We are very understanding of the challenges that you face there on Earth, and we know that while you are sometimes Compassionate when observing someone else in their struggle, at other times, all of you find it harder to be Compassionate when you think that person brought it all on themselves. However, once you realise that You are creating All of this, as is Everyone else, then you know you can be less critical or judgmental of that person for having created what they created, because 'everything is a choice', whether they are choices made in this lifetime or before the life began. Therefore, it is important for you to have Compassion for everyone, because living with one's choices can be very difficult and understand that everyone is carrying their own burden.
Remember that everyone is facing a challenge, or multiple challenges in their lives, and while it may look like some deserve those challenges and others do not, from a higher Perspective, everyone is the same. Everyone is playing a role for you there on Earth, and so, if it is easy to withhold your Compassion for someone because of the choices they have made, ask yourself whether sometimes you do the same when it comes to having Compassion for yourself. If so, then ask yourself if you are hard on yourself because you think you 'could have, or should have' done better, or because you think you could have 'paid more attention', or that you have 'ignored the signs'.
There is no need to withhold Compassion, indeed, when you offer it, you Expand, and it is your Higher Self that you Expand into. Compassion is a big part of the equation, therefore, know that your Higher Self is Compassionate towards everyone, no matter what their circumstances and you are there to become your Higher Selves. There are times when more Compassion for Self is needed and at times more Compassion for others is needed, and at other times, Compassion is needed for themselves and for others.
Compassion will always be the way, as is Forgiveness, Acceptance and Unconditional Love. These are the ways in which to raise your Frequency to becoming your Higher Selves and home to Source. Remember, it is by How You Feel that you can always tell when you are moving in the right direction. If you Feel yourself Expanding, know that 'in that moment' you are becoming your Higher Self. And if you Feel yourself contracting and not expanding, then you are not raising your Frequency 'in that moment'.
Everyday opportunities are presented to you and every time you hear about someone or something, there is an opportunity for you to be a Compassionate Being, that is Who You Really Are, and at the same time, there is also an opportunity for you to withhold your Compassion by staying in judgment. You have an opportunity to look at your Thoughts and ask yourself whether you are judging yourself, the other person or group. And if you are judging yourself, then you must change your own Mind in-order to become more of Who You Really Are, a Heart centred Being of unconditional Love and Infinite Compassion.
As a child you were taught to value the Intellect over Intuition and now what you want to do, is to value both equally. You are often cut off from that Internal Guidance, either by choice or because of distractions with something happening that seems so much more important in the World. Therefore, we suggest you use your powerful Minds for what they were intended for and use your powerful Intuition to Guide you in the direction that ultimately takes you to where you want to go.
However, be 'mindful' and take into consideration, that because of your childhood and Societies overvaluing of your Intellect, your Mind can override your Intuition. And it makes logical sense to your Intellect to do what has worked before, rather than to try something new just because of a Feeling you are getting to move in that direction. You do want to correct your Family and Societal programming that has taken you away from your Intuitive sense, but you do not have to overcorrect.
You do want to see how you can 'tap in' more to the Wisdom that you have inside of you, and use it in conjunction with your Intellect, which does assist you in performing tasks, solving problems, and implementing solutions. However, there is always Guidance coming to you from 'within', and when a person is 'balanced' in their Mind and Heart, they stand out, because they are living a beautiful happy life with many interests. And they move in the direction of those interests and that is what it is to be 5D. Those of you there on Earth who have taken on Human bodies have the ability to teach so much to your fellow Humans and you can start by 'balancing' your Intuition with your Intellect, in this way, you demonstrate to others what a 5D Being looks and Feels like.
In-order for you to master yourselves and your Reality, first of all, you need to Be Yourself. You were created as a unique aspect of Source Energy, which is YOU. Therefore, even if at times it may look like other people elsewhere are having a better time than you are, and it may look that way because they are living a much more different life from the one you are living, you still must be YOU. Learn to lean into your strengths, your gifts and do whatever you desire to do. And while you are leaning into yourself, be true to yourself, in terms of speaking your Truth, and Feeling your Feelings. Many of the issues you face in your Physical Bodies are due to those times when you were not allowing yourself to Feel what you Feel, or the times you did not speak your Truth.
As always, we encourage you to 'go within' by setting aside time to be quiet and to listen to what is happening inside of you. By setting aside time to open yourselves up to receive, you can receive inspiration, downloads, intuitions, which are more likely to happen once you Let Go of the 'mental chitter chatter' and the physical action and just allow yourself to Be, to Feel, to Sense and to Intuit. We cannot express enough how beneficial it is for you to Meditate, to go quietly within and Feel around and explore what is happening inside your Energy Vortex and allow things to come to you, and there are many different ways to do this.
As we have shared before, place 'your attention' on what brings you Joy, puts a smile on your face, lights you up and gives you a Feeling of relief. You have the Power to think a Thought, to activate a Belief, and to simply Focus on something that Feels good to you to focus upon. You know what those things are, and it may be that you only do it once a week. There is no limit other than the one that you place on yourself to how frequently you can focus, observe, and give your attention to something that warms your Heart.
There is no need for you to always be on high alert and to stay informed. If you Focus on something that is right in front of you, that gives you a Feeling of Joy, then you are contributing to the Collective Consciousness of what you are a part of. You are also giving 'everyone else permission' to simply sit and smile, because you like what you see. And the World will be a much more peaceful place when everyone gives themselves permission to do just that.
We would like to remind you again to Relax and know that everything will be Okay, especially when you are starting to believe that it is not. There are many things that you will be told that you need to have concern about and that you need to prepare for 'this or that' because the doom is coming, however, many people are also telling you to Relax and know that everything will be Okay. Therefore, Believe, have Faith and Trust, and in this way, you will come to that place where you 'just KNOW it'.
We know that you need extra assistance and support at this time, and we are aligned with many other Collectives and Councils who also know that. Therefore, we have been sending you extra energetic support and many of you receive that support in the form of a download of Energy while you are asleep. First you experience the Energies and once you return your Consciousness to your Physical Body, you have the opportunity to acclimate to those Energies. And we see the majority of Humans doing a wonderful job in utilising those Energies from that download when asleep.
Then as you move through your day you access more of your Power, more of your ability to take 'right action' and more of the Intuitions that you always receive, but do not always heed. Now is the time for you All to be listening more to what is going on 'inside of you' than what outside sources are presenting to you and we include ourselves as one of those outside sources. We would much rather see a Human Collective listen to their feelings, intuition, and to their impulses, than to us, because we Know how valuable it is to 'all of you' to be able to not only 'tune in' to what you are receiving from within, but also to 'follow through' with that lovely impulse or dynamic idea that you received from within you.
We are excited to see that so many more people are being Guided from within and are Letting Go of the need to see what others 'out there' are saying about this in-order to develop their own opinion. YOU are Source Energy Beings, which means YOU contain everything inside of you. And we are happy to deliver all the upgrades and downloads or other energetic assistance to remind you that you have 'everything inside you'. Ultimately you have everything that you need, and sometimes, all you need is a reminder of that truth.
Again, we see you are doing a wonderful job at this time, and we know that those amongst the Awakened Collective receiving this message deserve acknowledgment from Us for all your good work. We also know that you will continue to evolve, expand, and become more of Who You Really Are as Source Energy Beings regardless of what happens and regardless of what choices you make.
We are reminding you that you begin to Vibrate in Harmony with whatever it is you are focusing upon, and therefore, it is a very good idea to 'pay attention' to how you Feel when you focus upon someone or something, because your Physical Body is getting the feedback of 'what the Vibration is' of the object of your attention. Your choice to make then, is whether or not you want to remain in Harmony with that vibration, object, person or animal, because once you do, you can make a more informed decision. Remember, as you judge, you take yourself to that Frequency of that Vibration.
It is true that there is so much information out there in the Ethers that can not only be sourced on the Internet, but also in Thought form, and you can 'tune in' to what Feels appropriate to you, what Feels good to you, or what Feels interesting to you. However, if you are 'paying attention' to how you Feel, knowing that 'how you Feel' will be reflected to you within your Reality, then you must recognise that by placing 'your attention' on that which is Higher Vibrational and 'Feels good' to you, is also good for you. It is good in that 'present moment experience' of it, and it is assisting in creating a better 'future experience' for you to Focus on what Feels good.
Many people do not always know why something Feels good to you, wanting to know why they resonate with a particular Group, or a particular Being or Star System. The truth is, that there is something for you 'within everything', and there will be times when it is more appropriate for you to Focus on Pleiadeans than it is for you to focus on Archangels. And this is why you are better served by allowing your Feelings to Guide you, rather than your logical Mind that may want to hold onto rigid beliefs. That same logical Mind may shut you off from the Feeling sense' you are getting within you telling you to move towards the Pleiadeans, the Sirians, or even the Ascended Masters.
We want you to know that you are 'filling in gaps' all the time that you Feel are missing within yourselves, the Feelings of fragmentation, incompletion, separation and it is by Focusing on that which Feels missing to you, that you 'fill in' those gaps. And it is not really missing, it is just inactive or dormant, therefore, by 'paying attention' to what you are 'placing your attention on', you can fill in those gaps so much more easily and to live your lives as your Whole Selves, and as your Whole Selves, you are Masters of this Universe.
Recognise that when you 'tune in' to a Higher Density Being or Collective and allow yourselves to Feel what the gaps are that need to be filled in, you are getting so much more than words and understandings. You are masters of all that you see. Feel yourselves becoming more Whole, more Activated, and as being more Capable, and then you are living the lives of mastery and wonder, excitement, and joy that you came to experience when you incarnated into your Physical Bodies.
You have it All within You, and yet getting Activated is a part of this experience because we are ALL meant to come together as the pieces of the puzzle that we are that comprise the Whole, the Source, the All That Is, and We get to experience the wonderful Feeling of connecting with one another. We are happy to be that for you in all the ways that we can be.
We are here to remind you again, that you set out to Grow, Expand and to become more of Who and What You Really Are, to have the experiences, some of which are 'not good' in your sense of the definition. Sometimes facing the challenges that you face and taking on the growth experiences you have taken on, are exactly the ways in which you access the most beautiful life that you possibly can. It is when you have gone through life, hitting potholes, falling into pitfalls, running into roadblocks and obstacles along the path that you have a really inspiring story to tell, because you tend to get more when you risk more and more is at stake.
Please do recognise that these problems, issues, and challenges you encounter are All by Divine design, however, you also get to Create, along your own unique Path, a Life Experience that you could define as 'perfect', if you were capable of understanding the true meaning of that word. Perfect does not mean that everything is in its perfect place, without a speck of dust, not a wrinkle or line on the skin or anything that you might think as imperfections – Perfect, really means that you are seeing it in a 'perfect way', that you are experiencing it perfectly. This is what perfection is. As always, You get to decide, and you get to define, and you do get to Create within the overall Intention that you had for this life of yours.
And there may be some of you that think you are doomed or destined to have negative or bad experience, however, everything can be perfect from a certain Perspective, and everything can be used to catapult yourselves into a Better Feeling Experience, and a Better Feeling Emotion and a Better Feeling Place, surrounded by people that you are in more Vibrational Harmony with.
It is always up to You, it is up to you to take what you have in front of you and make the most of it. By making the most of it, you are accepting the challenge of this life, and you are saying, that you not only can handle everything that comes your way in this lifetime, but that you can also thrive, and you thrive not despite it, but because of it.
You may lament the fact that it may rain on a day you had planned to go out for a drive in the countryside with a loved one, it could be seen as the rain has made everything you will experience of Mother Earth and Mother Nature more beautiful. You can then recognise that when you do take that trip to the countryside you are going to enjoy it so much more, and you will also enjoy it more because of the earlier experience of disappointment of having to wait for it.
These are the things to remember when you are wondering why everything in your life has not worked out the way that you had hoped that it would. This shift in Consciousness is inevitable, and All of Us are going home together. That is always true, and we are happy to remind you of that as well.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings