We know that wisdom is derived from 'life experience' and the wisdom that we have attained throughout our existence we impart to all of you, that helps you to lead better lives. We want you to understand that all the 'life experiences' that you are having, you are meant to have, and they are not just meant for your Spiritual evolution, you are meant to 'access the wisdom' from those experiences and use that wisdom to 'assist others' who may be going through something similar. By having gone through that same experience and gaining the wisdom from it, it gives you the ability to Feel Compassion for another who is also going through that same experience. This is something that 'experience' gives you, that nothing else can.
It is one thing to teach, another thing to show others how to lift themselves out of a lower Vibration, and quite another, to Feel Compassion for that person without joining them in that lower Vibration. Those of you who have experienced yourselves in a lower Vibration, know how little you tend to 'know' when in that state, and because of your access to lower Vibrational Thoughts, you take lower Vibrational Actions, and tend to solidify lower Vibrational Beliefs.
There is no point in you joining someone in their lower Vibrational state if you are a Helper, a Healer, a Guide, and a Light-Worker, as you are not helping them by doing so. The best way to Be of Service there on Earth, is by Feeling Compassion for someone and sharing your Wisdom, and not, by distracting them from their negative Emotions, rather, to allow their negative emotions to surface. You are meant to show others how YOU did it and explain to them the steps to pull themselves out of their darkness, and it is with Compassion that you are meant to do that.
Compassion is necessary, it is your way of growing Spiritually through the experience of helping another. You have not expanded if all you do is write books, create courses, and tell people what steps to take. You have not then demonstrated an ability to 'hold yourself in a higher Vibration', while simultaneously, 'helping someone' who is currently operating in a lower Vibrational one. Therefore, it is of paramount importance, for you to be able to 'hold your Vibration'.
Many of you have often wondered why you had to choose such a challenging Path in your lives and why you fail at this relationship or that business venture, and some of you assume that there is a limiting Belief at play, that you have some programming that you have not yet released. While those things may be true, it is necessary to look at the 'bigger picture' of your Spiritual growth. It is necessary for you to have experiences where you lose something or someone, to then be able to have Compassion for another who is going through that same struggle in their lives.
If you do not have the same struggles, you will not be able to 'connect appropriately' with others in hardship, or be able to dispense that wisdom from a place of understanding of where they are. You do not want to just sit on your pedestal dispensing your wisdom, practices, and healing modalities. You want to be able to reach out and hold someone by the hand to show them that you care, that you love them, that you really want to help them with their current set of circumstances.
That also brings you into a greater state of Unity Consciousness, which is also a step towards knowing yourselves as Source. Understand that every purpose throughout the entire Universe is for the Being or the Collective to 'know themselves as Source'. Therefore, you want to remember that as you teach, as you assist, as you heal, that you are doing so, for another aspect of that which is YOU. And as you hold that Awareness, the other or others can Feel it. They will then Feel seen, heard, understood, and known by you, that gives them a greater chance of being assisted.
We have noticed that many of you who are Awake have taken this journey quite Consciously and we have witnessed within many of you a return to your original Blueprint. By taking your journey Consciously, you are setting an example to the rest of Humanity that you always intended to set. You are returning to the Divine blueprint for Humankind because you have unlocked 'within you' the truth that you are Divine Beings, pretending to be Human Beings for the purpose of Experience, Growth and Evolution. You have unlocked this 'knowledge' within you in a variety of ways and once you know this, you cannot un-know it.
You will continue to access the Codes and Information that are deeply embedded in your DNA to assist you in then becoming once again, the Divine Selves that you truly are. You are meant to walk this Earth as the Masters had, to find 'within you' the enlightenment that those Master's had sought and found. As the Awakened Ones at this time, you are not only able to do it, but you are able to 'show others' how 'they' can do it. That is what makes you the leaders of the shift in Consciousness that you are.
It is important for you to know that as you shift your own Consciousness, you jump to a Timeline where others are also ready to shift, allowing you the opportunity to play the role of the One who is helping them to shift. You have no need to look at the world as it is today and wonder how the rest of Humanity will ever be ready for their Ascension. All that is required is for you to take care of your own Alignment, your own Inner Peace, and all you have to reach for, is your own Higher Self. As you reach for your Higher Self, you become that 5th Density version of yourself that has the 'fully activated Divine blueprint' and is already operating as a Divine Being of Light and Love.
