We have enormous respect for all of you who have chosen very challenging lives for yourselves there on Earth, knowing that those of you who have come forth and taken on so much are doing it for not only your own experiences, but also for your entire ancestral line. You are assisting your past life versions of yourselves, and the generations that are to be born in the future into your family. You are assisting parallel aspects of yourselves on other timelines and in other Universes.
By moving through a very challenging life circumstance or trauma, you are assisting all of Humanity, by showing others that there is another way. By dealing with life challenges, you are showing everyone who are connected to you, that they too have the ability to deal with life's challenges with grace, dignity, love and with joy flowing to them and through them. What we are seeing is that with those challenges that you have placed in front of you before incarnating, fewer of you are now being crushed by them and life's traumas do not need to crush anyone.
When facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge, the first thing you want to do, is to Accept it. Secondly, what you want to recognise is that YOU chose it. Thirdly, you want to Acknowledge the Emotions you Feel regarding it, followed by Feeling those Emotions. Once you have cleared those Emotions, you will have a very different Perspective on what it is that is actually happening and be able to see it as something from which you can spring forward on a new path, and a way from which to grow more Spiritually.
All of life's traumas, challenges and tragedies are nudging each and every one of you in a particular direction. Some of you may start support groups, others may form bonds with those who have undergone similar circumstances, while others may have Spiritually transformative experiences during the trauma, inspiring others when they hear about someone who not only survived one of these challenging experiences, but also thrived. You are all meant to inspire each other. Compassion is what is required for someone and not pity, and you are all meant to have Compassion for your Fellow Humans going through their suffering.
You are being 'of Service' to someone, when you can 'hold space' for them while those individuals can gain what it is they are supposed to gain. And you can watch and wait for 'their moment' where they will 'inspire you' and everyone else who eventually hears their story. This is how you clear 'ancestral trauma' and assist everyone who shares planet Earth with you at this time.
Everything that you are 'experiencing' is a part of your Ascension and we are certain that you are Ascending. Nothing is just an inconvenience or a blockage or something that is just getting in your way. Understand that 'everything' is happening 'for you' and is happening 'because of you' and everything is happening 'inside of you'.
Therefore, everything that you experience as a 'blockage' is meant to get you to grow Spiritually. An obstacle or hurdle is first created for you to find the Power within yourself to go over it, around it or through it, however, you always move on. You always move beyond whatever challenge you place in front of you, and this is true for everyone, regardless of how it might seem to you right now. Remember, there is always a bottom you reach when it seems like you are embroiled in a bottomless pit of something. And 'through you' there is always a continuation of the expansion of Source Energy.
Remind yourselves that 'this is temporary, and it serves me', no matter what you are facing or going through at that moment. You have the ability to relax and breathe into anything that is happening, and when you exercise that ability, you get the Positive results that you want. You move on to the next level of your Ascension and there will always be challenges, even in the 5th Density, as there is always more Ascending.
Your Ascension continues, to the 5th, 6th Densities and so on. You came to Earth to stretch yourselves, and to experience the myriad challenges that you have there to face and you are ready for it all. Everyone is playing their part, including you and you all knew you were a Master when you signed up for a series of incarnations on Earth. And you must be YOU, in-order to play your part, that means, being true to yourself, which is another gigantic step forward on your Ascension journey.
Be true to Yourself, and be true to your Feelings, and you give everyone else permission to do the same. In this way, you start living in a world where everyone is doing the same and you start to see more signs of an Ascending Society. It all starts with you, as the Master and the Creator that you are with every tool imaginable inside of you. This is why we are repeatedly reminding you to stop waiting for outside events, med beds or for someone to remove you from it all, instead, take the challenge that you set before yourself. It is an opportunity to become more of you, therefore, see it this way, because you placed it there, knowing what you needed to reach the next level of your Consciousness.
The question is, are you ready to do that? If you are ready, then you do not need to wait for anyone or anything. All that is required, is for you to look at your life, the people in it and the world, because they all contain exactly what you need to rise to the next level. We have shared this with you many times, however, it bears repeating. You are the ones to lead the way, because you agreed to Awaken first and to show others the way. Getting up on a soap box and preaching is not showing them the way, the way you show them is by first, doing it yourself, then through your brilliant stories that you have to share, you will have an audience.
There is so much to be Grateful for in your lives, and you can start by paying Gratitude to yourselves by thanking yourselves. You were brave enough to incarnate there on planet Earth, and since your arrival there, you have been able to create a Reality for yourselves that provide for you many opportunities to Love, to Feel Joy and Peace, and you are granting yourselves more and more opportunities to follow your bliss.
More windows of opportunity will come your way as you show your Gratitude, your Thanks, and your Appreciation for the World that you have created. When you Appreciate what already is, and what you have already done, doorways and windows 'open up' for you to experience more, and that is not a coincidence, and it is not by accident.
As you get more, you want to share it with others. And when you are sharing with others, they cannot help but get curious about how you manifested so much for yourself, and that is when your leadership skills are called to action. That is when you are being given an opportunity to teach, and because you know what you know, you understand that it was not just luck or because you were in the right place at the right time.
You will get people to follow you and subscribe to you, because your methods of manifesting works, and you can become a respected teacher in the art of manifestation. Ultimately, you are there to lead and show others that there is another way. You are there to break 'new ground' and to defy the odds and to face those many challenges of planet Earth and to show that it is possible to overcome the obstacles that one faces. As you do these things, you have more to teach.
