really Are, as the Love of Source. Therefore, allow yourselves each and every day the opportunity to relax into the Energies that are upon you, to receive them so that you can assimilate them, to then create whatever you want on your beautiful planet Earth. All these Energies are designed to give you greater access to the Thoughts of your Higher Mind, and to align more with your true Selves, Source Energy Selves.
As a result, you will have more Positive Thoughts, more Inspired Ideas that will give you better Perspectives on things previously seen through a narrow lens. More of the impulses will be accessible to you, because they will be clear to you with what they are guiding you towards. And of course, those inspired Thoughts and Ideas will lead you to inspired Words and Actions.
As a result of these Energies coming in to support you in 'receiving' that which truly Serves you the most, you can and will, create for yourselves a better conclusion of 2024. You are there to receive the 'inspiration' and then 'act on that inspiration' so that you can 'experience' the Feeling of 'movement forward'. You want to experience the Feeling of 'raising and shifting' your Consciousness and not just to teleport yourselves to the 5th Density, that at times the Human Ego wants.
You are making such progress at this point in your Spiritual Evolution, growing in leaps and bounds now that the Joy of the journey is upon you, because you would never rob yourselves of the journey. Therefore, we invite you to expect more of those 'inspired ideas' to come, to expect more of the nudges to get clearer as they come to you from within. Your sense of 'intuitive inspirations' will be harder to ignore for you as you move forward. The assistance is coming, and as you 'pay attention' and 'follow through' those Ideas and inspirations, you will be living a life that will stand out and delight you in so many ways.
We are always uniquely tailoring Energies that we have been co-creating with others for you, to bring you exactly what you need to move to the next level of Consciousness. And no matter how it may look in your daily lives, you are taking steps forward in your Spiritual Evolution, and occasionally, you Feel that you are ready to go to another level that enables you to access different entities and different experiences, to access more of your true and whole Selves. Many of you know that to do that, you must 'go within' and by 'going within', ultimately you must also go outside and interact with the 'real World'.
You must be able to take that Inner Peace that you find in your Meditative State and bring it to the World in which you live. If you get caught up in the chaos, then it can seem chaotic while living in the World. It can seem as though you are too sensitive to this World and for this World, if you are not maintaining that Higher Vibration while interacting with other people and going to other places, which is why you are also accumulating more data as you continue your inward journeys.
At present, you are discovering how to access the State of Being, the Vibration you want to be in, while interacting with someone who may be in a negative mood, or may be just having a bad day, or a bad lifetime. And that then, becomes your work, to Be the YOU that you want to Be, no matter what is happening outside of you, and no matter whom you are interacting with, in any given moment.
You have lost your Inner Compass, if you let others decide what the mood of the room or the situation is going to be, allowing someone to take that Inner Peace away from you. You then must start again, by clearing what you need to clear and Let Go of what you need to Let Go of. It is perfectly fine if you must take 'another attempt' at interacting with the outside World, as it is normal and natural within where you are in your Ascension. In-order for your growth to be exponential, you are taking on more and more challenges, so that you can See and Feel the results within you.
And the true barometer of how you are progressing as an Individual, is how you FEEL INSIDE. It usually takes some time and practice on your part, to begin to see the 'outer reflection' of what you have been doing in those quiet moments of meditation, when you are accessing your Joy, Peace, and the Love that you truly are. Immediate results are not seen in the outside World, therefore, give it time, give others time to catch up to reflect that Vibration to you.
In the meantime, do not be afraid to go out into the outside World, to discover where you still need to do some work, where there is some Letting Go for you to do. As you strip away all the resistance, all the fear, and all the judgments, all that is left, is the Unconditional Love that you truly are, which has always been the 'goal and purpose' for you in this lifetime. It has just taken you some time to realise that, and it takes a little bit more time to put that 'knowing' into practice.
We know that many of you who are interested in our messages have already accessed Spiritual Gifts and we know some of you are a little reluctant to put yourselves 'out there' as a Helper, Healer, Guide, or Channel and we want you to know how much support from the Non-Physical there is coming for you to do just that. And we have so much respect for those of you who are willing to put yourselves out there and help other people with your gifts. We are attempting to nudge you in that direction because we know how good it is for you, to do what you are 'feeling called' to do.
As a Healer, Psychic, Channel, or Teacher, you can have an experience of being energised and enlivened by what you are doing. As soon as you drop any resistance that you may have to doing it, you also can have that energetic experience. You are being called from 'within' and from 'above' to do what will give you the most Energy, what will light you up the most, and what will be the most rewarding and fulfilling experience for you.
By allowing more of the Higher Frequencies into yourself, and to flow through your Physical Bodies, you fulfil that purpose and succeed in the mission of knowing who and what you really are. And you are not to do it for Humanity's sake, or to fix a broken world, you are to Feel the necessary 'satisfaction' in your life and to know that you are existing in that Higher Vibrational State of Being, that is achieved when what you are doing, is also an act of Service to others.
If you want to Feel happy about your life and with what you are doing in your life, then reach for the happiness first, and in that happiness, you will be inspired to do something that will bring you more Joy, that will allow you to Feel more Freedom, Confidence, Creativity, and everything else you want to experience while there in a Physical Body. What we really want you to do is to 'enjoy the process', Let Go of your concerns, fears, judgments and anything else that is keeping you from being your Whole Self.
And you are Ascending, and more and more people are accessing their Spiritual Gifts as a part of the Ascension. By operating as your Whole Self, you are being of Service to others and to yourself, and you place yourselves on the highest Timeline for your Ascension, while enjoying the journey. For those still waiting for their Gifts and Abilities to come to you, know that in just having that desire and intention, is enough for now.
We suggest you continue to live your lives in Joy and know that these abilities will come to you, in the perfect way and timing. You then, will also Feel that same calling to share your Gifts and Abilities with your fellow Humans and the World, all of whom will benefit from them. There is nothing more exciting, fulfilling and satisfying than doing the work that you know is uplifting others, and we know that each and every one of you will have that opportunity. No matter where you are on your journey, we suggest that when it comes, you pounce on it.
When we see you crossing a threshold and moving beyond something that as an Individual or as a Collective you have had a block on or have been stuck on, it brings us so much Joy and an immense Feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment. As we observe you, we see you at one of those points of evolution and are indeed proud to play our part in assisting you. We know that many of you have felt this next level of your Consciousness and that some of you are beginning to acclimate to this heightened Awareness.
It is always important for you to Acknowledge the strides forward that you make when you make them. There are some of you who recognise the many 'tipping points' that Humanity has passed along the way of this journey to the 5th Density, and there are some of you who recognise it, and step into more of your Power, as a result of it. Because of the readiness amongst those who are about to Awaken there, it is the time for you to be more excited about what you can contribute to the Collective Consciousness.
Those of you who are Awake can recognise when someone is newly Awake and can see them going through many of the steps and stages that you did at one time. Although the ones who are about to Awaken are not as easy to pinpoint, they are however, there, and ready to hear from those of you who are both Spiritual and Grounded. Perhaps these newly Awakened ones may have in the past encountered other Spiritually Awakened people who have been a bit 'too out there' or have been considered 'airy fairy'.
And those of you who have been Awake for quite some time, have been able to integrate your Awakened Consciousness into the Physical Reality in which you are living, and it shows. You have manged to live there on Earth with all the 'knowledge' you have amassed without continuously trying to escape the place, the planet, and your responsibilities as a Human Being. Therefore, those who are about to Awaken can sense it in you, they can sense first and foremost 'your Vibration', recognising you as Teachers, Healers, and Guides. And they will seek you out as Guides, and they will find you and benefit greatly from what you have to share with them.
The recognition of yourselves as 'leaders' will be starting for some of you at this time of a great shift within Humanity's Consciousness, and it will continue throughout the rest of 2024. And more and more people will be Awakening and finding the best possible Teachers for themselves, some of who are those we are speaking to right now.
We know that you are receiving many different Energies from many different sources and the Energies at this time will be amplifying the intensity of the Inner Guidance that you are receiving. It means you are moving to a time when the nudges that you receive from 'within you' are harder to ignore, where the impulses that you receive, Feel more undeniable. It is a time when you 'will be supported' by these Energies to Let Go of what other people think and say with what you should be doing, so that you can increase your Awareness of what is happening 'inside of you' with all that Guidance that you do get, but many of you ignore.
Some of you only ignore this Guidance some of the time, and there are very few of you who 'receive and follow' that Guidance every single time that you receive it, however, most people in this regard, require some energetic boosts. They need to be given more of the impulses and for those impulses to be stronger. They need more of the nudges and for the nudges to be less subtle, so that when you hear a voice or see an image in your mind's eye, you will be less likely to dismiss it from this point forward, as something that you made up in your imagination.
You are always receiving Assistance and Guidance and you have a large number from your own Guidance, with many of you having dozens of Spirit Guides. There is so much assistance coming in many forms, you have a Galactic Team, you have Ancestors, your Higher Selves, your Oversouls, Fairies, Angels including orbs, with all kinds of Helpers and you have Source Energy, all around you. They all want you to know 'how Powerful you are' and for you to live your lives in Joy, where you Feel satisfied and fulfilled with what you are doing.
Therefore, now more than ever before, you can be more confident moving forward, knowing that what you are getting, is meant for you and is to be followed by you. With our ability to see the bigger picture, we know what Serves you best with what you can be doing, thinking, talking and moving towards and we encourage you to move in those directions and to live that life of Joy, while also being fulfilled and satisfied in what you are doing.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings