Our Realm is heavenly compared to what you are living there on Earth. While it is not 'the heaven', you can however, do all the imagined heavenly things in your Realm. Only occasionally is this type of Bliss experienced there on Earth, therefore, you must decide what it is that places you in that 'state of being', where you FEEL you are in 'your version of Heaven' and place yourself there as often as possible.
And this may seem like a selfish indulgant act, however, keep in mind that when you access the Frequency that 'you need to be in' in-order for you to FEEL that you are experiencing Heaven on Earth, you are literally, bringing Heaven to Earth. Everyone can indulge in it, because you are grounding those Higher Frequency Energies into your body, your planet, your grid system and making it available to everyone else.
You are also setting an example to others and inviting them to join you in the heavenly experience that you are having. You are showing others what is possible, and that is important, because if people only see others suffering around them, then they are unaware that there is another option available to them. And finally, when you place yourself in that Heavenly Density that you create for yourself, you will want to teach others how to do it. Even if it is just one person, it is still sharing the secret that you have uncovered within yourself.
The truth of the fact that you have the opportunity to Vibrate at whatever Frequency 'you choose' and then to live in that Vibration, is still a secret to most. That is still a foreign concept to many, however, if you and others like you consistently demonstrate the truth 'that you can offer a Vibration on purpose and live the Reflection of that Vibration in your experience', others will start to notice and wonder what it is that you are doing.
It is important for people to realise that they have more Power within them than they think they do. As the trailblazers, you are the ones there on the leading edge who have that capacity to show others what is possible and what is within them, and what it is you are all reaching for. Your real goal is to bring Heaven to Earth. The 'merging' of the two Realms is inevitable, however, you can do it 'on purpose and now' and you need not wait for anything to happen outside of you to give yourselves this type of experience. To a certain extent, you are doing it right now, by you receiving this transmission of our Heavenly Message, and when you merge with that Energy, you make it a part of your Reality, in the here and now.
We understand why following your Bliss, your Joy and Excitement is more challenging there on Earth, however, it is a teaching that must be put into practice, in-order for you to understand and recognise the effectiveness of it. Follow your Bliss when you get a Feeling that tells you to move in a particular direction or to do a certain thing, and if that Feeling is strong enough for you, you begin to consider it on the level of your Mind.
Once you have trained your Mind to be Positive, you will realise you are being shown a Path to more Joy, Peace, Abundance and more of everything else that you desire. However, with an untrained Mind, you are likely to second guess that initial inkling to move in a particular direction or to do a certain thing. And if your tendency is to listen more to your Mind than to your Feelings, you will not follow through, and your life will stay the same, continuing as it has been.
Instead of trying to work out what you should be doing in life, be comfortable with doing nothing but Focusing on your Vibration, until you get one of those undeniable impulses, to move forward with something that will 'light you up' when you partake in it. It is time for All of you to be more in your bodies, to be more Heart centred, and to be more Feelings oriented. By doing this, you can leapfrog over the 'limitations' of your Mind and move into the life of your dreams, which also happens to be a life of Service, of Expansion and Inner Peace.
You have no need to work out 'how' all those things can coexist together, as it has all been done for you. Your job is to 'experience life' and 'allow life' to show you what it is that you are most interested in, most excited about, and that which brings you the most Joy. It is when you know that your Feelings will not lie to you, that you can move in those directions. You have every opportunity to sit quietly and allow those intuitions to come to you, however, if your Mind has convinced you that the most important aspect of your day is to get back into action, then you will not take those opportunities.
You have an intellectual understanding that the Energies that are upon you are there to assist you, to help you move beyond where you have ever been before, therefore, you can Let Go, and you can Trust. Should you not see any evidence of that in your life yet, then look for it in someone else's life. Look for the evidence that you want to find, that you know supports these ideas of living more 'in the flow' and being in a 'state of Bliss'. While action can create a reasonable life for you, that action can be actions your parents and grandparents took, who had also created a reasonable life for themselves.
As we have shared before, you are there to do more than just survive. You are there to Thrive and to grow Spiritually and once you give yourselves a chance to do so, you will Thrive and Grow. And that all starts by taking a different turn, because it simply Feels the better way to go, in any given moment. When you do that, you will obtain evidence that this is the way to be living right now, there on Earth. That evidence will mount and grow creating a Belief within you, that going with the flow and listening to your intuition, following your Bliss, and doing what lights you up, are the only ways to live.
And by writing down requests that you may have for us, you will become clearer about what it is you want, as the written form is there for you to see it, reinforcing it to you. All you have to do is 'align' with what it is you have asked for, and we are happy to be the delivery system for you, because you have chosen to Focus on Us instead of the many other Higher Density Beings that can deal your requests.
We all love to help you, and we all see you as 'worthy' of receiving what you are asking for. The timing of the delivery of your request is something that you must start getting accustomed to if you are going to be living in Peace and Joy. You will have achieved a type of Spiritual Mastery when you find a way to be interested and excited about what it is you can do and when you can live your life happily, even though not everything you have requested has manifested for you, this is important for you to find in your lives. You will not Feel very masterful, and you will continue to be on a rollercoaster, if you make your life all about manifestation, getting what you want, and then placing limits upon it by saying it must come in a particular timeframe.
You are more likely to 'receive' when your Thoughts, Words and Actions reflect the Higher Vibration that you are in, and then what you 'receive' becomes like an additional bonus in the life you are living. When your happiness, fulfilment, or the need to Feel whole, becomes a necessity, something that you require, that is when you are pushing it away, because you are attempting to manifest from an incomplete state, which is a lower Vibrational state of being.
Therefore, Be happy Now. Be fulfilled Now. And find something to get interested and excited about Now and Let Go of those requests once you make them. Understand that you are focusing on 'lack off', if you think you must keep repeating your requests every day or that perhaps your wording was not right and that is why it has not yet come.
We suggest you Focus on the fullness of your Spirit, your Soul, your Self. Focus on how much air there is to breathe all around you and how delicious it can taste if you breathe it in Consciously, with the intention of receiving all that the air has to supply you with. Find the Higher Vibration that is always available to you by relaxing, opening yourselves up and Letting Go of attachment to anything being other than the way it is right now and allow Us, your Guides, and other Helpers to do all the heavy lifting, all the work for you.
As always, we are excited as we witness you Grow and Expand in the ways that you do in every moment of every day. While you may not see the growth that you want to see out there in the Physical Universe or be able to detect as much growth in yourselves as you would like to see, you are every moment of every day gaining more Awareness, more Consciousness and you are becoming more Awake.
You start at some point, by becoming Awakened to the truth of Who You Really Are You, and then you go through experiences that make you more Aware of your Thoughts, Beliefs, Emotions and even your Actions, the things you do automatically instead of from a place of inspiration. And this is what you are growing from, and growing into, as you continue there in this lifetime. This is a long and meandering journey for you, and you are there to experience it.
You are there to recognise once and for all, that everything in your life Serves you, by going through those growing pains. Right now, think about everything that is in your life right now, and realise that it Serves you. Now think about everything you would like in your life, but is not there, and realise that not having it there, Serves you. Then, take a deep Breath and Relax and realise that in just a few moments of your time, you have attained Inner Peace.
It is from the place of Peace that you can Create, Open Up and Receive, from where you can experience Joy. You can look at your life and appreciate more of what is in your life. You can appreciate the people in your life more. You are not required to always be striving, climbing, and struggling to obtain the next step of your Spiritual Evolution. It is when you have more Awareness that you realise that the key is Awareness. Just being Aware IS the change, as it means you are more Conscious, and you will choose more Consciously the next time you are faced with a difficult situation or person in your life.
We want you to take the time to 'acknowledge yourselves more' for the growth you are making in every single moment of every day and by doing that, you will find yourself living in a 5th Density frequency sooner. You will find that you can hold that frequency for longer and longer periods, and you will no longer be waiting for anything to change outside of you. Therefore, Relax and Feel Good with how far you have come. You will Feel better about your life right now, if you just do it now, and everything else will change, and change more quickly.
Humanity has accomplished much work on itself to Grow and Expand in your Love and Compassion. Your desire to experience more of the Non-Physical and the Galactic also play a role in your ability to 'receive' what is coming to you Energetically from above. You can Feel for the changes within yourselves that occur as a result of you 'opening up' to the Upgrades and Activations and the Energies that support them, even though, some people will subconsciously resist these Energies and not receive the full effect of them.
This allows you to 'tap in' to more of your Abilities and Gifts, and more of your memories that will make it easier for you to have full and open E.T. contact in the next several years. There is not only one Star System that you have come from, no matter what you have been told, or what you may think. YOU ARE this Universe, and that includes all Star Systems in this Galaxy, and all Galaxies.
You can Feel into the expansiveness of the truth that you do not have to identify with just one Star System, and you can Feel into the expansiveness of the truth that you are all Starseeds combined and so much more. We are happy to Awaken that sense within all of you and are happy to assist you into coming to these realisations.
You need to see yourselves as constantly Evolving Beings, and these Energies are coming in to assist you in recognising that you DO have so much to offer your fellow Humans and so much to share with Humanity. You are always helping yourself when you are making changes within yourselves, and then you help others. It does not always look like a mission when doing your Inner Work, however, it always is. What you are doing now, you are meant to take to the next level, should this Inner Work be the purpose you have determined for yourselves.
Those of you who have previously attempted to fulfil a mission in this life may need to refresh yourselves so that you can put forth new Energy towards that same Goal, and that same desired Life's purpose. You are ready to step forward and be the leaders that Humanity has been looking for, and the most powerful way that you lead is by demonstrating to others what is possible. You have so much to contribute, so much inside of you that wants to come out and to be shared.
It is a glorious time to be there on planet Earth because of all the Changes that you have 'yet to experience' and because of all the changes you want to be the ones initiating for your fellow Humans. This is the time, and you have the support. Go forth and BE more of Who You Really Are, and you will see the changes that you want to see outside of you, and more importantly, you will experience them inside of you first.
Your journey is always changing because you enjoy variety and challenges. You do want to understand how old you really are so that you can understand how wise you really are, how masterful you really are. Therefore, in-order for you to do that, you must see yourself as being bigger than this singular incarnation would indicate.
You are meant to see yourself as a Multi-density, Eternal, Infinite Being. In-order for you to see yourself as Light and Love, it does not mean that you need to destroy or bury your Ego, however, it does mean that you need to use that 'sense of Self' that the Ego is to expand, to move into your natural Self. And your true Self is Divine. Your true Self is everything, and therefore, when you at least open up to that idea, you can take yourself and your life, less seriously and start enjoying the joyful adventure that you are on.
We understand that you must make it fun, as life is not always presenting itself as fun. However, when you consider how much you have already done and achieved as an Eternal Being, understand that making this life fun and enjoyable is a small task compared to what you have already accomplished. You need to give yourselves more credit and elevate your 'sense of Self' without getting caught up in Spiritual Ego. The Spiritual Ego would have you believe that you are the saviour, that you are better or more Spiritual than everyone else.
We are All Source, we are All One, and there is nothing higher than that, therefore do not fall into that egoic trap either. There is no need for you to work out who you have been in every lifetime and every Density, in-order for you to know yourself. What is required is for you to Feel for the Love that you are to know yourself more completely, and this is something that is a lifelong pursuit. You want to know yourself as Love in the face of hate, discrimination, and abandonment. These are real challenges and are the things your life is about. By 'just being yourself' in the face of whatever is in front of you, results in you Ascending.
In this way, you get to know yourself more and in a more permanent way than you do when you just choose Love in a particular moment. It is so much more important to Focus on Who You Are supposed to be, rather than getting caught up in what you are supposed to do, and then allow the 'doing' to come from that. And you can see the expression of the True Self as also being significant, because it is. The true expression of Self can be expressed in a smile, kind words that you speak, in Compassion that you Feel or healing that you send.
Do not get caught up in the details of your life, of anyone's life and relax and know that you are loved because you are Love. You have no need to get caught up in the Human condition or the Human struggle that sometimes you see All of Humanity embroiled in, because it is all good and it is all Serving the greater good. The Highest Good will always be Served, whether you ask that it be or not.
We suggest that you be curious about yourselves and about life. Be curious about exploring Who and What You Really Are, and do not worry about mistakes or missteps. You can tell whether you are moving towards the Highest Good or not, by how you are Feeling in the moment, therefore, do not concern yourself about getting it wrong, as it always Serves the Highest Good.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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