You can inspire others in so many ways just by following your bliss. All that is required, is for 'you to decide' that you want to do something or possess something or go somewhere, keeping one foot in front of the other, and as you do this, the less you struggle, the more you will Appreciate and the easier it is, for you to receive.
There are some people that think that the more they struggle and document their suffering, the more accolades will be given to them. You want to avoid the pitfall that some people get into, wanting everyone to know how hard the road was for them, so that people will applaud them for getting through whatever obstacles were placed in front of them on their journey.
What you want to do is show everyone 'how easy it is' to move in the direction of their desired life, because you want to live in a world, and amongst people who are experiencing ease, who are tapping into the grace of Source and who are not complaining so much about how bad the struggle is for them. In this way, more people around you will Appreciate more, when you put out that Vibe consistently. As the ones who understand how this all works and as Creator Beings and Manifesters, we recommend this to you.
You are in the midst of the Consciousness of Change, and you are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, however, first comes a Change in Consciousness always. Sometimes the Change in Consciousness can be a bit unsettling to the Human Being experiencing it and sometimes it takes a while to acclimate to the Energies and to fully embody the New Consciousness.
Nevertheless, that is what you are doing, and many of you are doing this work deliberately, because of your decision to Awaken first and lead the way. You are leading more by example than any other way, and many of you are being called to come forward and put yourselves 'out there' more as the 'thought leaders' of the New Age. Some of you are still waiting, even though you can Feel that tug within you, and you can acknowledge that the nudge and the impulse is there.
And we want you to know that even though you can wait, eventually you are going to take that 'leap forward' and make the move that you want to make. Perhaps now is that time, and perhaps this message will convince you that you are a Light-worker and a Way-shower. You are one of the Changemakers, and you are there to show others how it is done, and this is just another prompting and a nudge. Know that whatever you have been planning to do, there are those waiting who will benefit from it.
Today more than at any other time in Human history, you can help more people Awaken. And from where you sit right now, you have enormous reach and there are also more people on the planet with you than ever before. It is also Okay to 'believe in yourself' even when no one else has. You are the one to give yourself the 'reassurance', that you do have what it takes to lead others and you do not need to wait for approval from someone else or to have people as followers.
Right now, you can put yourself 'out there' because there is a call and the call is coming from those who will benefit most from what you have to say, teach, or channel. There is no need to fear persecution in this lifetime, and while those feelings might surface for you, remember that you are not living in a time where people are burned at the stake.
In fact, you are living in a time where people are celebrated for the books they write and the YouTube channels that they start, and they are celebrated because they are different, because they are going against the grain of society's leanings and the widely held beliefs of the day. You get to be a part of that Evolution of Consciousness, and you get to decide 'how' you do it and even 'when' you do it. However, if you Feel the call, you will do it. You will show Humanity what is inside of them, by showing them what is inside of you, and there has never been a better time than now.
Just as you are searching at times, we are also searching for something that will bring us into a Higher Vibrational state. As above, so below. We do seek and we do wonder, and we have desires and we do have that which is not fulfilled to experience and so, this makes us qualified to assist you. We know what drives us can be different from what drives some of you because we do not have Physical pleasure to pursue, however, we also see how those pursuits are empty, and notice that everyone involved in those pursuits eventually Feels that emptiness, even if only temporarily.
We notice that you all tend to seek 'outside of yourselves' to such an extent, that you can become addicted to some aspect of the Physical, while we do not have anything to get addicted to here in the Non-Physical. We observe that what you experience is troubling to you, more than anything else on some level of your Consciousness, is a lack of a 'sense of purpose'. We speak to so many who Feel that way, and we want to help you understand that sometimes your purpose has not yet shown up.
When you are waiting for that inspiration, for that purpose to show up, there is much that you can do. There is much that you can release and resolve. There is much 'within you' that you can clear to make space for that moment of inspiration, to make space for those Energies that will fill you up before coming forth from you.
While it does not seem like a purpose to work on yourself, it is still a part of the purpose that you have there on Earth. If everyone just ran the moment they could, it would be a very different environment that you would be living in. Sometimes it is the boredom that sets in, that gives some of you the impression that your life is not serving a purpose for you or anyone else.
In those moments when you do not feel like you know what your purpose is, make sure you are making room 'in yourself' and 'in your life' for your purpose to come along. In other words, do that clearing work, release that which is no longer serving you and that which is not yours to begin with, and allow yourself to 'be your purpose' for a while.
Your world right now, is changing dramatically. There will be so many different jobs, careers, and businesses in the future, and some of them will be created by you. However, for those of you who 'do not' Feel that you have a purpose right now, you are being readied for your purpose. When you cannot see that broader picture, it may be hard for you to Trust, and to have Patience, however, you must have Trust and Patience, in-order to eventually 'let in' that inspired Thought, Idea and Impulse that takes you to it.
We know that you tend to associate 'purpose' with some sort of 'action' or career, however, that is not always the case. There are many people 'holding space' and holding a Higher Vibration to balance the Energies there, as well as, there are many people who are meditating, chanting, om'ing, and doing whatever they can to raise the level of Consciousness. You need to be Aware of how much is still waiting to come out of you and you need to Let Go of the idea that your purpose is always about taking an action.
Be aware of how much there is inside of you that you can access right now, while demonstrating your Trust and your Patience in something that will be more of an outward expression of that Universe that exists inside of each and every one of Us. We invite you to Relax more, to Let Go, and eventually Let In that which will inspire you to 'Be the Person, the Being, the Love' that you were always meant to be, and that you are destined to be in this lifetime.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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