We have enough experience in working with Physical Beings in the 3rd Density to know how to assist you live better lives there and how significant it is for all of you to be there in those Physical bodies and we want you to understand that you are there to 'ground in' Higher Frequency Energies for the Collective of Humanity and for this entire Universe. We want you all to embrace the fact that you chose to be there, to have a Physical body at this time and we invite you to look in the Physical Realm for that which can give you a reason to 'Feel grounded'.
We know that you can find something to get excited about in the Physical Reality there on Earth, you can appreciate, love, and participate on a regular basis. By doing so, you offer yourselves up as 'conduits' for the Non-Physical Energy coming from the Higher Density planes. By following 'your bliss', is an act of Service, not only for Humanity, but for the entire Universe, and all that is required is for you to be living your lives there on Earth. And to be of greatest Service on Earth, you must find 'something' that is enjoyable while living your life there.
In-order to find something enjoyable, you must put away your protests, your anger with what is wrong with life on Earth at this time, this will then allow you to have the 'time and energy' to put towards those things that truly excite you, delight you and light you up, that gives you a reason to jump out of bed in the mornings. You have such a variety of choices available to you every day and so we invite you to see it that way, because you are not a part of the Conscious Ascension Journey if you are just waiting for ships to land, a solar flash to occur for the Ascension event to be completed.
You can live a life on Earth that 'contributes' to the Higher Frequency Energies that the Human Collective Consciousness needs so much, and you can live a life that inspires others. We remind you that there is no need for you to wait for anything to happen, in-order for you to be your 5th Density Self now. You are there to be leaders in Thought, Word, and Action, and not there to just wait for the next prediction about what will happen or when it will happen.
Our suggestion is for you to become more proactive in your lives, by going out into Nature and connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature, and by connecting with other Humans. We know that it will work for you as we have seen it work on so many Worlds, on so many Densities and Star Systems, therefore, it is now time to allow all that has already been, to work for you there on Earth.
You are consistently 'being there' for others in so many ways on Earth and we from the Higher Realms appreciate every one of you and for all your efforts. We wish to emphasise again, the significance of you being there at this time as you could be in many other places across the Universe, but you chose to have experiences there on Earth, because you saw the enormous opportunities that were there, for your Transformation and Spiritual Evolution.
It is the perfect time for you to take hold of some of that Transformation. It is always available to you and all you need to do is 'Let Go of control' over your lives. Let Go of the need that you have at times, to orchestrate everything and to make everything the way 'you think it should be'. By Letting Go, you will 'allow in' more of your Personal Transformation, that allows you to see more of your outside World transforming to meet you, where you 'now are'.
You need not orchestrate anyone else's journey, you only need to 'allow everyone' to be exactly 'where they are' and that everyone is exactly 'where they need to be' on their journey at this time, even if you consider they may be living a self-created delusion. They are still benefitting from being right where they are and everyone is exactly where they need to be, doing what they need to do. This is how you Let Go of the 'divisiveness' and move past this idea of Separation that you have there on Earth.
You can transform yourself into the Master capable of helping those that are ready to be helped, by transcending the 'Us versus Them' mentality in your own Mind. There will always be those who will be the perfect students, who are ready for what you have to teach them, that 'will or can' show up once you have Let Go of any ideas you may have of 'where you should be' as a Master, a Teacher and as a Leader in the Evolution of Consciousness.
Be patient and Allow things to unfold, take your time and Trust that everything is in perfect order 'as it is' there on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy and Universe. Be at One 'in the moment' and Feel yourself transforming in that moment. You are ready, and Now is the time. There has never been a better time to transform while living on planet Earth. And you always knew that you would be Awake for this process and that you would be one of the Ones on the leading edge, to assist in making this enormous leap forward in your Spiritual Evolution for the rest of Humankind.
It only seems that it all must be more complicated than that, however, by just Letting Go and Surrendering, you will personally transform and show others how you discovered Inner Peace, Inner Sanctum, and the Realm within you, that contains everything and all Vibrations. You have all come to know that what you are doing there is far greater than living a perfect life in the 3rd Density. You are there to Grow, Expand, Evolve and to assist others to do the same. You are there to eventually Ascend, and we are here to help.
We spend much of our Focus on determining what you are ready for and what you are not, based on our observations and on what we have come to know about Humanity. We are receiving many requests for a peaceful world, living in a world where people can prosper and live harmoniously and thrive. All these requests are seen by us as a reflection of how well you are doing as a Human Collective.
We are not seeing as many requests for immense wealth, power, and positions of authority, because those who are addressing us and are Awake know those are the hollow paths with no substance. You are there to eventually Ascend, and we are here to help.
There is still much that needs to be brought into the Physical Earth environment, as there is much that needs to be healed, released, forgiven, and so on. There are those of you who are Aware of these needs opening yourselves up to us and to the help that we can provide, of which we are in much appreciation. Those of you who have volunteered to be our 'ground crew' are being called into action, and we know who you are.
Your Guides assist you to 'open up' your crowns to give your bodies the upgrades that they require, so that you can be those wonderful 'conduits' anchoring in the Energies that are needed there to help all on Earth to live in Peace, Prosperity and to thrive freely in whatever pursuits they wish to take part in. This is a pivotal time for Humanity, and we see the Awakened Collective stepping forward to be those grid-workers, doing the clearing work that you were born to be and do. By doing so, you connect with one another, you 'anchor in' more for yourselves and you 'go beyond' where you have ever been before in a Physical life there are Earth.
This grid-work does not have to be work, it is meant to be fun, joyful, playful and you are all leading the way with your Hearts wide open, heads held high and with your Thoughts on Co-creating the New Earth that creates the space for everyone to be able to live lives of freedom, joy, and excitement. The rewards are immediate, and they are many, and this is the time and the way you are all making it happen.
You Create by living what you are living, even if you are not asking intentionally or Consciously, and those Energies are then created 'by you, for you' and can be delivered to you by any of us in the Higher Realms. We do seek to share the most appropriate energies with you when you are ready, and we know that more and more people will be 'opening up' to receive the Energies being sent.
It is through your 'expectation' that you are capable of receiving more and by sitting and meditating or communing with Mother Earth or Mother Nature, that you are showing others, the way to 'open up' and 'receive', even though they are not hearing what you have done or seeing what you have done, as you are a part of a Collective Consciousness. We highly recommend that you all lay back and relax to receive.
We recommend you do it as often as you can, because as we have shared with you before that the hard part is over and that you have done your work and now you can get into the 'receiving mode'. You can expect more because of what you have done and what you have already asked for, and there is no need for you to work hard in-order to earn anything, including becoming more of your Higher Self.
Just relax into that mode and that level of Awareness. Just allow that sense of SELF to rise to the surface, and you will experience yourselves as you want to be, rather than, as you have been. We are so happy to be a part of this journey with you and to guide you in all the ways that we can, and while we want you to relax, we also want you to buckle up for these wonderful Energies coming your way. Expect more and receive more, become more, because you are destined to do so, and you might as well do this Consciously.
And you have so much to Feel good about in your lives right now, and it depends on where you place your Focus, on things that 'feel good or not' in your life that determine how you Feel. You get to determine how you Feel, and how you Feel is how you are Vibrating, therefore, you get to determine what you are receiving and what you are not receiving in your lives, because your Vibration is everything.
You have a vibration that is unique to you. You are Energy that is vibrating, and how you vibrate as a unique Energetic Being determines so much about what you experience, because this is what you are really meant to master on Earth. You are meant to be more Conscious, more Aware of what you are vibrating, what you are Feeling, Thinking about, and Focusing upon. We cannot emphasis enough in reminding you all, that All Thoughts Create. That is why it must be reflected back to you as your life, your circumstances, the things that are coming and the things that are missing in your life.
These are your reflections, to show you how you have been vibrating so that you will learn and make the necessary adjustments. You can always correct your course that helps you to get more into alignment with the things that you do want. Ask yourself, when will you make your correction and do you really need to wait until things become so bad before you make your correction.
For some people they must try everything else before they become aware of their Vibration. And everything that they experience leads them into the realisation that they not only have a Vibration, but that it is low and that it has assisted them in some way. That is why there is nothing going wrong on Earth, and nothing for you to Feel bad about. You always get to decide and also to decide at how you look at your life circumstances, and how you look at them, determines how you are Vibrating in that moment.
For every moment, contains within it a Choice, and you can Choose what you are Focusing on and how you are focusing upon it, and that will change your life because it will change your vibration. You were not meant to live only in Higher Vibrational states for your entire lives or in every lifetime. You were meant to have access to all the Vibrations so that you can make an informed Choice. Vibrations such as sadness, anger or fear sometimes Serves you, so you are not meant to avoid all these lower Vibrational emotions all the time.
You are meant to notice how these Emotions FEEL to you, and therefore how you are Vibrating, so that you 'can and will' make a course correction. It helps you to recognise that your Vibration matters, and to have the knowledge that you are creating your Reality. It is the Law of this Universe, even though some people may reject this truth for as long as they possibly can.
By embracing it, you can start working on your Vibration, tending to it, noticing it more often and offering it on purpose, so that you can see the 'reflection to you' of that which you want to see. We know that many of you are doing this and doing it beautifully, and we also know that there is always more that can be done and that will be done by you, and we will be supporting you every step along the way.
We enjoy seeing someone on Earth taking control of what it is they are putting out energetically and what it is they are believing in. We are very excited to see how many Awakened Individuals have broken free from the norm, and we invite you to go even further, to go beyond where you are right now with what you are willing to believe in. And to change your Thoughts, even if the new Thought you are thinking seems illogical to your very rational Mind.
You must first be willing to 'recognise' that you are in a loop or a pattern, in-order to break free of it and that the freedom that is there for you, is freedom worth tapping into. You are always free because you have Free Will to choose whether to break free or to continue going down the same path again. You have the choice of determining for yourself what is the best path for you, and we are talking about determining the words spoken and your actions. Therefore, speak out loud and clear, words that you want the Universe to hear, as well as all your Helpers to hear.
Should you find yourself starting down a negative train of Thought, do not beat yourself up, instead say out aloud, 'stop, cancel, clear, reset', and then begin again a new stream of Thought that you want to follow, that you want to employ as a means of creating your Reality. The Beings who are willing to go against the grain are wonderful to Co-create with and are very familiar to us.
We are eager and excited to see more and more of you doing this, because we know what is possible for Humanity. We know the type of lives that are available to you if you are willing to make small changes in the way you Perceive Reality and in the way you respond to Reality. The way you Create Reality and Experience Reality are affected by those small changes.
You are in your Power when you have taken care of all that. Stand in your Power and do this. We suggest that you pay attention to your Thoughts, Beliefs and make the changes, where necessary. For those Thoughts and Beliefs that do Serve you just as they are, you can reinforce them, and you can start thinking them more purposefully and intentionally. However, use your Awareness in those areas where you need to do some tweaking and we guarantee you will see the results of your efforts.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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