All vaccines are contaminated and are a part of the same Agenda, it is no longer a question of whether a Vaccine works or not, which in itself is very questionable, as you do not know what is in the Vaccine. They are created by psychopaths and are there to serve their Agenda. What all Vaccines do have in common are molecules of heavy metals. These heavy metals increase the body's reactivity to electromagnetism and it is this reactivity that kills. Do not get vaccinated against anything especially at these times.
Antiviral Vaccines are a scam especially those like Papilloma - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). This virus is given to young girls up to the age of 9 years through a Vaccine. This Vaccine also causes sterility in very high percentages, 90% of girls get horrible side affects that the girls carry for life. Girls who are vaccinated with Papilloma Virus have up to a 40% mortality rate (depending upon when and where sampling is taken).
AIDS epidemic is another scam set up by the same psychopaths, there is no AIDS Virus or anything like that. It is symptomatic and characterised by the Media and the corrupted Pharmaceutical Industry as a Viral Disease and people are dying of medications given. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesos the World Health Organisation (WHO) Director is a genocidal psychopath and a close friend of the Bill Gates Club who are all part of the AIDS theatre.
R.N.A is a variant of DNA and therefore a part of DNA. Nucleic Deoxyribic Acid / Ribo Nucleic Acid the smallest and simplest Viruses are made up of only Nucleic Acid and Proteins. Nucleic Acid is the Viral Genome located inside the particle and can be DNA or RNA - this set of Genomes and closely associated Proteins are called 'Core Nucleus' - Nucleoprotein or Nucleoid.
So, what is actually causing so many deaths?
An energetic decompensation - 'exhaustion coupled with stress' followed by infections from other things in the opportunistic fashion that we have spoken of before. This is what is killing so many.
What are the tests actually showing then?
The test is the same, they are looking for something to perpetuate their lies, they are looking for something that has some empirical qualification to convince the masses that an acute problem exists. Some tests detect certain chains of genetic material present when the body is under a lot of stress similar to when you get the flu or radiation poisoning. If you have one or the other then the test will not detect the difference. What the test omits to say is that there is a chance that radiation poisoning could occur and will not show up. These tests are to find out how to modify their Agenda faster.
I hear a lot talked about respirators?
Respirators are damaging the lungs and they say it was the Coronavirus, respirators are forcing the lungs to expand and contract causing internal tears because they are damaged and have a Cell Autopsy causing internal bleeding and with it Haemoglobin causing the death of the patient.
How does 5G actually affect our body?
The problem is that the Frequencies of 5G interfere with the absorption of oxygen and simply put, the patient 'drowns' not being able to breath. The oxygen molecule begins to change when it is exposed to that Frequency of Electro Magnetic Radiation as if there is no oxygen in the atmosphere. This happens even in places where there is officially no 5G, however, the Military in virtually all Countries use 5G to communicate with each other and between their devices and their automated equipment. 5G must be stopped for Military use as well as Civilian use.
Why have social distancing and wearing masks?
Masks increase CO2 levels in the body and make the body go into stress, this then lowers their immunity making them prone to infections in the respiratory tract. This situation can promote Cancer since it is associated with low oxygen in the body. Social Distancing is for satellite purposes so that they can read 'where and how many' humans are congregating. If you are too close the signal is compromised and they cannot clearly read how many people are gathering 'when and where'. They do not want you to gather - this keeps Humanity in isolation while limiting communication between them.
So 5G creates a problem with us absorbing oxygen, does it create any other problems?
5G does not actually cause the Covid-19 situation, however, it is used to activate nano-technology. However 5G does destroy cells and causes many problems in all living things, it even causes radiation burns, internally and externally. 5G must be rejected entirely. Again 5G is not the cause of Covid-19 the cause is the Media - 95% are Media lies and 5% are 5G effects. Lies and more lies that is the Media. No one can any longer trust anything in the official Media.
I have never had an any inoculations apart from early years at school that were compulsory, I do not think they are good for the body, I know people that have become very unwell as a result of inoculations.
The forthcoming trial inoculations will just inject Vitamins and then the psychopaths will say that the Vaccine was a success, however, what they will later give the masses will be the Satanic Vaccine with deadly nano-technology. People will not have any adverse symptoms initially for some time, this is so that they can tell others that nothing is wrong with the vaccination, however, later people will fail en-masse.
Again 5G is not the cause of Covid-19 but it will control the population with the implementation of the 'Chip' due to the volume of information handled by 5G making it possible for total control of Humanity Globally. 5G does produce symptoms like flu or Covid-19 which does not rule out that it is used in some places as an energy weapon to make people sick and to say that there is a large outbreak of Covid-19 and a Global Pandemic.
Covert Operation Virus Imminent Destruction (COVID-19) - 2019 (Covid-19)
No one uses the word Virus any more in most countries. Many Governments have banned that title Coronavirus. However, they only use the title Covid-19 and this is because it is not a Virus. It is a Global Military Operation and not a Pandemic. The psychopaths have put their puppets in power in every Country around the World through their Secret Societies and their Masonic Lodges. A very clever plan, complex, sophisticated and well planned.
What do they put in the vaccines?
In the injections there are countless chemicals and organic substances including parts of fetuses that in themselves cause a collapse in the immune system. It is not always known what is in the injections that they call Vaccines as each batch changes, however, they all contain filthy or unpleasant things like animal parts or extracts of animal and human bone marrow among other things. They are anything but what they say they are, Vaccines are the Consciousness of the psychopaths behind them that give Ritualistic Satanic meaning to the Vaccines themselves.
You must understand that a Vaccine is not what they say it is. It is a substance that contains a germ, virus or an antibody in a dormant state that produces an Immune Response when you contract the Virus, rather, the Vaccine causes an illness directly in those that receive it. The Consciousness behind the Global Pharmaceutical Industry has convinced Humanity to be dependent upon the Medical system and the big Pharmaceutical and Drug systems. These psychopaths are attacking all sectors of the population causing them to become ill and are now preparing them for a 'programmed controlled' death. For example, it is known today that the vast majority of people with or without symptoms of Covid-19 who are tested Positive, already had (at some point in their past 'remote or recent), the flu/influenza Vaccine.
The Pharmaceutical Industries have created psychological addiction with these Vaccines as part of their deception within certain sectors of the Human population by injecting them with certain substances to be (or create a need to consume) some type of big Pharma Drug or even dependency on Drugs such as Cocaine or Heroin or other more modern synthetic hard Drugs such as Crystal Meth, all to control the population.
If a laboratory asks for a sample to be studied they will give the 'best one' that they have already prepared for this case. This will be why you will not find anything untoward with that sample. But it will not be representative of the mass volumes of Vaccines that are already prepared.
Nano technology means what?
Nano-technology means very, very small technology. In a laboratory you will need to see it with an electronic microscope and it would still then be seen as a minute point of fragment of metal. Nano-technology is not only small like a tiny robot with moving limbs similar to arms and legs (these also exist today) it is also apparently an inert metal that releases substances or reacts magnetically to a 'charge stimulus'.
This minute technology reacts to certain Frequencies that requires a specific signal with a specific command to be activated as a fully 'remote controlled' object. Each group of cells in the body will cause not only an immune response but also an inflammatory immune and allergic response. You cannot insert multiple pathogens into the body without collapsing the system as it happens with the 'Viral Triple' that they give children that can cause Autism. Although Autism can also be caused by other Vaccines. This is what they want to inject into you against Covid-19 with the excuse of the Covid-19 Pandemic. First they have these horrible substances to inject then they made the false pandemic to have the excuse to impose the false inoculations upon the population.
I hear that wearing masks are questionable to stopping viruses, so why do Doctors wear masks?
Doctors do not wear masks to stop passing Viruses onto the patient but instead wear them to prevent their saliva from contaminating the patients open wounds. The fabric masks are too permeable to stop Viruses and also creates oxygen restriction that make people more prone to respiratory illnesses, thus increasing the chance of contracting something that they will later say is Covid-19. Do not wear masks, you will get sick. In many Countries you cannot go out without a mask but they cannot stop you all, so you should go out without masks. You must 'fight' for your rights.
Very importantly, this control is silencing you, it is isolating you from your peers so that they cannot see your face, so you cannot smile, it limits Human interaction and makes it mechanical and sterile. Having no facial expressions that are very important in any Society promotes misunderstandings. High levels of CO2 cause accidents and while wearing masks some accidents are fatal. Response times are slower as well as thinking processes. If you do have to wear a mask, cheat, have empty cartridges or take air from underneath the mask or create air holes in the mask if it is mandatory in your Country or place to wear a mask. You must fight back and take control of your life and your minds.
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