You are there to 'experience' this, because you 'wanted' to have this experience. You wanted to 'experience' the 'movement' from thinking yourselves as finite, as mortal Beings in dense Physical Bodies, to the 'experience' of knowing yourselves as Divine Beings of Light. This is what you are now doing, and it is what makes this time so special there on Earth.
You are there to Awaken and to Experience what it is like to be there as an Awakened Soul, so that you can shift your Consciousness and to help others to do the same. Everything else is the way that you chose to Awaken, or the way that you are choosing to Serve, however, the Experience itself, is more important than the details. Therefore, Feel very good about where you are right now.
We know there is much on Earth for your Minds to be considering, and contemplating, and when we witness you slowing down to take the necessary time to be in your Bodies and in your Inner Awareness, we know that something good will come out of it. We also know that there are many people telling you many different things there on Earth, and you must follow your own instinct and intuition and run it through your own Feeling Centre to determine 'whether or not' you want to experience it.
There is no need for you to accept anything as your truth if it is not resonating with you. If something does not Feel right for you, then it simply is not right for you, and you do not have to debate or justify it to anyone else. When you are in silent or guided meditation, prayer, introspection, and quiet contemplation, you are more Aware of what is going on inside of you, and in-order for you to be creating the Reality that you want to experience, that is where your Focus needs to be most of the time.
Therefore, allow others to have their version of Reality, because ultimately it does not matter what others think or believe, and you can be where you are, having your version of Reality. The only person you need to agree with 'is yourself' and in-order for you to do that, you need to first, be Aware of what you Think, Believe and what you FEEL. This is achieved when you 'tune out' the rest of the World long enough, to 'tune in' to what is going on inside of you.
You may be entertaining Thoughts and Beliefs that do not Feel good to you that you do not like, understand that there is no need for you to hold onto them. There is no need for you to take ownership of them and you certainly do not need to keep thinking or believing in those Beliefs. You always have the freedom to Choose, and when you exercise your freedom to Choose, to Let Go of something, you are then using Free Will appropriately.
It is You that gets to determine what it is that you want to Focus upon, and therefore, get more out of your 'life experience'. Here again, it does not matter what everyone else is Choosing, Thinking or Believing, as that is up to them. You did not come forth to be like anyone else, you came forth to be a 'unique expression' of Source Energy and to have a 'unique Perspective'.
Therefore, there is no need to concern yourself with what others are 'thinking or believing', and do not concern yourself about what they are 'doing' if it does not resonate with you as an 'action' worth taking. YOU get to decide what those actions are, and we recommend that you wait until you are inspired, until you have an impulse to take an action upon. You want to be led from 'within you' where the truth of Who You Are is always residing. We are happy to extend to you our 'knowing' that when you do follow that Inner Guidance, you place yourselves on your Path, you complete your mission, and you get to live happily ever after.
Understand that you are a Spirit, an aspect of your Soul, journeying through Space and Time to consider 'all the options available' to you and to create according to your own Inner Desires. And you must be 'tuned in' to your own Feelings, in-order to navigate this journey effectively. This is why it is always so important for you to 'allow your emotions' to Be, what they are.
You are less likely to 'tune in' to your Emotions and allow them to 'be what they are' if you think your Emotions are not as important as your Thoughts, and somehow feeling ashamed of them. When you are not allowing your Emotions to flow you stifle other Feelings that are present inside of you, Feelings that can 'guide you' on your Path. Therefore, as Human Beings you have very important Feelings to experience, and those Feelings often tell you what your desires are.
The ways of describing the Feeling sense, that you sometimes have, that you are meant to move in a particular direction, is when something lights you up, or puts a spring in your step and when you Feel a tug at your heartstrings. You are meant to decide when to take a turn or whether to go left or right at a fork on your Path, because it is not all laid out for you, and that is your Free Will.
You are always better Served by 'going within' and Feeling around for the truth of the right choice for you, rather than being concerned about everyone else's opinion and asking them for it. And all the different sources will provide you with many different opinions that you were never meant to rely upon. And all these different sources will ultimately confuse you more, however, hopefully you will 'go within' and recognise that the answer was 'within you' all along.
When you have denied yourself for a long time the full expression of your Emotions, you will find it harder to access those Feelings and Feel those nudges that are occurring. Therefore, part of the Awakening Experience, is recognising the importance of your Emotions and 'allowing' them to Be. That is the only way that you will be able to then use your Free Will to Choose 'which emotion' you would like to Feel next.
