I'm still trying to understand the role of the Federation, its structure and how it works?
The next statement may be uncomfortable for many of the Starseeds here on Earth at these times. The idealistic and ethical Races have chosen to withdraw now, in the same way as we innocently thought that we were coming to liberate Earth. Taygeta is empathic because almost everyone here 'knows' what it is like to live there on Earth, so we have an idea how one lives and how one suffers from first hand experience there.
The Federation is dominated by Non Lyrian Races so they do not handle 'emotions' like the Lyrian Races. They are cold and logical they only observe 'emotions' and allow situations that individual's and peoples must face to study their reaction without empathy. Not because they are bad but because they do not understand the emotional Races. That is why they see us as an 'emotional' Race but they see it as the only way to stimulate the 'Moral, Spiritual and Consciousness' growth of a New Race like the Human one. The Starseeds considered 'emotional' are the Andromedans, Sirians, Arcturian, Plaiedean and others incarnated to Earth in order to experience 'emotions' as experienced by a Lyrian Race.
The Human Race is a mixture of countless Races in one form using a Biological container. It has always been like this. Humans must learn to fend for themselves, solve the problems that have been of their own creation. The Federation are only mentors but they do control what happens from above. They say 'non intervention' but it really is 'non intervention behind Humans backs' because their hands are everywhere. But the Federation will not intervene or remove any Cabal, it is not up to them, it is up to the Humans.
It is the same up here, not only is it that on Earth but there is other levels of this Cosmic madness. As on Earth, the same thing happens here. As we have shared before, there are other levels of the same Cosmic game, however, at this moment it would only complicate everything to get into that topic. It is part of other levels, intertwined with that of Earth (The Cosmic School) and it does not end with leaving Earth, you only graduate a level and the next level here is 5D where your journey of understanding self continues, and so it has always been.
I'm starting to understand the great deception that the Vatican through the New Age Movement deceived many, many Souls who were seeking Spiritual Enlightenment and diverting the Souls attention instead by instructing the Soul to 'just be' and wait by 'meditating and asking the Universe' to give them the 'path' back to Enlightenment to be an Etheric Loving Being existing in the Frequency of Light and Love. So, in this state of so called 'Bliss' our attention was diverted away from all that you have been sharing, I can see it was a very cunning plan. Now I understand that our learning continues on many levels.
It is not difficult to understand if you apply that which you already know happens and what has happened. There is a Spiritual Hierarchy and just as the Federation controls Earth, there are other levels of the Federation that controls what happens to its members also giving them challenges like 'saving planets, being guides for new species' like the Human Race. That is why Taygetan Pleiadeans are here among others including the Ruhr and the Urmah who are furious with the Federation for the Federation stance on the Human Race and has chosen to withdraw, but everything contains levels just as the Federation dominates and restrains Humans so that they do not come out to Manifest 'nightmares' of Earth, other sectors above the Federation control them. Sectors and Consciousness with more 'rank' than those here and from Higher Densities 6D, 7D where there is still Federation. This is why now the idealistic and ethical Races have chosen to withdraw as we innocently thought we were coming to help liberate Earth.
The Federation manipulate Humans like a Teacher manipulates their students. Yes, Humans are ET in origin but not in Mind. They are inexperienced young Souls, they do not want to wake up because Humans themselves do not want to wake up as a Race, as a New Species. If you see it from the Federation's point of view, of someone who desperately wants to wake everyone up, because you are a guide like many other Starseeds, however, the Human Mass does not want it. That is why we have always said that 'the Earth is just the way it should be'. Souls enter there to grow or to be guides and with them they also grow and they enter at their own decision knowing what they will face and as the Federation sees it, those who disagree can withdraw from the Earth and for many that way out is death for whatever reason, because for those Federation Races, death is only the 'exit' door.
I'm shocked, I'm not sure what I feel or what I really understand by what you have just said, does that mean you are leaving us because you feel the Federation is not just deceiving us but also deceiving you?
When you look at it carefully, everything fits. The Corporation is them, the Federation itself and our opinion does not matter to them, they have so much power that we feel they do not care. Their power is of colossal proportions and we are only a few idealistic girls and boys. They do not pay any attention to us anymore. As you know, it was the Federation that imposed the Van Allen Band, the Etheric Band until Humans could learn to resolve their differences with one another, until they mature as a Race or Species because today the Human Race is not yet considered a Race, they let them destroy each other as a part of learning, as part of the school but to a limit. That is why the Nuclear War will never happen, because the Federation does not allow it because it would finish the school. But they do allow World Wars because it is what Humans have manifested for themselves. There are 'free will' principles here on Earth with no interference by the Federation because the Federation believes it is the only way for Humans to learn, with difficulties and strong challenges to get Contrast and Manifestation Focus in order to learn 'to control their powers'.
So are we all on our own now?
The Federation do not leave Humans alone, they have always sent guides as you are today. You are the guides of other guides down there and we are your guides, we are the guides of the Taygetans here and other Beings guide us. It has always been like this for millions of millions of years, this is how Interstellar Races are born. All of them have passed their severe and painful tests of great suffering. There is nothing new here, it is only new for those who are unaware of this. Again, the Federation is not 'bad or good' it just IS.
Who are the ones orchestrating this?
The Races that you already know, the Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans and the list is long. Here there is no evil as such, that is a Human reflection. As you know even the Alpha Dracos are here and they are Federation, they were just there waiting for their turn to act, it has arrived and they are very active now. However, everything truly negative such as exploitation, slavery, humans on farms for meat consumption for reptiles, paedophilia, Satanism and ritual sacrifices everything is a Manifestation of the Human Mind. It is true that there is Duality here and with regressive Races but not as it is described on Earth that is only a Human creation and interpretation, it does have its influence here on other Races, it is true, but it dissolves quickly.
Are you saying that the Alpha Dracos flesh eating reptilians are a part of the Federation of our Spiritual Heirachy that are overseeing the Spiritual growth of Humanity and if this is the case from what I understand, this version of themselves now only exists on Earth as a creation from the Human Mind? So what exactly are the fears that Humanity needs to integrate in order to raise their frequency and integrate their fear?
We have shared over and over again these concerns that include Negativity, Reptiles, Maitre, abductions, atomic wars, billionaires with syringes, international monetary fund, Arcons, reptilian Queen, corrupt Politicians, disease, famine, climate change, global and local Wars, pandemics, hurricanes, earthquakes and Tsunami's, everything is the work of the Human Mind trying to understand itself and trying to control its enormous power of Manifestation. The Federation and Interstellar Races cannot welcome an inexperienced Race that Manifests nightmares for itself, so it limits them to Earth.
It is how it has always been. It is the birth of a New Interstellar Race and is guided like children by the positive Races of the Federation but the 'WORK MUST BE DONE BY HUMANS. It is a Galactic School to learn to be a New Race that actively participates with other older Interstellar Races.
Remember how traps, deception and appearances are handled on Earth, well, this is exactly how the Federation also works. It is not that this is not known, by one or other Races they do know it and participate in it, what happens here is that we the Taygetans and the Ruhr and Engan in general although they are a part of this of the same thing, Biological 5D people here, we do not agree because of our personal ethics and for this reason we expose and accuse the Federation of this abuse, no matter how valid their reasons may be. This has been deeply painful for us.
This doesn't sound like good news?
There is no smooth way to tell you this - so we will start with a short introduction and will use an analogy that you use on Earth. We have 'good news' and 'bad news' for you. The Good news is that the Federation or conglomerate of Positive Races has sent AID to Earth, the 'Bad' news is that YOU are that AID. A challenging job perhaps, but it couldn't be more relevant today. You know that the social structure of Earth is that the people are at the bottom of the pyramid and the social classes, politicians, clergymen, secret societies and illuminati progressively move to the top as in a pyramid. Above the illuminati are what many call the controllers, what are they? The reptilian Alliance, alliances with other regressive Races, Arcons and parasitic Beings of 4D and we have already discussed that they are a Human Manifestation.
The Federation sees and observes but it has limits for example, never allowing Nuclear Wars, a pandemic causing millions of deaths, or tens of thousands of children in underground caverns being abused, this is where they actively modify things but without 'being seen' as the cause of what happened. For example, they will never say that the Federation moved children from these 'dumbs' it will be said that it was the US Navy Seals, always giving credit to Humans and this is why ET's do not appear openly, including us. The Federation will not allow it. This is why we cannot give you the proof that some ask for.
It is not necessary to create those problems 'of growing through suffering' and it is a decision that the Federation make as a consequence of the action and what each Soul desires, to experience limitation. However, if you are not the Source itself, there will always be Duality, as long as there is the concept of 'I' and the concept of what is 'not I', there will be Duality. Challenges are created by the evolving Races themselves and whether something is suffering or not is 'relative' as well and an example of this is, whether or not someone likes garlic, some suffer with nausea with garlic and others enjoy it and suffer if they do not have it in their meals.
Why create a new race?
To experience more variance of the same, to seek further expansion and understanding and that is what Humans must learn. There is NO Karma other than that which is imposed on one-self in order to learn that so much friction is not necessary with so much suffering. When they understand that, then as a Human Race you will be able to leave Earth, that is what learning is for and what mentors or guides are for, so that they learn to overcome this phase in order to experience other things and learn to put their Attention on Beautiful things.
The Federation does not create conflicts by inventing things from nothing, they do not operate like this. What they do is give Humans a little more power in the form of Consciousness because Consciousness is POWER and with this Humans manage to Manifest things 'good or bad' and they must 'take responsibility' for the bad things that they do to themselves. This is the consequence of the natural progression of Consciousness of the process of Expansion of the Consciousness of each Soul. It is the Humans themselves, who guide the Federation to new tests, new challenges.
It is hard to imagine that we choose this experiment to experience suffering?
It was not chosen, it simply happened this way. Also many other Races including Insectoid Races have had their evolution or progression and it is not 'experiment' itself as that word is loaded with meanings that does not fit here. It is to 'oversee' the development of a New Species. 'Evolution' confers the meaning of 'going from something inferior to something superior', it is not like that, it is 'from something New from something Else before' neither being superior or inferior to the other. You are also having a great Expansion of Consciousness just by living there with that stimulation of growth that gives you experiences in dealing with all Human difficulties.
What is the purpose of this seemingly sick experiment or experience?
It serves for new and young Souls to have a purpose, it serves to form a New Species that will soon come out into the Cosmos, you see it as sick from there and from here, so do we. But from other planes, it is not. It is only how Souls are formed. The natural Evolution of Consciousness. They do help by putting angry Starseeds like yourself against the Coronavirus as well as many others. Other Starseeds will follow and depend on you to awaken other guides and so on.
When you learn to be Compassionate and Empathetic, when you learn to help others and work together without fighting, then you will have passed the test. Then and only then, will the Federation come closer and welcome you into Interstellar Society but as long as you are engulfed and immersed within your own creations and nightmares, it will only send you guides and unopened help, always hidden as if from something else or someone else. The fight is more necessary than ever, it is the whole purpose of the Starseeds of why they exist and what they are for. It is the job that is the hardest, the loneliest and the most responsible.
To be continued...
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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