From a 5D Perspective, what are the Federation not seeing clearly?
From a 5D Perspective, they know from a Higher Density that they can be seen as powerful Gods in control of Earth's present Society, however, they may not see that they are still attached to their own Ego. So, things on Earth must be the way they think that it should be, and they do not see what it is like to be in 3D as a Human, because they know that every real Human is themselves in 5D. It is in their need to believe themselves as being a God, that has created the mini Matrix on Earth, as is theirs in 5D. Earth, however, is small and controllable, the so-called Terrestrial 3D however, is filled with extraterrestrials experiencing their lives as ordinary and easily confused Humans. That is why you do not find the E.T's from 3D, because it is all 'them' and they are unable to see themselves in the mirror.
From a 3D Perspective, what are Humans trying to experience?
As mentioned earlier, Humans love to have a certain set of experiences for the idea of the expansion of their Soul, that the experience on Earth will provide them with short, dramatic and chaotic lives, however, with great results of Self growth. This 3D Matrix is artificial, artificial from a 5D point of view, the system is far from perfect. As more and more people begin to remember what they should not, they are literally messing-up the very concepts and purpose of having a life in 3D Earth.
The Awakened Ones arrive, the unruly Starseeds, who do not agree with what they see and how life is lived there, because they have memory, whether Conscious or not, but have memory of how they lived in 5D and this brings a chain of events, of more and more people Awakening, accelerating the process of Awakening exponentially. This demolishes the 3D Matrix from its original purpose. So, those up in 5D want to take care of their interests from their Perspectives, this to maintain Earth as their school of 'strong experiences' regarding results and are unable to understand what it is like to live inside the 3D Matrix.
So, where does this take us, is it a big Reset?
Everything on Earth is controlled, they must maintain the illusion of how they want it to be, however, because of the Universal Law of Free Will, they know it will eventually collapse and this is where we are now. So, they must make people believe a series of things and ideas that favour their controlled Reality for Humans. When you have a situation where over 50% of Humans believe in a certain concept, then this Dominant Frequency can be managed in their favour. However, their favour is now about a False Awakening, in favour of another False System, such as New Age, that is not Real either. These controlled False Systems create a disparity in the Matrix between the Awakened Ones, on the one hand, and the Un-Awakened or Matrix, on the other hand. So, they have no choice but to implement extreme measures, while putting into place everything necessary to throw off the resistance as they destroy the Matrix. That is what you see today.
There are strong pockets of resistance around the world, Trump for example and Q-Anon?
What you see with Trump and Q-Anon is just a superficial level of resistance, another level of controlled resistance, a distraction while they finish putting everything in place that they require in order to collapse the whole System. They already have the New Matrix ready. Cities are already built as in China, that are ready for new gigantic residential High Tech Cities. They are complete and there are many of them around the World like the cities in China, and these are not the only ones as there are some underground. They are completely empty, having army's guarding them in readiment for their new inhabitants and will be completely under the control of the New Matrix, with a completely Trans-Humanist World. These Humans will be extracted from all over the World. This means, necessarily millions and millions will die. That is what the vaccinations are for, that is the danger here.
What other Civilisations have come and gone by the hand of the 5D Federation?
Atlantis and Lumeria are the more recent ones, however, there have been more, at least six before this version. As we have shared before, it is only a game, it serves Souls as long as they maintain the illusion and if the illusion is broken as it is now, they must RE-SET everything, because the game loses its meaning.
What is our role here, if we are the ones that cause the RE-SET, what is our next move? And why are you here?
This depends on different points of view. We are part of the cause of the situation on Earth today, where the Matrix must collapse on one side, and on the other side, we remove people who do not want to participate in the game, and here there are so many that in itself, it is equivalent to a mass death. However, this is just the exit, as seen from above, and the vaccines are the mass exit itself.
From the position from incarnating there, especially if it is only from 5D immersion, you do not have all of the answers, as there you are still immersed in another belief system, the 5D Matrix. Waking up the Doctors on Earth can cause thousands upon thousands of people to wake and with this the Matrix will collapse. People will be forced to see that they have been deceived and as a result, the Federation will even lose credibility in the mass media. The Doctors are the key. Those on the positive side will take-over and the Matrix RE-SET will take another course. They could not exterminate Humanity or at least, not this way.
I feel the Reset is not coming but underway with the Global Lockdown? What happens if enough people 'wake up' to the False Pandemic?
If this Timeline occurs, the Federation will create another Fake scenario to accomplish the same result. They already do have another plan, Plan B. Giving the Cabal what they want will encourage them to destroy everything unopposed, because they will destroy everything anyway. To Awaken the opposition itself, is a part of the Matrix. It is up to you what you do next, and the role in the game that you want. The Doctors must fight because it is the right thing to do, it depends on each one of them, fighting for dignity or being like sheep on their knees at the slaughter-house.
The vaccine is given to those who are asleep and ask for it, and the Awakened Ones are given it too, to shut them down. 3D is an artificial Matrix and the wishes from 5D are not known in 3D or else the artificial Matrix loses its purpose, where things are so slow and difficult. The Federation are not the bad ones, nor do they give people anything. It is useless to ask the Federation for anything, because it does not depend upon them, but on the people in 3D and their mentality. Even so, making videos and sharing this information is correct on many levels, and for many reasons, HUMANS MUST UNDERSTAND, THAT THE ONLY THING EVERYONE HAS TO DO, IS TO EVOLVE IN CONSCIOUSNESS - WHILE LIVING IN 3D and with this, you DISOLVE the problem. That is why you should not wait for the Ascension to happen, because, it will not happen like that, as the 5D and 7D Earth are already there.
It has always been this way. It is only the Mind of each person that determines their Level of Consciousness and what they see outside of themselves. The outside is only the reflection of what is going on the inside. Even in a state of 'not wanting' to see the collapse of any former ideas, everything is there for Contrast and Perceiving something as 'un-wanted' is a process of Manifesting something they do want. Like in the case of the Starseeds in 3D that do not want vaccines and the chip, because they are in the process of developing what they do want to Manifest.
You must generate a New Timeline, create in your Minds the version of yourself that takes you into that Future. Earth is designed in a way to experience through Contrast while being asleep. On Earth you can experience nightmares like nowhere else. This is why the 5D Federation does everything to keep it going.
Why are you here?
On Earth today, the Awakened Ones, whether or not they start off as a controlled resistance or opposition, they are all part of the same system. They are unbalancing the 3D Matrix, however, as stated before, it is what we are and we take responsibility for deciding what is right. Today on Earth, this is a Human mess and it is what Humanity want en-masse and it is also a defining experience for those who do not want to change, grow and evolve their Consciousness at a 3D Level.
We are here because we think it is the right thing to do, however, in the end, not only do we not need to know everything about what is happening, we are also not responsible for what is happening in 3D Earth, it is the responsibility of Humanity. The 3D World is not broken and there is nothing to fix, this results in a natural process or cycles of Civilisations, that grow and then come to an end.
I understand and have come to accept this process that give me strength, so I now do not Fear Death as something negative or something to be avoided, because of Fear alone.
We only continue because we believe by choice, we are doing the right thing and that is how each person should operate. The game is that certain circumstances change and not the framework, or the basis of the game of 3D that is the isolation from the whole, from the Community of other Space Species. This is Temporal Linearity to experience that 'life is hard'. You cannot explain because it does not work this way, the why of things from below to the Federation, who are trying to dissolve the Matrix to eliminate it all, so they can start it all over again, as they have done it this way before. All because people are not obedient to the rules from the inside Perspective, and that is why all those stories and concepts come out, that Earth is a prison, that people are exploited, and that they are slaves of regressive Races. It is all part of the huge illusion, the need to create the experience that life is dramatic and difficult there.
It is the Awakened Ones that remind others that they are asleep on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are the 5D E.T's who come to 3D for the experience?
It is the people themselves that create everything, but they create the negative things more than the positive ones. The negative is very concentrated, focused by the nature of Fear and what they really want in the Positive, the Positive is dispersed and they do not focus on getting it in favour of immediate gratification. It is still the people, all as a Collective, that determine what happens there.
There is another way out, like in Taygeta, where the population is naturally decreasing, that is possible without resorting to Genocide. From the Taygetean Perspective, what happens on Earth is too much. Some do understand, especially Starseeds that have incarnated on Earth before. One point of view of how much the Starseeds see things from their Perspective is that they do not accept what happens on Earth and they do not accept it for two reasons.
The first is because they have the experience from within the 3D Matrix below as Starseeds being there present or from past incarnations. The second is because they come from the points of view or Perspectives above the 5D Federation, from Higher Densities, where there is only more Love and Integration and they see what is happening on Earth as a 'sadistic game'. So, we have a conflict of interests here, between High Density Levels, Federation Levels and 3D Levels, ALL INTERTWINED IN A SOUP OF DIFFERING PERSPECTIVES.
Why don't the Federation listen to the Starseeds, aren't they supposed to be the High Council and part of the Stepped System of Galactic-wide Governance and not a Dictatorship?
They do listen to them, however, there is conflict of interests within the 5D Federation itself, on the other hand, they are unable to fully understand the High Density Perspective. From one point of view, when people wake up, it causes the destruction of the whole system only to create a New 3D Matrix and a similar controlled Reality Perception for more experiences in Separation. On the other hand, we must not close ourselves from their Perspectives of the regressive Federation, because if we close ourselves from those Perspectives, we will not be able to understand how they think and from there, choose which one you want to see, and from there, you will know what to do from your Perspective or Personal point of view.
Are you saying that because they want to destroy the World, they send in the Starseeds to Awaken the Souls, so that they can get out of here sooner?
That is part of the mess that in the minds of the controllers cause them to collapse the System to RE-SET it again. It is from the outside on a Cosmic Level that there are also factions and disagreements of how the 3D Matrix should work. As long as the 'false' 3D Matrix is operating, whatever version, it serves as an experience for Souls and is the purpose of the 3D Matrix. However, due to the inherent instability of the System, each Matrix has a finite life.
From a Starseeds Perspective, they are doing the right thing and from the Federation Perspective, they do not want 3D Earth Matrix to move up to the 5D Matix, because what is happening on Earth, would just become another 5D World and they would no longer have a place to play, to play their wars. Yes, they play it as a game and they say it openly, not only the Federation but also the same Souls that have played the game on 3D Earth, say the same. They see it as a game, it is a game.
Then why send the Ascension messages if they know it is all a game?
How do those Ascension Messages work? 99.9% are Channelled, and this comes from the Higher Self or from Souls that resonate with the Channelling in 4D Frequency that matches the Frequency of the person receiving the information. That is why there is no direct contact with the 5D Federation Races, that is why they do not allow Taygeteans to do more than this, that is why they can never give evidence and that is the key here. Even though 99.9% of Channelled Ascension Messages come from, lets say, rebellious factions of Souls outside of Earth to guide their Starseeds, they are nothing but themselves in 5D, or another Plane or Density.
If the Federation wanted to Awaken Humanity, they would have already done so. Just starting to 'accept' that the Virus is a scam, the Human Race would begin to see that they are being controlled and from that position, it all falls like a game of dominos and everyone wakes up. For the Mind, and the Awakened Consciousness of ALL THAT IS, there is no 3D or 5D, or above. It is only an idea, or a group of ideas, and by changing them, you are changing Density.
This also means that in this case, you are outside of the concept of Time, as something that affects and controls you, but that you generate with your Mind in the way you want and need. It also means that everyplace that exists in the Universe, is connected to where you are. That is to say, by changing your ideas and your approach in the correct way, you are also changing your location, at Will. There is No Time, No Distance. THIS IS ASCENSION.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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