Our soul objective is to bring about an uplifted change for Humanity on our planet Earth that we All Call Home.
We have within us the potential to free every single Human Being from the shackles of an enslaving system of governance that has locked us into a drama of hierarchy and external authority. We can work together and create solutions to provide at the very least wholesome food and water, shelter and clothing, power and transportation, kindness and knowledge to everyone upon our planet Earth. By creating self-generating systems to support all of these needs this is totally achievable, however, only if we can co-operate as Sovereign individuals who respect the rights and boundaries of others for fair and equitable governance.
Such a shift in consciousness in our world would depend on us to know that we are all Sovereign unique beings. We must proclaim our Sovereignty and delete from our awareness our slave thinking programming then work together in co-operation as Sovereign individuals with a common goal of maximum empowerment for everyone on our planet.
The Prime Universal Law is our birthright and is very simple. All Beings are Sovereign and have Free Will to express their creative desires in any way that they may choose, however, No Being has the right to violate and harm others. Enlightened self-governance and adherence to Universal Law is the foundation for a Free Social Society operating on the freely available energy of Love and Co-operation. It is only with this foundation in place that we will be able to avoid all of our current ego based hierarchies entrapping Humanity into a self energizing self serving authority over the masses, controlling and regulating our behaviour in all aspects of our lives.
We have to be very clear, it is only through enlightened self governance that we will be able to build an entirely new type of Social Society that is self organized to solve problems and address the needs of the masses as a genuine expression of the desire and commitment to co-operate and make our world a home that benefits everyone. This requires all of us to adopt an entirely new way of thinking, organizing and taking action. All the old models of centralized top down authority need to be abandoned. Throughout all of human history we have witnessed attempts to impose a single 'best system' onto the world that has always resulted into oppression of 'the masses' and ultimate failure.
A new enlightened style of self-governance has to be an ever-evolving co-creative process that we continually discover as we fully engage ourselves within. Every idea needs to be accepted in an open-source manner tested and applied where it is willing to be accepted through voluntary participation and self organized processes.
The instant that we declare "I AM SOVEREIGN AND NO BEING HAS ANY RIGHT TO HOLD POWER OVER ME" the game radically changes.
While it is true that we can learn valuable lessons from adverse circumstances, this does not mean that it is necessary or desirable to be continually oppressed, manipulated, deceived, enslaved and drained of our life force energies. These are the experiences that the Human Race has endured for far too long and we must quickly and effectively prepare ourselves for a quantum leap in Faith in our ability to transit into a new and uplifted style of self-governance through Enlightenment.
With an understanding of Universal Law we can observe that it is inherently wrong to harm another being who has done nothing to harm us. We can also understand working together and co-operating with others is often the right thing to do. These simple concepts should be adhered to in order for us to free our minds from the twisted logic that the incredible amount of suffering inflicted upon Humanity is entirely our doing and is a valuable learning experience so we should not take any action to help others to alleviate their own suffering.
Everywhere that we look in our world hierarchal systems organize every aspect of our lives. Hierarchy is an insidious, disempowering system of authority. We must transcend obedience and enslavement in order to begin to heal our selves and our natural world. Hierarchy does not respect Free Will, healthy boundaries or our rights to say NO to them. They use every possible type of manipulation, coercion or naked force to get their way. Our Governments, privileged portions of our societies, Banking Institutions and Corporations exploit Humanity and our natural environment. They do not seek the language of Love.
We must all choose to stand for Truth as Sovereign beings and take action to oppose all forms of deception, manipulation and enslavement. Remember, when a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to 'the masses', the Truth may seem a little preposterous to the uninitiated at first. However, once awoken they demand rapid change from a system paradigm of competition, domination and deception into one of symbiosis and co-operation where governance is open and transparent favouring everyone. We demand a new system whose consciousness has transcended greed and welcomed altruism. ARE YOU READY?
The following transcribed transmissions clearly lay out the extent to which Humanity has been trapped into its own limited Perceptual Awareness. This is accomplished through Mind Control. We must now regain the Truth of 'who we really are'. The tools for transformation are shared throughout these papers over and over again. Please read carefully, preferably in order of the transmissions until you can see and feel with clarity all of the messages. This may require multiple readings, however, the messages will flow through to you and change your life.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
Our website is gifted with Love and Commitment to assisting others in their journey forward, to create a more harmonious and uplifted personal experience, and to assist each other on a Group Conscious level extending to all of Humanity.
We have many Ascension Messages that require hours to transcribe and upload - and even more time to translate into audio so that Subscribers can choose to read or listen to the messages. All of our time and energy is gifted.
We are reaching out to you for a small gift of support...
We welcome any financial contribution of assistance with managing and maintaining the website, website hosting, and ongoing development. Please note, any amount is welcomed no matter how small, as all will be gratefully appreciated.
May we continue this Journey together for the upliftment of All of Humanity.