You must be able to Acknowledge your emotional state and be willing to Choose Consciously. In-order to take back control of your Life and your Power, you must reacquaint yourselves with those Feelings and Emotions that were readily flowing when you were children. Often choices are made for you that leave you feeling out of control. Let Go and move past those times that someone told you that it was inappropriate to Feel the way you were Feeling, and then, use it to Choose what Best Serves you the most.
We understand that when you look around you may wonder how Humanity is going to make it. We want you to know that you have already made it and that you are now in the middle of witnessing the Shift in Consciousness and what you see, is what it looks like. Therefore, you do need to look at what you have been Creating, in-order to move past it, and you do need to view it in a 'new way'.
Therefore, you can choose to see that what is happening on Earth right now, as a 'shedding' of the skin of the 3rd Density Human Collective, instead of looking at it as a sign of the coming apocalypse. It is essential that you Let Go of your fears, and this requires time for you to do it. You will need to continue to shed that skin and release those fears, and you will need to do it more rapidly because you are headed for big changes, and you need to have 'everything in order' to be able to handle the Energies of the 'shifts and changes' that are to come for Humanity.
It is the first Contact Experience we are referring to, alongside the changing of all your various systems, and the completion of the shift in Consciousness. These things do not just happen to you, that you experience passively. You are meant to participate in them, and as the Ones who are Awake, you can start by removing your 'fears and doubts' about what is to become of Humankind. Instead, you can FOCUS like a laser beam on the Reality that we and others have been sharing with you.
It is a Reality where everyone has more than enough and there is Peace on Earth, a Reality where E.T.'s walk amongst you, where you get to travel throughout space, and this Galaxy of ours. It is a Reality of Joy, Love, Freedom, Excitement, Creativity, and all the other experiences that you wanted to have there on Earth but felt were just out of reach. The 3rd Density which has been a messy experience for Humanity is now being closed, and there is great satisfaction in being the custodians, as those who take responsibility for Humanity's actions.
As the Awakened ones, you are capable of doing this, while simultaneously creating the experience of the 5th Density Earth. We want you to Feel into that, to Know that, and invite you to begin experiencing the 5D Earth now. Your Ascension has already begun, and you are Ascending into the 5th Density gradually and at your own pace. There is no need to be in any hurry to arrive there, and you will find patience comes more easily to you when you are in a 'state of Trust and Faith' that you ARE Ascending, as is everyone else.
What this means, is that you have access to more of your Light Body and you can Heal more quickly. It also means that your manifesting ability is quicker than before, that you are accessing more and more of your Spiritual Gifts and while asleep you are connecting to other Beings from other Densities and Star Systems.
We recommend that you connect with the 5th Density, and one of the ways you can experience 5D more, is through remembering your Astral Travels when falling asleep. And you can even 'set an intention' to go to different places and connect with different Beings that you want to connect with. Understand, that the realisation 'that You are creating your Reality' one hundred percent of the time, is also indicative of the fact that you are shifting your Consciousness.
It is very exciting that you are getting closer and closer to existing in a 5th Density Frequency range. Before you complete the shift, you will have E.T. contact there on Earth, and by interacting with these E.T.s your Vibrations will rise, you will have better coping mechanisms and strategies for living and having harmony on your Earth. You will receive so much from the E.T. contact, that will go beyond just knowing that you are not alone in the Universe.
Therefore, when drifting off to sleep, set intentions for you to receive more downloads, activations, and upgrades, in both the waking and in the sleep state. However, in the waking state you can also tell your Spirit Guides what activations you are most interested in receiving. As mentioned previously, it is better to be patient when it comes to the completion of the Ascension and enjoy the ride, than it is to impatiently wait for some big event to occur outside of you.
You are there for the journey, and the journey includes everything we have shared with you. There is no need to hurry to arrive in the 5th Density frequency range. See what you can activate, download, and manifest today by simply 'believing more in the possibility' and 'believing in yourself' as an Awakened Soul who is Consciously Ascending to the 5th Density. By doing it Consciously, it means you enjoy it more and you are more likely to see everything as bringing you closer to the completion of the Ascension.
You are there to do it, and you are there to help others do it. And one of the ways you help others to Ascend, is by having that certainty, that knowing, inside of you that Ascension at this point is a guarantee for Humanity, because it is already happening.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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