We are looking upon you from our Realm with such Compassion, and we Feel so much joy and excitement because we know that you have such a beautiful journey ahead of you. We want you all to know that you stand right now as a Collective, in-order to give yourselves the ride to that which is more, which is higher and that which is the 5th Density Frequency. Understand that you have known yourselves in the Frequencies of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and now 4th Densities, and you become acquainted with 'knowing yourselves' through the lens of that Higher Vibrational state, because of your agreement to be a part of this Ascension journey for Humanity.
You are ALL playing your roles, and you are playing your roles perfectly well. Some of what is coming to you cannot possibly be orchestrated by you, and that is why you need the assistance of the Non-Physical, Higher Density planes. That is where Collectives like Our-Selves and other Beings come in, all assisting you from behind the scenes without your knowledge.
By recognising just how much assistance you have, and just how wonderful the journey will be, will allow you to set aside some of your fear, doubt, and anxiety. You can Let Go of the need to control the journey, for it to be exactly one way, because that never allows you to Surrender to it. Once you Surrender to the journey, you will start to notice things and you will notice more when you Let Go of your grip and explore what is around you.
If you look around you right now, you will not find the evidence that You and the rest of Humanity is on an upward spiral. If you look outside of yourself right now and determine that there are forces working against Humanity, and that the forces are insurmountable, then you will find the evidence to support that idea. You could call that a Reality or a Timeline, and it is a Reality or Timeline that others are choosing for themselves. And there will be some of those who also consider themselves to be Awake, that are choosing that Reality and Timeline.
But when you realise, that as an Awakened Being, it is your work to seek out Oneness, to seek out Unity Consciousness, then you must Let Go of the idea that there are others and that those others are seeking to control and manipulate you. It is much more truthful to Acknowledge that you are the Creator of 'every single experience' that you have, and yes, while there are Co-Creators who agree to play their roles for you, they are not the ones who 'Choose the Reality that You experience', YOU are.
You will start to experience more of the Joy of your journey, once you slow down and loosen your grip and Surrender and Acknowledge all the assistance that is around you. And once you do this, it is easier to see how and why You created what you did for yourself. It becomes easier with the Acknowledgment that You are the 'Creator of your Reality', that then allows you to Focus, not on them or what they are doing to you, as you know they can only do what they are doing, with your agreement and consent.
That is how powerful you are, and that is the degree to which you are Creating all of this, for your own benefit, for your own growth. This allows you to receive more of the Beings of Light and Love, who are assisting to lift Humanity forward, once you Focus 'less' upon those who would pull Humanity down. And you get more of the Helpers that you have in all forms, and that is what we wish for you, at all times.
At this time, we are coming together with many other Beings and Collectives to strategize 'how best' to assist Humankind. Noticing the trends there on Earth, we know that more and more people are receiving the information that none of this is real, that everything you experience is an illusion, a simulation. While that can bring great comfort to a person who once believed that they were responsible for fixing a broken planet, there are others, for whom this information is not so wanted and not so helpful.
Allow us to assist you to help yourselves regarding some of the despair felt around the simulation theory, while we deliberate on what Energies to send you next. Within your movie series titled The Matrix, there had to be a villain or villains in-order to give the protagonists something to fight against, this however, many people took it as true from that movie and used it to believe that something 'outside of them' is then the villain 'in their story'. Understand that You are the Ones creating the simulations, and that there are more than one, from which you are benefitting every little bit of 'your creation', therefore, understand that you are not there on Earth to feed AI, or any other life form.
So please Let Go right now, the idea that someone else is determining what you experience next. There is only YOU and there is only SOURCE, and everything else is 'your creation' to give YOU an opportunity, to have the experiences within your illusory Reality, that will help YOU to Grow.
This does not mean that nothing matters and that nothing is real, because it does matter. Your Feelings matter, and your Experience of your Feelings is real. Your Thoughts matter. And you have an opportunity to decide what you are creating next for yourself and for others, because Your Thoughts Create and you are meant to use your Powers effectively.
All this Knowledge is not Serving you, if it does not lead you to conclude, that you can Create whatever simulation you want to Create. Everything IS, and you get to experience whichever aspects of All That Is that you truly desire to experience. We also want you to realise that you really are your Soul, and that your Soul is not the puppet master. It is You that has decided to be born into a Reality with certain shortcomings and definite challenges, knowing that you would experience traumatic things, all because you like a challenge.
