Integration back to Source is almost an unimaginable journey especially from a 3D Perspective especially integrating other peoples Consciousness into a combined Consciousness as we journey forward.
So, you move forward Integrating people, who become YOU. What you think, what you feel is reflected in them, as what they collectively think is reflected in YOU. This carries a huge responsibility moving forward, where you know that what you feel and what you think affects the amount of people who already form you, who are what you are. This is how Consciousness in general works in the Universe.
From the tiny Consciousness forms the sub-Atomic particles, minute harmonics of Frequency that form a point or node, a stable charge sub-Atomic particle that will form complex molecules which in turn, will form cells with their own Consciousness, that together will form YOU, a person with Consciousness, living in what you call a Multi-Cellular Biological Organism. And You with that organism form a set or group, of each person that is just a set of larger organisms, this is the Consciousness that forms the Planetary Consciousness and this one joins others, to form the Total, that will eventually be the Consciousness of its Sun. And that Sun, shares these Consciousness's that composes with other Suns, that now form the Consciousness of a Whole Constellation as a Conscious Being; Self Aware of its existence. These Constellations will form Galaxies and Galaxies will form a Cluster of Galaxies and these Super Clusters of Galaxies and these larger ones form what many call a Density, a Universe, or other names that do not encompass or describe what they really are.
These Densities and Universes also pass information among other similar ones, in what we would call other Densities, thus putting everything together, becoming the Source, the Whole, the indescribable. And that thing that holds the Consciousness that is so big, is YOU and it has always been, because YOU do not lose a sense of identity as you move forward or grow in Consciousness in Density, you only understand more things. Then together with others, YOU move forward in an eternal advancement of Knowledge and Spiritual advancement, or whatever you call it.
A Star or a Galaxy thinks like you in the sense of knowing that it-Self exists. It thinks and so it exists. So, from your point of view or Attention, everything there is and everything that has always been, has been YOU and no one else. Only creating the illusion of someone else to Free your loneliness. Loneliness of knowing One Self to be the ALL without other ALL's, because they are not, they can not be, it is reflected in that feeling of Eternal loneliness which we all feel, the idea that although together we know that we are going through life, essentially alone.
Whoever observes them-selves and knows it-self to exist, is the Whole. The rest is an illusion created in the mind of that very person, a reflection of It-Self. It is because nothing apparently external to the person can be understood without comparative parameters previously existing within that same person. So the Whole is inaccessible from the point of view of an isolated person, with the feeling of Separation from Source, with finite ideas, believing in death and fearing it as if it all ended there, because that person is everything. It always has been, beyond all Time and Space.
There is no such thing as other people, as everything is a reflection, viewed through a lens and is an interpretation of the Whole of that person, who observes and is YOU.
You can never understand something that is outside of your range of understanding, called a Point of Attention, the Point of Attention of the ALL. There is no Awakening, you have only become more Aware and you see more things. You are still YOU, only that YOU are in another Point of Attention. Your other YOU, the sleeping one, continues to exist inside of YOU. YOU learn from it, but it no longer defines YOU.
Thank You. That is certainly an expanded idea for us all to capture and understand. Integration. I would also like to further understand the problems of the process of Integration between Atlantis and Lumeria.
Problems occurred between Atlantis and Lumeria in your more recent past, a split between two cultures similar to Earth today between the East and West, creating polarity, created from the Higher Densities and from the different Levels of Consciousness you are viewing it. A Reset resulted with both cultures. A Matrix is not confined to one Planet and at that time the Matrix included almost the entire Solar System. This Matrix was larger than the current one that is now confined to Earth. At that time the controllers of the Matrix would have been Higher than the controllers of the present Matrix by the 5D Federation. The 5D Federation only play one role within the System today.
Atlantis and Lumerian Societies were not only limited to Earth as Earth is today, they extended their Societies out into the Solar System and had contact and flow with other Planets that were all in 5D. There was no precise boundary between where one Matrix ends and another begins as there is today. The present 3D Matrix exists below the Van-Allan band, so today there is a clear barrier. However, before these bands were set up, the separation between one Matrix and another was more vague or imprecise, both being 5D in terms of Densities and a Matrix is only a 'belief system' and what it's inhabitancies Focuses upon, of how they interpret REALITY.
Were the six Resets that you spoke of before inside the 5D Matrix, as Atlantis and Lumeria were Societies or Cultures before the current 3D Matrix?
Yes, however, we are only counting the Atlantis and Lumerian Resets as one, as they occurred at the same time. Consciousness generated the Perception of Time and caused an apparent repetition that can be viewed as cyclic and these apparent repeated Realities look similar, however, there are differences and variations, that always produce further variations in 'experiences' and 'outcomes'.
These different cultures and Civilisations are not exactly cyclical, however, they are more spiral and have no form, only the one that we give it. So many of these Civilisations are literally forgotten in time, only remaining sometimes as vague data in ancient records. More precise data could indicate if they are in the same Timeline and the definitions are only that of the Observer. The definitions we give here are when a Civilisation reaches a certain Level or advancement with problems and they are of a basic nature, they then tend to collapse. The more advanced Civilisations being inside their Matrix as well, have another way of evolving because from the point of view of the inhabitancies that have or will have the experience of functioning within them, they do not need nor is there any reason to collapse the Civilisation. For example, as in Taygeta it is about 850 thousand years (as a reference of Human linear Time) in stability with an evolving Consciousness of Integration.
Could you please clarify the split or rapture where there are two Earths, one 3D and the other 5D?
For the Earth to split into two there would be required an enormous shift in Consciousness and mentality from a much larger portion of Humanity than are awake at present towards the Positive, in a massive and simultaneous way. Although technically possible, we do not see this as viable or probable. Humanity is not in a sufficiently advanced state of Evolution.
When there is a Reset, it is not synonymous with killing off the total population, however, it almost goes hand in hand. A Reset is only a sudden change, imposed by 'force', with whatever consequences. It is always the individual's creation of how they have decided to deal with these events.
Does Gaia/Earth and all of its nature change or do they also get the Reset of a new Matrix and get destroyed as a part of the Reset?
Nature itself is another Matrix that is being generated by all of those creatures and plants in an extremely complex dynamic between Souls. As for the Individual, it is up to YOU which version of Earth and which Timelines you choose to be on or Perceive. It depends on the Individual Frequency and your Frequency depends upon your THOUGHTS. Everything exists as an IDEA and experiencing progress and remembering, is part of Consciousness itself that generates everything as its own experience.
If there was no Time, then Awareness of your own experiences, could not be possible. Time as 'something', apart from Consciousness does not exist, but it does exist as a generated Perception as an IDEA. However, it is not something apart from you, YOU generate it. It is not something, it is YOU yourself, it is the speed of your THOUGHTS, of how you interpret them, how you reason them logically and with feelings, as both are together and are not in opposition.
Is there a way out of this Matrix without terminating the physical body? Are there options?
This question indicates an attachment to the body and your physicality is a part of the Matrix that adheres to the EGO, as a definition of who each person thinks they are, as their identity. Nothing happens when you transcend the body, you are still YOU, without the incarnated biological body. It is not necessary to fear death, however, it is logical to be afraid of it and not to resist the idea of death, but it is OK at the same time for you to be YOU. How to leave with the body does exist only with the agreements with other Races with Star-ships. However, this will not be viable for the general population, only for a very small minority.
Is it possible to have the differing Realities here, one for Trans-Humanism with AI and another for Souls wanting peace, happiness in nature?
Yes, many try this and there are communities now existing around the Earth in the U.S.A, India, South Africa and in Europe, plus multiple communities around the World. The problem is that the part of the main mass of the population will have an aggressive invasive mentality, that sooner or later, will invasively remove those communities and that in it-self, is already a problem for those communities today.
How does the Positronic Waves of Energy from the Heart of Creation affect what is going on here?
This answer could fill entire libraries and we have already given our response. It is how Reality is generated; whatever you 'believe is', whatever you 'Perceive is'. is dictated by your THOUGHTS and from there, you will only be able to 'see' what is consistent with your Frequency. What you think 'IS' you create your physical world, the Schumann Resonance and High Energy emissions from the centre of the Universe, from the centre of the Galaxy, serves to affect every-ones mind towards the Positive. However, even with this, whatever Humans THINK, is stronger than those emanations from the Centre of Creation Frequencies. So, they only serve to empower the Awakened ones and the sleeping ones will continue being asleep with or without those Frequencies. In other words, what they 'see' and what they 'understand' as Reality, depends upon each person and not on something external.
Deep meditation and exercise to master astral travel can help, however, again, each person must develop their own methods, since what would work for one person may not work for another. It is the personal work of the Individual and their journey into a Higher Consciousness that is required.
Why evolve into a Higher Consciousness in an incarnation to be eliminated by others, it does not make sense while trying to evolve into a new 5D Species?
Not that it makes sense or logic. It just happens this way. Those who live in that Race will know that if they develop more Consciousness they will become Interstellar or they will stay in the experience called 3D, with all that it carries with its limitations. If they become Interstellar Positive, then no more Reset will be necessary. If there were enough Awakened, it would not be necessary to destroy Civilisations. It is this disparity, difference and separation that create conflict to the Level of becoming impossible to resolve, therefore, Reset it is and it takes place.
If two or more Starseeds envision a Higher Reality, could they create a new 3D Timeline with really good characteristics?
If there are enough Starseeds and they are isolated, then Yes. From 5D it is difficult to define who are those that are actually in control of 3D Earth as it is constantly evolving and changing with multiple layers of Perception. Any observations are made from one Perspective and from another they are just more Matrix viewed from a Higher Level. What is happening on Earth today is very complex, even from a High Density Perspective.
Do these Beings from the Higher Densities as with those from 5D Federation and Non-Federation agree with the destruction of Humanity?
There are no regressives' in the 5D Federation, not as it is known. The regressives are only a point of comparison, as Perspective, relating to the interests of one or another person, or group. Everything that happens and is Perceived as regressive or the destruction of Civilisations, is only an internal reflection of the internal conflicts of its members, and WE MEAN CONFLICTS WITHIN THE PSYCHE OF EACH OF ITS MEMBERS. Not that they agree, the Reset just happens because there is no other option, even THE CHAOS EXISTS BECAUSE THESE SOCIETIES DO NOT WANT TO RESOLVE THESE DIFFERENCES.
Who gave the Federation the power to destroy and Reset Civilisations?
Humanity gave them that power. The members of Humanity at all Levels also make up the 5D Federation. What happens on one Level is reflected on the other Levels and visa versa. You fix Humanity from within it and it will also be reflected in the 5D Federation, thereby, fixing the things that today you perceive as negative of the 5D Federation itself. The 5D Federation is a reflection of YOU and what YOU DO. Get out of that victim mentality.
What each one of YOU thinks is what the 5D Federation is thinking, each one of you and its members as well. However, as incomprehensible or as metaphysical it may seem, this is how everything works. It is not metaphysical, that is physics and science for others. You do not understand enough today from the Perspective of Earth, because you are in a World where you have been told that what you can only see, is what you have to believe. In contrast, we are telling you things from the Perspective where Believing is Seeing. That is why this journey is so difficult for you. You first believe, whatever it is and that is up to you and only from that Perspective, you then will only see what you would call Objective Reality and not before, because 'before' you were only going around in circles with a chaotic Causal and Deterministic Perception.
If the Being or Soul incarnated into 3D has made the decision to awaken on this Timeline, does that Soul also awaken in other Lives or Timelines simultaneously?
This depends upon the definition of Awakening, Spiritual Awakening of Consciousness or whatever, there are many definitions of the same.
You exist simultaneously in all Timelines, because there are no Timelines, it is only one Point of Attention of each Focus of Consciousness that determines the idea of being someone in specific and not someone else and this in turn, creates a sequence of events in the experience reflected in the memory of the Individual, which we will call the Timeline. One per Individual, but this is only explanatory. The more Awareness you acquire, the more you Integrate into your Self as a part of yourself, as part of the definition of your Self, of your Self Concept, Integrating what we would call other Beings, other people themselves, that from your Personal point of Observation do not encompass what you know, observe or recognise as personal Objective Reality.
That is, that as you acquire more and more Consciousness, you accept other Beings and other people, as not only part of YOU, but what defines you, as YOU, your Being, Your Self. This is because of having complete empathy. You know what happens with and in the other people or another person, to the degree that you become them, that other person. Not rhetorically but literally.
Everything that person thinks is what you think and visa versa, is because you accept that person as YOU. You integrate them - the affect of Love is Integration. Being that Love is taking something apparently external to YOU, as a part of YOU. But this is literal, not rhetorical, that other person or Being becomes YOU. But we speak as an example here only, about one person, but it is done with one, then another and another, with a number of people and Beings, all Integrated into YOU as YOU. They define YOU as what YOU are, your being. That is what is meant by going up in Density. You get to the point when millions and millions of people and Beings are Integrated as YOU. Their thoughts are yours, and yours are theirs.
And the more you Integrate as YOU, it is exponentially easier to Integrate more and more. That is why we have said that expanding in Density is comparable to having an ability to process exponentially, more and more information. However, it is necessary to process it from the Unconscious Level and not only from the Conscious Level. From only the Conscious mind, the mind collapses creating a dichotomy, a resistance and it is that resistance that does not allow Integration. Because the resistance here is Non-Integration, rejection and attachment to what is believed to be YOU already, this is the false idea of already being something - this being a truth and at the same time, the very cause of not advancing.
A Dichotomy it is, we know. That is why RELEASING ATTACHMENTS is the most important thing to do in order to advance, more than anything, attachments to ideas and identities, to the feeling that everything is already known and not being able to drop an old idea or concept for a new one that works better.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings