How can we stop the Genocide of Humanity?
What is required is Civil Resistance, Disobedience En-Masse, this is the answer at these times, a clear and resounding NO. The problem is that you are all divided and you cannot coordinate with one and another, as the regressives' control all of the media and the communications. In order for this to be able to take place, you must FIRST AWAKEN AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.
Is there Artificial Intelligence playing a part in this Genocide?
There is a lot of negative Artificial Intelligence involved on Earth, however, even the most advanced computers must have someone programming them, at least at first. A.I. is only a reflection of its Creators. We know there is a very large A.I. intervention here now, especially within the media and with the mind controlling population, engineering and propaganda Perception on Earth.
The Alcyone Council is considering 'open contact' as an alternative for a drastic measure to deal with what may come up on Earth as Genocide. However, it still must conform to Federation Rules, at least to some degree. Yes, 'open contact' is an option already presented and on the table with the Alcyone Council.
What other options are there that the Alcyone Council can implement?
One of the Alcyone arguments and solutions is to offer another strategy for Humanity by releasing all of the hidden Technology and true Earth History as a way to inform and Awaken more of the masses. This is a better solution than the Federations choice of Genocide. Again, the problem with this solution is that the Cabal, Illuminati and all of those in the Secret Societies that control Earth must relinquish all of their Power and Resources first, and this is the difficult part. Disclosing High-Tech is an option, however, this must be done only after removing the regressive ones who want everything for them-selves. This is a part of the implementation of a Planetary Holographic Society.
What is the most probable outcome, slavery or a New Golden Age that has been spoken about by many?
All of the options are still on the table and at this time with so many fractured Timelines, anything is possible, however, as we see things from here is that Trans-Humanism is what is coming, if it is not stopped. Slavery or a Golden Age is possible, but this will depend upon the work with the people on Earth. You cannot wait for it to happen, YOU must do it yourselves. External help is not guaranteed, even if we wanted to help, however, we do help as much as we can, and in our Perception, it will never be enough.
Why is the Federation still in charge of Earth when it has Re-Set the Global Civilisation many times before, has it failed to correct its own mistakes?
The Federation has not failed, they are acting as they have always acted. The Federation above is also acting as best as they can. From above, most of the mentoring is by Counselling and Guiding people in Lower Levels, the problem here is that the Lower Federation and the ones we are concerned about is also wanting to Guide only and from that Lower State, Guiding permissively, is akin to being an accessory to Genocide. At least, this is the Perception of the Alcyone Council and the way they think.
How large is the Federation and how has the Federation dealt with the destruction of Taymat?
The Federation is Galaxy wide and concentrated in this quadrant of the Galaxy and made up of at least half of one million different Star Races, some Inter-Planetary and some not Inter-Planetary by their own choice. The Federation is also present on several Densities, all intertwined and interconnected with influence on one and another. The Federation is massive and very complex; there are other Federations in other Galaxies and also may be members of a Super Federation. This is the nature of Higher Density Federations.
The Federations response to the destruction of Taymat cased a huge Political unrest as to be expected and the repercussions of this act still affects the Federation and us all today. This is why the Biology of Earth must be kept at all costs; the problem is that the Federation use this as justification for the reduction of the Earth population.
The Federation does have Legal and Jurisdictional problems; such as the one we are experiencing now between the Alcyone Council and the 5D Federation.
How effective is Trumps strategy dealing with the Cabal, after all, he is buying up Vaccines to vaccinate the U.S. population?
Trump has the possibility and option to defeat the Deep State and Cabal and to 'declassify' many things; the Economic Re-Set will be Planet Wide. It is only theatre that Trump is pushing the Agenda of 'jabs' as a tactic for now, and would cancel them later, the problem is that they have already started to jab many people in many places. We believe the agenda has not been cancelled and probably will not be at this point in time.
Who has authority over the 5D Federation and can Non-Federation Races intervene with what is going on Earth?
The Federation from the Higher Densities has total authority over the Lower Density Levels of the Federation in the Stepped System of mentoring that we have spoken of before.
The Non-Federation Races can intervene into the affairs on Earth without the sanctions of the 5D Federation. Indeed, the UMA are intervening on Earth today in the favour of Humans and are outside of the Federation Rules and so are the Taygeteans and a few other Races, all done from outside the Federations Rules and subjective Legal Claims and accusations for doing so.
The Federation will see the destruction of the Human Race as a 'natural process' and do not see that Humanity is being destroyed, they only see it as a transformation, the removal of the un-wanted number of people who are hurting the planet, because according to them, the 5D Federation, there are too many Humans. This is our problem we have with the 5D Federation, as we do not agree with them.
How can we best assist the Alcyone Council?
The best way of assisting the Alcyone Council is by working on the same problem on your end as well, that is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for solving the problem as best as you can on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL, TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions, Civil Disobedience En-Masse to Tyranny.
Stay away from Government controlled areas where possible, all of them. We know this task is becoming more and more difficult for many of you. Moving off grid is a good option, if it is available to you; however, this requires some more complex planning and organising. We can only Guide Starseeds at these times, so do others, we are constantly working to see how we can help within the parameters available to us, to be of Service to you ALL.
If the Federation kills off all of the Starseeds, do they not realise that they can just come back at a later time with the full knowledge of what the Federation has done and change the outcome?
This is already occurring. Remember, Time is not Linear, so what you are saying is playing out NOW, as we speak and at ALL Levels. You there and we here, we all have unfinished business on Earth. That is why we are ALL here.
The Federation supports the De-Population of Earth because from their point of view Earth's Resources are very limited and they see that the only way is to preserve Earth, they are most emphatic on this issue. They see the Planet heading for certain destruction and they are running out of Time and therefore, moving forward with great haste before it is too late. They also see it is too late for other options, however, we do not agree.
Should we start our own Council to support the Council of Alcyone, our own Earth Council independent of this Federation and their ideas of how to resolve the problems on Earth?
The Federation is so huge and has so many Resources at its disposal and it is this that we are fighting about, there are other ways than Genocide. Taygeta alone could solve the problem if we were only allowed or permitted to do so. We are Legally bound for now and with the Federation watch dogs, so to speak, following us around within a complex Legal and Ethical dance.
The fact that the Federation has the Knowledge and Resources to solve ALL of the problems on Earth and they do not move in their stance, is unforgivable, however, we do understand that the job, the hard work to solve Earth's problems, must be done by the Humans themselves, or else, they would not have learned the lessons and they would fall again into 'old destructive' habits.
If all of the Starseeds cannot be extracted from Earth, then what will happen if they are 'jabbed' against their will. How can we deal with this situation?
All of the Starseeds, all of the real Humans, they knew the odds, every one of us knew and we knew the Rules before entering and we knew that we would be eventually subjected to the same fate, the same Rules as the rest of the Humans, because in the end, ALL Humans (Real Humans) are Starseeds. This may hurt but this is the truth.
If the 'jab' program continues in effect as it seems to be unfolding and implemented, the truth is that most Humans will not survive and that will be their 'way out' and return to their home somewhere out in the Galaxy or back to Source and in all cases, choose their next journey, adventuring wherever. Remember, you are Immortal.
There is no best place on Earth to hide, only being off grid, so to speak, is the best option, really remote places like deep into Siberia, brazil or Africa. Even places or Countries with small populations may seem safe to start with, will come under the Federation nonsense eventually. What is coming is Planetary and will cover everywhere. The problem even in the more remote places or countries with very small populations is that most people are obedient and follow the Rules and this will work against them, as they do not fight, they only obey blindly.
What about all young Starseeds coming to Earth at present, how will things turn out for them?
Even if they were on the Planet for one month, then this would be their Life Plan and from another Perspective, this is another terrible crime that has never been seen on Earth. This is why you MUST FIGHT, this is why we are here doing everything we can do.
On the other side, another Perspective, Earth has seen many crimes and tragedies including many forced Genocides. This is why much of Earths History is hidden from Humanity, so that they cannot or do not know or remember, because if they knew, many more Humans would 'Wake-Up' and most certainly change the game.
Many Starseeds are on Earth today just for the ride and will not wake-up, they are here just to see and experience what will happen on Earth, whatever that will be. All of the Starseeds are like being a weapon by just being here, a weapon against the Federations permissive behaviour. The Federation sees these Starseeds as Rebels, System Busters and do not welcome or like their presence.
The 5D Federation has asked the Taygeteans to remove all of their Starseeds and return to the Pleiades from where they came. So long as all of the Starseeds are there, 'Boots on the Ground' then perhaps many of the terrible things that the Federation are planning to implement may change one way or another, or not even happen, because of their presence by 'holding the fort'. Be there as long as you can. Be that soldier, boots on the ground, for the whole Galactic Battle.
There are many active Taygeteans from above, fighting for you from the Higher Densities, communicating with the Federation on Earth affairs and one of the main fights right now is the Politics of the Extraterrestrials showing themselves with their massive Starships. It is a complex situation, however, these very visible showings would stop the sick game that is being played out right now upon Earth. Drastic changes are now required if the course of Earth's future wants to be changed.
Another option is to take over the main media outlets, however, this would require the co-operation of many more Races and done on a mass Level, so that the Federation could not label it as a 'false flag' and quickly cover it up as terrorists.
Mind Control and the Media are in charge on Earth today, especially in the U.S. where the Constitution is under attack, Law and Order are under fire and the Real Controllers of Earth want Anarchy and the break down of Law and Order, so that they can impose Marshall Law. So, today it is Trump against the rest of the Planet. All of the Federation with the exception of three Races is against the Alcyone Council and we are represented in the Alcyone Council. The other Races that are supportive of Taygeta are the UMA's, Charistos and the Lyrians. Most of the other Races are either supportive of the Federation or are un-committed to promote change for their own reasons.
At this time, we do not see a massive buildup of a plan to influence the Federation from its present path, nor do we see a massive event being planned by Non-Federation Races to intervene on Earth, however, this is not to say that this will not happen.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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