When you receive a message, we can Feel the effect that message has upon you, and in this way, we are enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there. This also assists Us in all our ideas with what to broadcast to you, from you. Therefore, we are always connecting with you and are enriched and enlivened by every experience that we have with any one of you.
We invite you to also see yourselves in that way and to see yourselves as the ones who have so much to offer your Non-Physical and E.T. friends. We would have no interest in you if we did not Feel you had some substance about you. We know that you often see yourselves as being low 4th Density Human Beings who have yet to achieve a level of Consciousness that you desire, however, you are just as Spiritually Evolved, as We are and as are All other Beings in this Universe.
You know that by choosing those experiences on Earth, you give yourself the greatest opportunities for Growth and Evolution. We want you to know, you are valuable to this Universe and are contributing enormously to Source Energy with all that you are willing to take on with those day-to-day life experienced challenges. Therefore, it is time to hold yourselves in 'higher esteem' and to see yourselves as 'equals' to All other Beings in the Universe, and with that knowing, it is time for you to make contact with other Beings in this Universe of ours.
Understand that we are All in this together, and that we see you through the eyes of Love and Compassion. And if you see yourselves in that way, then you will know that you are worthy of receiving messages, downloads, information from All of Us in the Higher Realms. We are choosing to be in this Density, in the same way that your Soul is choosing to project many aspects of itself into our Density and Higher Densities also, and you are your Soul.
Therefore, there is no reason for you to diminish yourselves or think yourselves to be 'less than' any other Being in this Universe. You can experience a two-way communication with Us when you elevate your 'sense of Self' to be 'equal' to All of Us. And you need not 'call out' only in those moments of despair for assistance from above, as we are your Collaborators and your Co-creators, and we benefit from all that you are experience there on Earth. The entire Galaxy, the entire Universe are benefitting from the problems, issues, and challenges that you face, and you are giving Source opportunities to 'know It-Self' that Source would otherwise not have had.
When you see yourselves, as the Keys that you are, to this Universal Ascension, you make yourselves 'open for contact' with Physical E.T.s and with the Non-Physical Collectives like our selves. And that is what we are looking for from Humanity at this time. We invite you to 'see yourselves' as We see You, and to 'value yourselves' to such an extent that you can start living the lives of Joy, Freedom, Love and Creativity that you deserve to be living.
There are so many things that you can believe, so many things are true that will only limit you and stifle your progress, your evolution, and you can also believe in people who sound very sure of themselves and very confident about their beliefs. And even if the Belief does not Feel good to you, you can also Choose to believe what most other people around you believe. And that is the Key. Therefore, we encourage all of you to use the point of Discernment, when presented with a belief, and ask yourself whether it resonates, or whether if Feels right to engage with that Belief at all.
However, most people are not Feeling whether it is right for them, and most are not even recognising when something is a Belief, when most certainly it is. Instead, they think that it is a truth and that they must live by. Once you become Aware that you are, indeed, entertaining different Beliefs all the time, then you can Choose them more deliberately. You can Choose a Belief while also recognizing, that there is a Feeling that surfaces for you, when the possibility of something is presented to you.
We wish to share with you the importance of 'following your Feelings' and to 'care enough' about how you Feel, to follow your Feelings. It is up to YOU to 'tune in' to what you are Feeling and to 'care enough' about whether something Feels Good to you or not to listen to what that Feeling is showing you. As 4th Density Beings you have the freedom to make just about anything true at this time in your experience. Therefore, you want to be very particular about what you are believing in, and about which individuals you are listening to, because Beliefs can be developed within you without you even knowing that you are developing that Belief, thinking that someone is presenting you with the truth.
However, you will not be able to choose your own Destiny, until you recognise that all Truths are true, that all Realities exist, and that in every moment, you are choosing from a wide array of them, which truth you believe in and which reality you are choosing. And it is so important for you to do that, and it is so important for your Joyous expression of Self that you recognise that you do have a Choice. For an example, you can Choose to believe that your body is capable of healing itself from anything, or you can listen to the professional who tells you that this or that is incurable.
Your choices are unlimited, you can Choose to Believe that you 'can access' all the Spiritual Gifts that other people have, or you can Choose to believe that only a select few are born with that type of Ability. You can Choose to Believe that this is an abundant Universe, or you can Choose to Believe in lack, in limitation, in a finite World. It is always 'your Choice', as you are the ones creating it all for yourselves, your Evolution and for your Enjoyment. Therefore, we recommend you Choose a Path involving a 'joyous evolution' of your Consciousness because that opportunity is always in front of you.
We are sharing with you to also use your Sensitivity as a tool to assist you in your life, because Sensitivity is what assists you, however, it is something that has been a challenge for you. We know you are becoming better at being Sensitive, using it as a Tool, rather than allowing it to be something that just happens in your day-to-day life experiences. In other words, you can train yourself to be Sensitive to what you want to be Sensitive to, and you do not have to be Sensitive to that which you have experienced in this life that brings more pain and suffering, because of the Sensitivity that you have.
We know that what we are sharing for you to do, is something that you may have a difficult time with, and we want you to know that you have already had a difficult time being Sensitive in this life, and yet, you are still here. Sensitivity can be used more as a tool in your life, and you can use it more effectively to assist others also. If you are Sensitive to the 'emotions' of other people, and you happen upon someone having a difficult time and you become Aware of that, know that it is right to approach that person and ask them what is going on with them. And if that person does not know or does not feel comfortable discussing it, then you know that 'more space is required to be held for them' and that they need more Love and Healing.
We know that many of you have become exhausted and tired of doing it, however, we know that will only be the case, because you have not yet honed the Ability, therefore, that is the next step for those of you who are Sensitive, to use it as a Gift, a Tool and to also help yourselves. Therefore, next time you walk into a room, use your Sensitivity to ascertain who to approach, who to leave alone and so on, as this becomes a Tool that you use for yourself also. You can also use it to guide you regarding whether the information you are seeing or hearing is relevant to you, or whether it is even true in your Reality.
Because there is so much information out there with many agendas behind the spreading of information, Discernment is needed more than ever by you. Your Sensitivity is something that also helps you to then Create your Reality, because when you are Sensitive to what is happening in your 'emotional centre' and with 'other people', you can then be Sensitive to 'your Vibration'. And you can shift your Vibration more easily with the Awareness of what you are Feeling, where you are Feeling it, and where you can Feel what you actually want to Feel, because you can be Sensitive to where your Joy lies in your Bodies Energetic System.
Another thing we have come to know through 'our experience' is that we do not need to know everything, and this is especially true when it comes to Humanity. You think you need to know everything, largely due to what your sciences are based upon. When you want to understand something, you dissect it and when you want to prove something, you do experiments until you get the proof you are looking for.
There are things about life on Earth that are supposed to be unpredictable, and you are supposed to be surprised. Even your meteorologists cannot predict the weather with one hundred percent accuracy, and you cannot predict everything that will occur either. If you could predict everything, you would take out the 'emotional component' of life there on Earth, and you do not want to do that.
If we were Human Beings right now, we would Embrace the 'not knowing' and plan to be surprised, because we would know that the surprise is always better than what we could possibly imagine with our Minds. This happens to Us in our Realm all the time, and we love a surprise and often get surprises, however, the difference between Us and most Humans, is that we fully embrace 'not knowing' what will happen, whereas most Humans still like the comfort of being able to predict.
There are those of you who understand that you are also creating your Reality. That creation of your Reality, however, needs to remain open to the 'possibility' that there is 'something better' for you, than what you imagined. Therefore, your Feelings are what matter most, because you can Feel into a 'future experience' without knowing what it is that you will like. Some of you have had that Feeling before and have recognised that your Feeling was right. We suggest you 'pay more attention' to your Feelings, and use your Thoughts purposefully, however, do not limit yourself to only thinking.
Be Aware that there are always Energies coming in to support the creation of that which is unknown, unpredictable, and those Energies are the most fun to play with once you recognise that you have the ability to do so. And most people who are Aware of the current Energies are also Aware of how they Feel most of the time. Therefore, we invite you to step out of your Minds, to Let Go, to Surrender to the flow of the Energies, and to keep up with them by slowing down, by Feeling Good, and by breathing Consciously. When you achieve this, you can have everything that you have ever wanted and even some things that you did not even know you wanted until they showed up.
Our desire is always to assist you without interfering with your natural process of Evolution. Other Extra-terrestrial Groups have previously inadvertently stunted your growth by intervening and interfering. Having observed all of this, we recognise that the best way to assist you is to give you Teachings and Energies, Support and to 'hold space' for you.
We know that when the mass landing of ships comes to Earth, it will be because you are ready, not because you need rescuing, and certainly not because all the good Humans will then be taken to the new Earth. We know this because we know that everything that ever happens in 'your experience' happens for 'your benefit', and for what this is all about in the first place, the benefit to your Spiritual Growth and Evolution. You are not incarnating there because you are trapped, or that some Being outside of you, sent you there.
You are incarnating there, because as a Soul, you recognise where all the good growth experiences are, and you want them. You want to experience the 'movement' of Feeling less evolved, to Feeling more evolved. You want to know yourselves more fully as you truly are, as unconditional Love. In this moment, you can look at everything that is in your life 'as it is', and look at everything that is not in your life and ask yourself how these current conditions are assisting you in becoming more of Who You Really Are as a Source Energy Being, as unconditional Love, instead of questioning yourself with where you went wrong or how you could have done things differently. We know that you would like an immediate answer, in your Mind from a Guide, to tell you how you are supposed to grow from these current set of circumstances. As always, it Serves you more Spiritually for you to look at it yourself and to come to your own conclusions.
It would be better to ask yourself, how can I Be the Love in this situation? And as you look at your World, at the entire Planet, and you see the varying struggles there on Earth, you can also ask yourself that same question. How can you show up more as Love in the face of that which is appearing to be something, other than Love? Remember, those circumstances, those conditions are also there for your Spiritual Evolution, and they are not there because someone in a government, corporation, or someone yielding more power than you have, is creating it to be that way. While there may be people playing those roles for you, you are still the Creator of your experience, and the sooner you Accept that, the sooner you can Do something about it.
You need to remind yourselves at times that you do like the Feeling of Growing and Evolving. When you do help yourselves and 'open up' and 'allow in' more of your Creations, you then Do experience a 'helping hand' at times, from a Being, or a Collective in a Higher Density plane. However, it is still YOU that had to align with that experience of receiving the help.
It always will come back to YOU and what is going on inside of you, and the sooner you see and recognise that, the sooner you can take all the available growth experiences that are in your life right now, the sooner you can thrive on planet Earth as it is right now. It is that desire to Thrive that we know is at the heart of all your requests and we know you can do it, and we are here to assist you and we will continue to do so.
When you Feel a resonance with a Collective like us, you have remembered, just as we are remembering Who We Really Are and 'who we are to each other'. That means more pieces of yourselves have been put back together and are now operating more as a Whole Being than ever before while there on Earth. That means you are having more of an Awareness of your previous lifetimes, both on Earth and throughout the Galaxy, which assists in reconstructing the Whole You. It also means you are closer to operating as your Higher Self while still in a Physical Body, and as Source Energy Being.
Even if only in your 'imagination' for now, it is a wonderful time to consider all the different ways in which to come together with others. You are creating a Part of ONE harmonious WHOLE. You are Co-creating a peaceful Earth by Loving and Respecting one another, with all Beings. While you did take the long and complicated Path, wanting all the challenges along the way, through that Path, you wanted to see what you were made of, and when you look within, it is Unconditional Love that you are made of. Unconditional Love gives you the ability to Forgive and to see another as Your Self, and as Source. It allows you to Let Go of judgment, fear, resentment and resistance, and to fit snugly in your place within the gigantic Source Energy Being that We All are a part of, and that We All are, at the same time.
You are inching closer to that place, if you can Feel for what that peaceful, Harmonious Unity, Feels like in your body. You would probably give up if you tried to work out how it is going to happen or what will bring it about. Therefore, use the Feeling, because the Feeling 'feels good' and is available to you right now without having to do any mental gymnastics to arrive there. However, making progress and arriving there, is the point, and it always has been the point and always will be.
The point has never been to separate the good from the bad, no matter what you have been taught and told throughout your history. This shift in Consciousness is about INTEGRATION, and every time you connect with Us, you are Integrating. And what bring us a tremendous amount of Joy and Satisfaction is when you Feel that We are a part of You, and that You are a part of Us.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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