We know that you will like what is coming and that you are on a precipice. You still have your lives to live, with so much to look forward to in the next several years and the time leading up to the full and open Extra-Terrestrial Contact experience. There are many details within your lives that you would like to alter, and this is a beautiful time to be considering what it is that you do want to shift within your experience.
You are coming of age there on planet Earth and becoming your true Selves. Not only are you 'waking up', but you are also 'growing up' and becoming more mature as Individuals. That maturity assists you in recognising that you truly are a Collective, and as a Collective, what affects One of you, affects All of you. You are Ascending as a Collective and those of you who are Awake want to assist the rest of your Collective to Ascend with greater ease and with an Awareness of what is happening.
There are other members of your Collective coming and you will not always understand the way of the other members of your Collective. They will come at their own pace and in their own way, however, you can Trust, and you can Trust in the process. You can Trust in the value of 'their experience' to the Whole. While it may be challenging for you to understand how in your Collective, warring with one another, could Serve the whole of Humanity, however it does, or it would not exist.
Only that which Serves All of Humanity can exist there on Earth, and that has always been the case. Therefore, it is up to you as the Awakened ones, to see how it Serves Humanity to go through the trials and tribulations at this time. We are not suggesting that you just decide that it means something that is convenient, or that it is an easy task that we are giving you. We are suggesting that you 'be true to yourselves' as we are true to ourselves, in every sense of the word. We will never pretend to be something we are not, and we will always follow our Feelings.
In the 9th Density, we are Beings without bodies who Think and Feel and there is no lying, because there is no way of hiding what you are Thinking or Feeling from any other Being or Collective. We are all 'open books', which is a very liberating way to be. If you think you need to hide from someone, whatever it is you may think you need to hide, will probably come out eventually, because you are already communicating it to them subconsciously and nonverbally anyway. Therefore, you might as well verbalise it in a way that Feels Good to you.
We know that when you are having conversations with other people, they are not always easy, however, we know that it benefits you so much to Accept and make Peace with whatever it is you want to express to another person and then to express it from that place of Peace within yourselves. Eventually, you are often all surprised by the responses of others to what you have to say to them. And that weight, that burden you carried around with you for so long is gone, and you realise that it was unnecessary to carry that burden from the very beginning.
There is so much within you that you can give your fellow Humans, so much to share with others. This includes the 'permission' to be exactly 'who they are' and to speak their truth, to whomever they need to speak it to in their lives. You do not need to 'hold in' anything, or to 'suffer' in silence, because when you communicate something to someone, they will feel relieved, having felt the same way. Therefore, be true to yourselves by going where you want to go, by doing what you want to do, and being with whoever you want to be with, in any given moment.
There are so many advantages to 'opening up', including the fact that you will be preparing yourselves for the 5th Density, where All of you will also be telepathic, with no hiding of anything from anyone. What you are FEELING is one of the most important things that you can communicate to another person, and often you will think you are communicating what you are Feeling, when in fact, you are actually not communicating it at all. You need to tell the person 'how You Feel' in 'Emotional Words', so they really understand what you are going through, that then gives them the opportunity to be Compassionate to you.
By doing this, it will change everything, and it will release blockages. It will free you of the 'emotional energy' that is stuck, and it will then 'allow you' to FEEL the way that you 'want to Feel' and therefore, Manifest what you 'want to manifest' in your life. Also, you will then see whether the other person you are with, sincerely cares about how you Feel or not. That information is valuable to you, because you want to be around people who are Aware of their Feelings, expressing them, and who also care about what your Feelings are.
You All can do this, do not allow all the Love to be 'conditional' as you 'open up', just Be Love, and give everyone a chance to do the same. This is a wonderful opportunity to do so with others in your life and you will enjoy their company so much more when you do.
We are very pleased that so many of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective are expecting a better Future for Humanity, and we know that you believe in the shift in Consciousness that is happening right now, and that it will be completed at some point in Humanity's Future. We have repeatedly said this to you because it is important for you to hear it again, you are 'not' meant to wait for an Event, a Solar Flash, or any other occurrence that would catapult you into the 5th Density. You are meant to 'experience' the ride, the journey, and to experience the 'steps forward' that you take in your Conscious Spiritual Evolution.
You are meant to, whether you realise it or not, experience them as 'incremental movements forward' in your Consciousness, to experience the slow and deliberate Path to the 5th Density, you get to experience your gradual evolution in Consciousness in every moment of every day. You are faced with 'choices' all the time, whether you are clinging to an aspect of 3rd Density or Letting Go and allowing yourself to rise to a higher Density level of Consciousness.
We remind you, this is not about going to a place, or having to wait for the Earth to split into two Earths, so that you can exist on the 5th Density one. This is another story that we are aware of, that needs to be seriously examined in the New Age community, because there are already many more Earths than the two Earths. It is an amazing experience as you become a 'deliberate Creator' of the next 'highest version' of yourself on the Path. Experiencing one amazing Spiritual Evolution after another, is something worth celebrating and worth Feeling very good about, right now.
It does not Serve you to Feel despondent that we are not telling you that the Shift in Consciousness will be completed in a week or by the end of the year. Let Go of your 'timeframes' and just Be in the 'present moment' with 'this version of you', that is being given yet another opportunity to evolve Spiritually and Consciously. See the completion of the shift as something that you are there to 'enjoy' and as something that is 'inevitable'. That is the best experience you can have right now. Make that choice, do not wait for something outside of you to occur for you to Feel better about your 'now moment'.
We know that you are ready for the challenge of shifting yourselves gradually and moment by moment, and we also know that 'you know' that this is the better experience. We know that you would not be listening to these messages if you did not resonate with these messages as you would be choosing to watch or read different videos or posts on different websites.
You still have so much to enjoy in terms of what is available to you there on planet Earth, therefore, do not be in such a hurry to go home to wherever you believe your home to be. Bring Heaven to Earth, by bringing your Galactic Energies down into the Physical Realm and into your bodies and Feel yourselves 'expanding' as you do, and you will show others the way.
Many of you there on Earth are placing your attention on Us at any time, and at any given day, even though there are many other subjects, people, or things you could place your attention on. And we want you to be Aware of that fact, so that you 'choose more Consciously' where you are placing your attention. Your attention does not have to be placed somewhere just because everyone else is placing their attention on that subject, person, or thing, nor do you need to place it on something loud or beckoning in some other way.
An Ability that is often not seen as a Gift, is your use of 'discernment', you get to use your 'discernment' to determine whether it 'Serves you or not' to place your attention on something. You are fortunate if you have the Gift of 'discernment' as you can Feel whether something does or does not resonate for you. You chose well for yourself in this incarnation if you chose 'discernment' for yourself.
Please understand, that those who have those experiences, have chosen them on purpose, and they are asleep, because 'they want' to be asleep. They are 'choosing' to watch continual low vibrational news because that Soul decided it wanted to have that particular experience. On the Soul level, they know exactly what they are doing, therefore, you have no need to make anyone wrong or call them sheep because they do so.
If you do encounter people who are not choosing 'wisely or Consciously' what they are placing their attention on, then you must recognise that there is a reason why 'you' are bringing those people into your Awareness. It might be that they are in your Awareness so that you can 'release your resistance' or 'your judgement' of them, or that they are there to show you that you are not, in fact, 'choosing' as Consciously as you could, what you want to place your attention on and for how long.
Therefore, should something loud get your attention for a moment, you could say to yourself, that you do not need to Focus on this, allowing you to then 'Consciously and deliberately' place your attention elsewhere. You may have heard of the truth that 'what you Focus on expands', and it is also true that 'you become one with what you Focus on' because you start Vibrating in harmony with it, the moment you give your attention to it. Therefore, you must determine for yourself whether 'this is something I want to Become' before continuing to give it your attention, as you will also see a reflection in your outside World 'of what you Become'.
Therefore, consider whether you want to see more of what you are Focusing on in that very moment. These are 'Conscious choices' that everyone can make, and those who want to be a Conscious and deliberate Creator of their Reality, need to make. 'Pay attention' when you decide that you want to be one of those people and 'pay attention' to what you want to see more of, in your life and in your World. There are of course, many reasons why you chose to incarnate there, and this is just one, however, you are travellers, explorers and adventurers and every place you have been to and all that you have been, is Serving you right now.
You are drawing from all those experiences, all those selves, all those places and Co-creating an experience of Harmony and Peace on Earth, and you are doing it, by experiencing the opposite of those things first. Everything that has ever been there on Earth has been for the purpose of 'experience', although not all experiences have been positive. However, all those 'possibilities' needed to exist for every single Soul to 'sample' what they wanted out of the Earth experience. You are meant to gradually come to Peace with 'the way' everything is there on Earth in your lifetimes and to Accept everything 'as it is', and change YOU.
You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, trauma and tragedy, and more Unity, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Love, and excitement. However, it is through this Earth you are currently experiencing the hate, violence, war, discrimination and so on, which is the Path to getting to the new Earth. By changing Your Self, you make a difference there on Earth and it really is that simple. You are the Change-Makers, but YOU are the CHANGE you are making. You are the Way-Showers, showing others that the way to the new Earth is through Accepting, Loving, and making Peace with the current Earth you are inhabiting.
That does not mean there is nothing for you to do in-order to make a difference there on Earth, there is plenty for you to do. You can share with others this level of Consciousness. You can assist others come to that place of Spiritual mastery, where they understand that 'Everything is to be Accepted' and 'nothing is to be resisted' and that everything was 'created on purpose' and Serves a greater purpose. And that you are Co-creating the new Earth in the 'process' of experiencing the Earth and the 'Earth experiences' as they are.
You are deciding what 'would be better' without 'resisting' the 'way it is' now. It is tricky and difficult for most people to understand, however, it is your mission to become your Higher Self, the SELF that Sees all, Knows all, Accepts and Loves all. You are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of Surrender, by moment of Surrender. When you Love it all, and see everyone as Source, you will know you are finished with this Earth and this Experience, allowing access to a higher Density and the new Earth.
Nothing is 'out of place' in any Reality you are experiencing. It is all perfect for you to have that specific experience, however, it does not mean you are chained forever to that Reality. The important thing for you to do while having an experience, is to make the decision to Focus on something about your current situation 'that you like'. From your perspective, there may be many things going wrong in a moment and only one thing going right, however, if you place all your Energy and Attention on the one thing that 'is going right', you will shift more quickly into a Reality more to your liking.
You must train yourselves to do this, because as Human Beings you have often been taught to find the problem and fix it and the problem with that approach, is that there will always be more problems to fix. Therefore, a new approach is required, a Better Feeling approach, an approach that sees Everything as Perfect 'as it is', in that moment. Once you can do that, you can find yourself in a Better Feeling Reality in a matter of seconds.
You have within you the capacity to Focus, and you need to use it. Consider yourselves as artists, and that everything in your Reality right now is a different colour on the palette and if you do not like the colours red and yellow, but you do like blue and green, you can choose to paint only with the blue and green on your palette. You can also Accept that red and yellow have their place, and you might like to explore them at some other time, however, you 'do not' have to Focus on them and think that they should not exist for some reason.
This is why you have Choice, why you have Free Will, and why you get to have so many different experiences. You were always meant to be there on Earth and all the different experiences you are having are making you better at being the Creators, and you must see yourselves as Creators and not as Reactors. You may have a 'reaction' from time to time that could be a knee jerk, automatic reaction, and you can Accept your 'reaction' as 'another experience' that you were fortunate enough to have in that very moment, that then, leads you to shift into Creation mode.
When you 'can allow' everything to be 'what it is' and Create using what tools you have available to you, then you are certainly making progress towards 'knowing' yourselves as Source. The ultimate Creator is Source, and no matter what Paths we decide we want to take, we are ALL going home to Source. It is always best to Create with Love, therefore, you must allow your 'reaction' to be what it is, knowing that if your 'reaction' is to get angry, then that is not the time to pick up your paint brush.
This is why it is so important, for you to ALLOW your 'Emotions' to be what they are and just FEEL them. You will be in a place of being a more effective Creator when you 'move through them' and allow them to 'move through you', where what you Create will be infused with such a Higher Frequency Energy. The Higher Frequency Energies that are bombarding you right now there on the planet, want to Co-Create with you. FEEL for them and FEEL for all that 'potential' you have inside of you, to Be the 'best version' of yourself that you can be, and as far as you are concerned, living in the 'best version' of Reality.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings