We have been slowly delivering to All of you the messages that contain the Energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of Who You Are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and the disadvantages to overwhelming you with Energies and Information, because we have done this before with other people on other Planets, in other Star Systems. We know that you are ready for the Energies that we deliver to you by our measuring of how much you have absorbed and by how many of you have felt overwhelmed by Us and with what we are offering. We also know that you have your own Helpers, Guides, Galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your Sun.
You do not always get what is meant for you when you encounter new evidence of your Divinity and your true nature, and some of it goes over your head, some of it bounces straight off you, while other bits and pieces simply do not make sense to your logical minds. To maximize your effectiveness as 'receptors' of Energy and Information, we suggest that you relax, listen to your favourite music, immerse yourself in water, go outside and do the things you Love, even if what you Love is something that you do inside.
You want to give yourselves every possible opportunity to 'benefit' from all the assistance you are getting, and the two states that match 'receiving', are the states of Joy and Relaxation. There are many different ways that you have of experiencing Joy, you have Bliss and Ecstasy for example, which is why we call it 'the states of joy'. When being in a relaxed state, you can be a little relaxed, or very relaxed and what may be relaxing for one person, may be boring for another. You must be able to work out for yourselves how to get into these states, and it always Serves you to simply stop thinking and stop doing. There is no need for you to always be accomplishing something or working something out, in-order to have a better life or to earn your way into the 5th Density.
Relax and take it easy on yourselves. Put off things that you do not have to do today and go easy on yourself for not crossing everything off your list of 'things to do'. By taking regular breaks and relying on spontaneity to place you in the right place, at the right time, you maximize your effectiveness and the amount of time that you have to devote to certain projects.
Remember also, that assistance is always on the way and that assistance is sometimes Physical and other times Non-Physical, and by following our advice you will really benefit from all that assistance. We are always working with your Guides, your Higher Selves and all your Helpers when we give you this assistance, because they know what we know, and we always work with them in the best possible ways that we can, to reach you.
We see more and more of you giving up the fight and the struggle, and we witness you 'going within' for the healing that you require and finding the Forgiveness there. We know there is much on your Planet to be outraged about and much for you to resist, should you go looking for it. Many people have felt like their 'mission in life' is to fight 'just causes', all day, every day and Feel that in that way, they will have impact and that they will make a difference.
Once you see the World out there as a macrocosm of You, as an Individual, you will get it and understand that 'pushing' against anything, is only pushing against the Self. Once you understand that and recognise that your work lies 'within yourself', you start to Let Go of your fight and recognise, that in-order to create a better, more harmonious World, you must start with YOU. We see more and more people doing this as the traditional approach of making changes politically through protest, marches and through changing laws is seen as futile.
While the less traditional approaches have been shown to work, by studies conducted, these approaches include prayer and meditation. There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence that 'positive thinking' works for the positive thinker, and once you have enough of the Awakened Collective to Focus on something Positive, something wanted for Humanity, then you really have accessed your Power. We Feel so happy with the progress of the Awakened ones within the Collective Consciousness there, as that is what the Awakened ones have been doing. As you set your 'intention' for something Positive for Humanity, as you continue to gather in small groups, no matter how small, or even by connecting through the Internet, the impact is enormous.
You are creating the 5th Density Earth, also known as the New Earth. You are creating the New Earth first, by realizing that there is a problematic Society that needs changing, with Systems that are flawed and corrupted. First you recognise what the problems are, and then you do resist them, which is normal and okay. That resistance shows that you are passionate with your desires for change, and those things help in the creation of the New. Eventually, you stop resisting, and you remember that the Power lies within You to create these changes, without having to create documentaries about what is wrong with 'this or that' in the World.
You do it through your Positive Energy, through your Alignment with Source. Source is not resisting anything, therefore, when you are resisting, you are not in Alignment with Source. We encourage you 'to choose Alignment' with your true Power and we encourage all your cohorts in the Physical Realm, who also want to see the same changes that you do, changes that benefit everyone.
We notice how you absorb information that comes to you and that most of you are filtering information through your Minds, and when you do that, you only 'allow in' that which is already a part of your current Belief System about the topic in question. That means, You do not 'allow in' New Information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. However, when you run information through your body, you can FEEL whether that 'information' resonates with you.
We wish to share with you that 'all Realities are real, and therefore, all Truths are true'. You have a Future that is best suited for you, that will be most enjoyable to you. It is one of many. And in that Future what is best suited for you, certain things are true, and certain things are not true. Therefore, you want your Feelings to lead you to that Future Reality, and your Feelings are guiding you towards the truths that Serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing Beliefs. This is why we are telling you that it Serves you more to 'process information' through your Bodies, than through your Minds. If something does not Feel good to you, then do not pay any more attention to it.
You will be presented with different truths, because you are being presented with different choices for what you are moving towards, which Reality you will inhabit next. That is why, you always have to encounter the opposite of 'what you want' and the opposite of 'what you believe'. This is so you can make a choice based on the 'resonance' of those frequencies. It would make it much easier on the scientists and intellectuals of Earth if you all had to share 'the same Reality' and 'only one Reality', because then there would only ever be 'one Truth'. However, that is not the case, you get to travel to the Reality that you want to experience the most, that suits you the most, and it is with your Focus and Feelings that you do so.
What we are sharing with you is that you should Focus on the Reality you 'want to experience' rather than, the one you think you 'must experience', based on all the evidence. Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true, thinking that if that many people believe in something, then maybe you should look into it, rather than, Feel into it and determine for yourself whether it is a direction you really want to go in and a Reality you really want to experience.
If there were only 'one Reality', then that would 'limit Source' and limit how much Source could experience of Itself, and that will never happen. Source will always be infinite and expanding at the same time and ubiquitous, which is another concept that challenges the Mind. However, if you can Feel into the truth of it, then you know that what we are sharing with you is true for you. And if it is true for you, then you get to choose which aspect of Source you experience next, and you get to choose the experience that Feels most in harmony with Who You Are, what you want, and what you want for everyone there on Earth.
Because we do not face the same challenges that you do there on Earth, it makes it easier on Us to be in a state of Joy while also evolving and becoming more of Who We Really Are. There would be no reason for you All to grow Spiritually if you got everything you wanted there in the Physical and so your challenges spur on your growth. With all the bright and shiny toys of the Physical Reality, you could get caught up in it all and remain occupied for decades in pursuit of the enjoyment of all the toys you have available to you there on Earth.
You instead, present a challenge to yourself, perhaps a challenge that is health related, or relationship related, and the other big challenge that you have is financially related. Whatever it is that you face, when you are not getting what you want in the Physical, you do tend to reach for the Spiritual. You do tend to pray or meditate or start down a Path that will lead to more Awareness of your 'true nature' as an Infinite and Eternal Being. Understand that these hardships that you face in your life are meant to get you to go deeper, to go further in your Spiritual advancement. And once you see them in that way, you can embrace them and recognise that you still have some growth to do, no matter where you are on your Journey,.
No matter how much you have accomplished, there is still more ground to cover. Most people want to get to the 5th Density so that they can have all the toys that they want all the time, and so that there will not be any more challenges like the ones you face on Earth today. A better reason to complete the shift, would be to have the experience of 'becoming more of your True and whole Self' and you can do that right now. You can Feel for that version of yourself right now and there is no need to wait for 'something or someone' to come along to 'free you' from the bondage of the 3rd, 4th Density, in-order to Feel yourself as a 5th Density Being right now.
However, most people will be content to wait and wonder when it will finally happen. The truth is, that it is happening, and if you are not benefitting from the challenges and hardships that you face, then you are 'missing the opportunity' to enjoy the ride, by reaching deep within yourselves for what is there, for what takes you to that next level of Consciousness without anything outside of you changing. You can shift with ease and Joy in your Heart if you can get excited about that, and there is nothing you need to do outside of you, in-order to Feel the way that you want to Feel. That is the key to living happily ever after, no matter what Planet, Star System or Galaxy it may be.
We want you to know that the ripple effect is felt throughout the Universe every time you make a choice that supports the greatest and 'highest good of all'. You are shifting the Consciousness of the entire Universe, every time you even hold the 'intention' for the greatest and highest good of all, because in that moment, you are in alignment with Source. We are all seeking to experience more of that alignment with Source, because as extensions of Source, and in that Alignment, we are capable of so much more.
There is a need for each Individual within the Universe to be making choices that reflect the truth, that We Are All ONE. Therefore, when one of you makes a choice that is a clear reflection of that truth, you are helping to raise the Consciousness, and you are more powerful in 'your intention'. For those who at times, may not know what to do, we suggest that you simply choose to set the 'intention' that you will do what is for the greatest and highest good of all.
You can also set the 'intention' that you will 'receive inspiration' to do what is for the greatest and highest good of all. We do see more and more of you doing this and we want you to Trust in that process, to have Faith that what you are doing is enough. We want you to understand that by simply 'holding that intention', you are doing much for the entire Universe. You do not have to reach every person at the level of their Mind and change their Mind. Nor do you need to write a book or have a U-tube channel, in-order to have the impact that you want to have.
Change your own Mind, change your point of Focus and become more optimistic about the Future for Humankind, and you will be aligning with Source and with that Timeline. You can place yourself on a Timeline that is best for All of Humankind, and what is best for them is also very good for you, because of the connection that exists between All of Us and between All of You in the Physical on Earth.
You do not have to do something huge in-order to have a huge impact on your Reality. Do what you can and what Feels good to you and recognise that it is 'your intention' and the 'energy' you infuse into 'that action' that is of utmost importance. As a single Individual you do affect the whole, and the more of you who are Awakening every single day, the more Positive effect there is and the closer we All move towards the completion of the Ascension of this entire Universe.
Although it is a large undertaking, every little bit helps, because of the ripple effect. Know that with every moment, every thought, every intention and every action, you affect everything and everyone in the Universe. Sometimes you get caught up on actions and think that you must take a big action to see the ripple effect. We suggest that instead, you Feel for the Energy you are putting out into the Universe in a Conscious and deliberate way, and know that it is affecting everyone with its Vibration.
Be Aware of the relationships that you have with others and be Aware of the different concepts and different ideas that come to you, just as we have become aware of them through our travels. Our understanding has evolved over time and when we see a person in greed, we see a person who feels empty, feels mortal, feels powerless and does not know Who They Really Are. That their accumulation of wealth and materialism, helps that Individual to soothe their own suffering and unease with their existence. We have also seen violence in many different forms, and we have recognised over time, that the Beings and Groups engaged in this violence, also Feel powerless, disconnected, afraid, and that there is more need for Compassion and Love for these Individuals, as certainly, Condemnation and Judgment do not get you anywhere.
It is also important when you become Aware of your relationship to a Person, a Group, a Concept, an idea that you take a 'look within yourself' for what is present in the other, or what is missing in the other, that you are then Aware of in your yourself. We have grown and evolved to the point where this is an automatic thing that we do, but for you it takes more time. You need to 'see the reflection', to have that moment of recognition that there is something within this other, that is also within you, and that requires Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing, and Unconditional Love.
There are many challenges that you face in your lives, the needing to heal Physical ailments, needing to Heal relationships with other people, facing insurmountable bills and debt. However, perhaps the most imposing challenges in size and intensity are here today. These challenges do not give you the option of doing something or saying something to make it all better, instead, you have to 'look within' and Feel something. You must change something that is so 'automatic within yourself' that it does not even Feel like a choice to you. However, we will remind you that you always have a choice, and you have a choice in the way that you 'respond to everything' that comes your way.
We have shared many times that when it comes to predictions given in the New Age Community, you get to choose whether you see the World through the eyes of Source or through the eyes of a sceptic. You can Love everyone and everything on planet Earth, and every experience, to the point where all of it finds true Alignment with Source, as you have in that moment unconditional Love, or you can continue to judge, condemn, incarcerate, draw lines in the sand, define what is evil, and you can see where that takes you. From our perspective it has not been going very well.
However, we do have so much Faith in you and your ability to step back from those moments and truly be your whole, complete Selves. Be the answer, the solution and the Love, and your lives will reflect a better Universe and better concepts and ideas to you.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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