Therefore, when the You in this Physical Body, pretending that it is the 'real You' decide that you do not like a challenge, then you are out of 'alignment' with your true Self. Creating the experiences that you want to have can be a challenge but also fun, the experiences can raise you and brings more of you into your Soul. You are summoning more of Source Energy and getting to live 'as that Creation' that is a 'merger' of the Physical and the Non-Physical.
And when that Creative Power is utilised, that is when you have fun with it. However, when it is feared, suppressed, or ignored, that is when you stop enjoying this creation of yours and shake your fists at the heavens and tell everyone who is listening, that you just 'want out' of the illusion. Therefore, have fun and play the game, because that is the game You decided you wanted to play, and you can decide to continue to play the game and align with the truth of Who You Really Are and live blissful lives of Co-Creation.
We know that you all benefit from our experiences as Physical Beings in our Star System, and we often share our stories with you, of how we grew Spiritually without ever needing to go down a dark path, without trauma or getting polarised within Us as a Group, while living in Physical Bodies at that time. We know you all seek to Ascend with as little trauma as possible on your Paths, and we will continue to 'light the way' for you and to 'remind you' that you are Awake. You do not need to be shaken Awake or be flooded Awake. Therefore, with the rest of your journey to the 5th Density, you can continue to 'choose to be' what it is you 'want to experience' while you are still 4th Density Beings.
You are readying yourselves for E.T. contact, contact that you are having and will continue to have, and you do this by releasing anything and everything that does not Serve you at this time. You can be 'clearer' about the types of E.T. contact experiences that you may want and place those Desires out into the Ether, Desires that you can then Let Go of, and know that those Creations are yours to experience. Trust that you will have your Personal contact experiences when the timing is right, and you will be Consciously on a ship with your Physical Body. Meanwhile, there is much to Create, Explore and Share with others on a beautiful planet.
As the teachers, the leaders, and the ones who agreed to Awaken first, you are finding that there are a variety of different ways in which you can share your experiences and your knowledge with your fellow Humans. And as shared before, you can go out into nature, sit, meditate, and be inspired. Allow yourself to receive the downloads, and then you can take action. Be in a state of Gratitude and Appreciation for 'all that is flowing to you', and you will be ready for more. Let Go of 'anything' that does not Serve you, and you will expand and become ready for your Personal E.T. contact experiences.
More importantly, you will be able to enjoy life there on Earth in the 4th Density, and you will have more teachings to share with others, who eventually will Awaken and who will also want those E.T. contact experiences. It can be extra challenging to be a trailblazer as you lead the way, however, remember at times of doubt, that You are right on track and that You wanted this.
We are acutely Aware of every single person there on Earth who is doing what 'they need to do' to reach a Higher State of Consciousness, and we call those the Awakened Collective, whose numbers are growing every single day. We See and Feel those of you who have taken on this initiative and applaud you. We invite you to FEEL for the enormity of what you are doing there on Earth, and we also ask you to recognise, that you are not in fact, alone, even if you Feel alone in this quest.
You are connecting with one another in the Astral Plane, sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences there, just as you do on the Internet, as you do when you speak to one another, text one another, or message one another. There are so many ways to reach each other, including Telepathically. You are coming together as the Awakened Collective, because, you know how Powerful you are when you are United. Those of you who are Awake also need to set aside your differences, in terms of your Beliefs. As the Awakened Ones, you need to set aside your Beliefs, as they create Separation, Separation that can be witnessed when you discuss religious Beliefs with another.
Also recognise, that you are 'connecting' with those whom you disagree with on a number of topics in the Astral Plane. In the Astral Plane you do not argue, debate, or try to prove that you are right and they are wrong. If there is any group on Earth that is going to Unite, it is All of You. Therefore, if you find yourself in judgment of someone else because they have a Belief in something that you do not, just recognise that judgment, and then Let it Go. This then allows you to relax and Let In more of your Soul Family Group. In this way, you are telling the Universe, the Galaxy and all the Beings within both, that 'you are ready' to come together with more E.T.s and Non-Physical friends. Simply state 'I AM READY'.
We See and Feel that you are Uniting, and we know that Letting Go of petty differences is a large part of how you raise your level of Consciousness and raise your Vibration and become that which you were always meant to become in this lifetime. You are the Unifiers, the Way-Showers, and the Light-Workers, and when you show others the way, you will see the results of that, even with those religious groups that are typically combative and in disagreement. We suggest you look for evidence of what we are sharing with you, because it is out there, and you get to Focus on the Reality of your choosing and it is the also best use of your Free Will.
We are assisting you to get closer to that time where you will be able to stand in front of a Physical Extra Terrestrial Being. We know it is easier for you All to handle and acclimate to the Non-Physical Energies such as Arcturus, that is a peaceful and beautiful place. Even though we exist in Non-Physical form and are non-local, we still carry the Energetic Signature of our place of origin, the Arcturian Star System. As always, we welcome All of you, to open yourselves up to Us whenever you have the opportunity. One such opportunity, is during the times you are receiving these messages, you can be Consciously 'opening up' to our Energies and our Consciousness, so that you can connect to Us on your own.
We have seen and felt the progress that you are making there on Earth, in regards, to Physical E.T. contact, and we know that many individuals 'are' having their physical E.T. contact experiences, and although some may not remember their contact experience, others do. When you receive Non-Physical Extra-Terrestrial Energy, you are getting your E.T. DNA activations, that provide you opportunities to remember more of your lifetimes as an Extra Terrestrial. Therefore, these 'contact experiences' are very important, as they are laying the groundwork for the Physical face-to-face encounters that you All want.
Know that you are getting closer to the encounters when you see UFOs in your skies, and in those moments, you are receiving activations and downloads. Many of you who have had these experiences realise this, because you understand that they are Aware of your thoughts in those moments. It is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth, because you get to have so many of these experiences in this one lifetime, and all these experiences, are leading to your Ascension.
If you play with what you have available to you right now, you will be able to Feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full Extra-Terrestrial contact with Physical Beings. We are very happy to assist you with whatever you Desire for yourselves, because we know the challenging Path that you are on there on Earth and because we delight in the 'process of Co-Creation'. We freely give you our assistance for anything, without hesitation when you ask for it, and then, it is up to you to Believe that 'you have Created' what you have desired to Create, and that it is coming.
And then, the easiest way for you to show your Faith in your 'Power of manifestation', is by Letting it Go. If you can detach yourselves from 'when' it comes and even 'whether' it comes, then you are in the correct Vibration for 'receiving' what you have already Created and what is coming to you. If you think that this particular manifestation means 'everything to you' and that your Happiness is dependent upon it, then it will likely be delayed. And if, and when, you do 'open up' to receiving it, you may find yourself disappointed, because your Happiness must come 'from something' that comes from 'within you'.
Anything you are experiencing that is placing you into that 'state of being', can go away if you are determining that it must come from outside of you. Understand, that you have All the Power, because you have the 'Power to Choose' what you are Focusing on, in the present moment, and you have the Power to Choose what you are remembering from the past and Choose what you are anticipating about the Future.
If your tendency is to head in a pessimistic direction or to Focus on something that you 'do not like' in the 'now moment', then you are unlikely to find that Happiness within you. If your tendency is to look at your past, focusing on regrets and things that did not happen, then you are unable to enjoy the 'present moment' either. Therefore, once you release 'all expectation' about manifestation, and insist on doing 'your best' to enjoy your every 'now moment', you have then become a Spiritual Master.
You all chose to incarnate on planet Earth because you already knew you were Spiritual Masters, however, you also wanted to have the 'experience of movement' from 'not Feeling' so masterful, to fully 'knowing yourself as the Master' you truly are. Therefore, the way of the Master, is not to be someone who is without Desire, rather, the Master who has a Desire and realises that their Happiness is not dependent upon that Desire ever coming into fruition. You can live equally in the Spiritual and the Material worlds. Equally, you can 'go within' and Focus 'outside of yourself', and do so, with the 'knowing' that part of what you are doing now there on Earth, is Integrating all of these seemingly opposites.
As a Soul you also wanted to have in your past lives, experiences where they were all Spiritual and others where they were all Material. However, in this lifetime of Ascending you have the opportunity to experience a little bit of everything, merge it all together and become One Harmonious Whole, who Acknowledges that everything is One, that everyone is a representation of the Oneness, that we ALL are, Source. And Integration is necessary in-order to do that.
Therefore, have your Desires and Create whatever it is you want to Manifest, and have a rich, Inner World that leaves you Feeling completely fulfilled every time you enter it, and you will simultaneously be able to live in ALL Worlds with a smile on your face and joy in your Heart.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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May we continue this Journey together for the upliftment of All of Humanity.