I am attempting to understand and capture the concept of a Being that is a combination of several people as we raise our Consciousness.
A person who rises in Density, understands that they are not a single Consciousness; rather, that they are a 'Collective' of Consciousness's and this is the way it is in ALL stages of Conscious Development. You are never 'one person', but a 'Collective', who is called YOU, that 'observes' and is the result of ALL of the Consciousness's that form YOU.
If I am a Collective of other people, how do they reflect me and do I lose the sense of who I am in this reality?
The higher you are on the scale of Perception of Consciousness, the higher you are on your existential Density Dimension. You will be more and more the result of Collective Consciousness, the ones that form YOU. That is to say that although you have a sense of localised 'I', you are really formed by other people, who described in another way, are also YOU.
So, a person or Consciousness living on a Higher Density Dimensional existential dimensional plane would be a Collective, or, it will have the same influence as a Collective of Individuals in a Lower Density. What shares YOU, is in a way, according to YOU, what shares YOU, is what YOU are compatible with and that does not mean you are compatible with only the good.
Well, as a Collective of Consciousness's how do we influence our own Reality and the Reality of others that are sharing a similar experience?
This means, a Being of High Densities, whatever they think and do has a greater influence on the Collective in Lower Densities. This is just how things work. Because, whatever that a High Density person thinks, is by definition, what an entire Collective thinks. However, every 'person' on Earth, walking there, seeing themselves as just 'one person', as one more body, will not have the same Level or the same influence as others, that is, it only looks the same, but it is not the same.
That is why the people, the 'sleeping ones' of the 'real people' are suffering. Those who have high Perception, who are Awake and Positive, by this rule, with their thoughts and their 'more presence', they will have exponentially 'more influence' on the nature of Reality than a legion of the 'sleeping ones'. For this reason, a Density is not a democracy, where the votes are counted, no matter what or who the people are.
That is the why we are sharing with you that the 'sleeping ones' are the KEY. If there are one thousand people on Earth, you do not need to reach a critical number for the masses to change, of five hundred and one people. We only need five Angels who have more influence than nine hundred and ninety five 'sleeping ones'. Or, in turn, we only need fifty thinking Individuals, for them to have more weight than nine hundred and fifty 'sleeping ones'. So, with these very crude numbers to explain something extremely complex, each Awakening person who is Spiritually advanced, have and carry, an enormous RESPONSIBILITY on how they influence the Collective.
Are you saying that the more I grow and understand myself and feel the connection to others, the greater the sense of Responsibility I have to my own thoughts?
The more awake you are, the Higher Densities you are able to Perceive and understand, the Greater the Responsibility on your shoulders. Reality is not a democracy of 'head counting'; it does not work that way. In other words, the more awake and the more Conscious a person is, then the more influence they will have on what they will Manifest in the 'Collective Reality'.
One Awake Person has a greater Manifesting ability than one thousand 'sleeping ones'. This is why the Awakening Ones are in control of Manifesting here on Earth, and not the Cabal or what the Governments want, as they are only the reflection of the 'sleeping ones', that the 'Collective of the sleeping ones' Manifest.
What happens when I have negative thoughts or am being influenced by negative people?
This means that an Awakened Person's fear of something, is manifesting something, being in a negative space spiral, by entertaining negative thoughts, will have the ability to Manifest through negative things much faster than the average 'sleeper'. So, this is very dangerous and people should know it.
So, YOU must please raise the Manifesting power of your 'thoughts', of thoughts already there, to bring about the changes you require. The thoughts of the Awakened Ones influence much more the 'Collective' than thoughts of the 'sleeping ones'. So, the Awakened Ones of High Density Perception when they have negative thoughts, enter negative spirals, because they Manifest 'everything', very quickly and precisely, because they are of High Densities and the Higher Density, the faster everything Manifests!
It must also be seen, that there is no positive and negative, good or bad, it is a relative aspect. It is the person who gives thoughts qualities, to what happens or what they are seeing. Just because a person is of High Density, does not mean that they will always or only manifest positive things. Seen as positive from the point of view of 3D Earth. What you think and what you focus on, you will have, so you can manifest whatever it is, for yourself or for the Collective. That is why it is so, important that you take Responsibility for what you 'think' and what you 'perceive' and what you 'do', because Yes, you effect everything, very strongly.
I can see from what you are saying the enormity and responsibility of my thoughts and Manifesting power!
In itself, the Awakened person who most obviously sees and understands information and has Perception and Awareness of many planes that is formed from the sum of their own Consciousness's, then that person becomes Scalar. As they are the sum of several persons, and the power of Manifestation is as if it was a Group, that is to say, that what happens in the mind of a single Awakened One, will have the same Manifesting ability of a large group, even that of and entire city, even an entire Galaxy or more...
This is SOMETHING! That the sum of Consciousness, does have, especially when the thoughts are strong, together with complete 'empathy', where a person understands and becomes another, and another, and in itself, it goes on acquiring other Ego's that they incorporate as extra personalities, multiple personalities, without the burden of psychological meaning, where in both Perception and Energy, they become that person, with Scalar Consciousness, WEIGHTS MORE TO MANIFEST THINGS, than the equivalent number of other people, who are not so Awake, acquiring with this exponentially, more Responsibility for their thoughts and all that they think.
How much does small things on a 3D Level change Reality?
Small things can create large shock-waves in events that can and will bring about huge changes on Earth. These small things add up together to bring about huge changes, as long as they are of the 'same Frequency'. This is the definition of Harmonics of a Frequency. No action is too small, that is a limited concept pertaining to 3D Earth programming.
Anything they can do, whatever and however small, it adds up, it also defines 'who they are', defines their Souls. What to 'do' will depend upon each person and they must take Responsibility for the decision of 'what to do' and 'how much to do'.
No-one can save the Earth, with the exception of the 'sleeping ones' who are Awakening. There will be NO help from the Galactic Federation. The Awakening Ones will have to do the job.
How do the multiple Timelines influence this process of waking up and the expansion of Consciousness?
The 'sleeping ones' are the KEY. Everything that is happening in what you would call, other Timelines, but they are not Timelines anymore. This would only be from the point of view, relative from a person or point of view of a Group. But, it dissolves quickly. The Timeline is not as what it is said to be, as if they were alternative tracks, rather, everything is a single unit. Again, it depends upon a person and what they see of that unit, as with Reality already described, but applied to what is called Timelines or chain of events, one after another. However, this is the problem, also, it is not one event one after another, it only looks like this from there, from Earth, from the Perspective of the People, or of Each Person, or of the Collective.
Instead, the Past, Present and Future, are a single Mass, intertwined and interfering with each other constantly as the very nature of Reality. What happens or what we see, is that we see THE EVERYTHING, well it is not possible to see everything, from the position of not being the Source Itself. However, we see EVERYTHING available to us and not just see SOMETHING, in particular, because EVERYTHING that can happen, WILL STILL HAPPEN - IT HAPPENS AND IT ALREADY HAPPENED. Everything is interconnected, more than what we see, everything is manufactured by the very people, the 'sleeping ones' as we have described above. EVERYTHING IS THE WORK OF THE SLEEPING ONES AS A SINGLE PERSON OR AS A COLLECTIVE.
Everyone is still fixated on the idea of Humanity's Ascension on Earth, I see it constantly on U-tube and the internet still with the New Age version?
We do not agree with Ascension as described by many on 3D Earth today. We see it as New Age, Religious and part of the control of the Cabal to impose its Government and One World Religion, to control Humanity. Where Humanity is waiting for a Saviour, be it Jesus or whoever, characters of their creation, for crowd control. The whole 'Ascension thing', puts people into a state of Eternal anesthetisation for 'something' to happen to them, for the entire planet irrevocably to Ascend to 5D, a place where there are no problems, where everything and everyone is LOVE, where everyone is singing and holding hands in circles.
This is a hypothetical 5D World and a New Age, that cannot exist living in Duality, whose solution is, to keep people in an eternal state of pure ignorance and complete dependence, that controls their thinking. However, this has already happened and is embodied in the story of Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, where their nakedness really means; their lack of knowledge, living in a way that they cannot really defend themselves, and completely dependant upon a GOD who claims to be pure Love when he proves himself to be a complete narcissistic tyrant.
But Adam and Eve do not 'see it', because of the very nakedness of thoughts and Consciousness, in other words, pure ignorance. Being that the only rule imposed upon them by their GOD, is a rule that combines all the other rules into one, and that is 'not consuming the forbidden fruit', that represents the Knowledge, the realisation that they are being manipulated and exploited and that everything that they are like that GOD, and that others like him, have the same capabilities even clearly supporting him, Knowledge represented in the acquisition of 'shame' and the need to hide. Because, they know that they are naked, without Knowing how to defend themselves.
Is this where the Federation and the Cabal want to take Humanity and what happens to the Awakened Ones, if or when they succeed?
They wish to return Humans to that state. Therefore, the Awakened Ones must die. They must be erased, that is why the moment a Civilisation reaches a point of Intellectual and Conscious Development, it collapses. It ceases to be the difficult and deterministic World that Souls wish to experience, even if they deny it once inside the 3D Matrix, closed and trapped in vicious circles of their own creations, such as Sin and Karma.
We are aware that we are contradicting the 'great ones', we do not see any Ascension as they describe it. Neither, do we see that it is possible from any Cosmic angle. There would only be Individual Ascension as a process of advancement in the capacity of Perception of the Individual, of their Mental Perception and Consciousness Perception. This only from the point of Earth and by the Agreements made from a number of people with the same Agreements and Level of Consciousness. Another World can be generated, another better Society with a 5D mentality. This time referring to the Real 5D, where you can live at Peace with a Scientific, Moral, Ethical and Consciousness advancement in general.
However, 5D still having created problems by a World still strongly based on Duality, as would be Taygeta for example, in the Pleiades. However, what is seen as Good to you as 'Ascension' as in all of the New Age places, articles and channels, is a mental impossibility. This is only fulfilled in very High Densities and does not go hand in hand with their description of their 5D New Age, and utopian Realities. For example, still forming a family with a man and a woman, having a job with a money Economy and all of the current 3D Consciousness - all of this stops working from a High Density.
What happens to the Awakened Ones on 3D Earth who chose to live in a Higher Frequency and reject the Cabal's version of Ascension?
The concept of Ascension that the Cabal provide people with, also puts the masses in a very dangerous mindset that is very convenient for the Cabal. It is putting them into a 'waiting' mentality, that they should 'not do' anything, not be involved, because it is inevitable, quoting many guru's and New Age experts, a doing 'nothing mentality' amounts to falling pray to the Cabal Manipulations, that make them docile and easy to manage, obedient, without control over what the masses want and as Individuals or as a Society.
That is why we insist that the path to Ascension is the Individual's Journey, because it will begin from there on 3D Earth, that the people with the same interests, and points of view, will form Agreements, that will be the basis for a 'renewed' more positive Society. From another Individual point of view, the Ascension from 3D Earth without an alliance between many people, with the same thoughts or Frequency necessarily implies that one will first live in another alternative World, to later be completely incompatible with living or simply existing there, being that their Ascension for these isolated people, will only be reflected after death, where they will be compatible with incarnating into other Worlds, more in accordance with their Level of understanding and Frequency and Consciousness.
While this sounds very bleak from 3D Earth, from the position of being incarnated there, from the more expanded position, it is just a natural process, as it always has been. To Manifest a better World and all united there, yes, they can, but, it depends upon them. Most are just asleep in a zombie obedient state, who shout that they do not want a negative World to materialise, even though there are many who are scattered and do not represent the WILL of the people of Earth. These Awakened Ones are not a large percentage and it is said, that it has already gone to fifty one percent. We do not know what the numbers are based upon and what criteria has formed this calculation, however, if it is accurate, everything you see today would simply not be happening.
3D - 5D Earth Ascension you said it would be possible here on Earth today, so what are the chances of this happening?
In the thin hopes that remain, this could happen, however, the masses, the majority, do not want that, they are asleep and are relatively happy or agree with what is happening on Earth today, or they would change things there.
The masses are asleep and while all of the changes are occurring all around them, they cannot see the deception and their agreements remain in place. We have shared many times, it is the Starseeds, the Awakened Ones, that are experiencing first hand the implications of the Deception and where 3D Earth is heading.
If most of Humanity are asleep they will be unable to see the necessary action that is required for the great changes to make Earth relatively more harmonious?
For most of Humanity going into denial is a common response and choosing not to see what is occurring all around you. This does not remove the problems that haunt you. This lack of 'action', only makes you more vulnerable to it. Being able to understand what you 'do not want', helps you to cement into place what you 'do want'.
You cannot advance blindly, this is what we are referring to with the New Age and the Ascension and that something that will happen to them without them having to do 'anything'. This only results in useless attitudes, people without any motivation TO DO THE WORK themselves. Nobody can do the work for them. You do need to know what to do when facing problems, in order, to do something about it. You cannot advance by only looking at the positive or else, the regressive ones will take advantage of you.
The regressives' are only the reflection of the population and are only there because you do not want to take Responsibility of your own situation. They are a reflection of your mental state, the very nature of doing your own shadow or inner work, is to face adversity 'head on'. Facing the most horrible aspects of ourselves 'head on', and only from this position, will you be able to 'see and resolve' the problems that haunt you.
The New Age teaches you to focus only on Love and Light, and to not focus on negativity as you would be energising it?
We do not mean to say that we see or accept that you have minor defects, that is very superficial. We mean for you to really get down to look at the worst things that we can imagine about ourselves and to face the most horrible and low aspects that we can encounter. To mentally get into, not only the traps that cloud our minds, but even lower, into the very ugliness in our deepest and unwanted characteristics. To face directly EVERYTHING that terrifies us, what hurts us as qualities, AND THEN LET IT ALL GO and ACCEPTING THAT WE ARE THAT TOO.
To accept that within ourselves, we have terrible regressive and most despicable qualities and with that, very few people are capable of doing. We require a very deep and complete Self Knowledge, almost without any denial of what we are as a people, and with this, we gain the control, that comes with the simple fact of being Aware of ALL of this. We will then naturally create and realise that we are also the exact opposite of that terrible SOMETHING, that we have inside.
There is no virtue in repressing anything, as that is what is the reflected on the outside when you least expect. What you repress will come out later, and you will call it destiny. It is the ability to 'accept' that we do carry a monster inside that defines us as virtuous, choosing to be the opposite. Because the existence of the monster defines and creates its opposite; the Celestial Being of High Densities, the Being that integrates Everything, including the Regressive.
By accepting the monster inside, you are choosing to be the Celestial Being. This is the definition of virtue, because Evil has the characteristic of being Self-Destructive. It defines it.
Since there is malevolence, there is its opposite, INTEGRATION and with it, the total dissolution of Evil, and by Contrast, remains only as an example of how 'not to be'. This is how Evil is understood, and therefore, it is understood how to defeat it, as INTEGRATION and not as suppression or rejection.
Do not wait for your Ascension, because, it will not happen - you must work on it. Face your personal and collective monsters and there you will have your ASCENSION.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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