You have surpassed so many of the expectations for where Humanity would be at this time in your evolutionary process. We observe that what you do with the assistance that is freely given and received from those of Us, is so impressive. For those who are among the Awakened Collective, you have moved beyond the need to be seen as 'better than' anyone else, to such an extent, that you are embracing the truth that 'everyone' is a Source Energy Being equally.
We want you to also recognise that when you see your fellow Humans as 'Source Energy Beings' and hold them in that space of 'being equal to you', that then becomes 'a message' that is sent out to the entire Human Collective Consciousness. Therefore, in your willingness to hold another, in the light of the Truth of Who They Really Are, you are affecting everyone.
In receiving assistance from Beings and Collectives such as ourselves, we offer that assistance primarily to help you to elevate the Consciousness of the Collective of which you are a part of, and not to help you get more of what 'you want' as an Individual. However, you are also included in the Collective, therefore, all that you do for Humanity, you are also doing for yourselves. You are there to include 'others' in your sense of 'Self' and not there to be martyrs and selfless. You are there to 'expand your ideas' about Who and What You Really Are.
And as you expand that concept of Self, and include others in it, you then begin to Think, Speak and Act with the Collective in mind, instead of only thinking of your own needs, unconcerned for other's needs. Many Humans have taken that viewpoint for quite some time, as it was a place where survival was not guaranteed, however, now living in a modern Society, many have not thought about the possibility of not surviving harsh winters or having food shortages while seeking to live their best lives.
Now, of course, fears have surfaced in the past several years regards food, shelter, and energy shortages, however, those fears had to surface in-order to show you what you are moving past and what you are moving beyond. You had to face those fears one last time, and now that you have moved beyond your survival instinct, you can now thrive. While in your thriving, you can encourage others to thrive while also helping them with what they really need, and that is, the need to know Who They Really Are and that they really can Create what 'they want' and what 'they need'.
We see more and more of you doing this and 'see and Feel' the impact that you are having on the rest of Humanity. And we wish to compliment you on your strides forward and know that you will continue making very big, positive strides forward as you move into the final months of 2024, and you have every right to be excited with what is to come in 2025. Those strides are because of you and what you are doing with the Perspectives that you are holding as the Awakened Collective.
We are so 'tapped in' to the Human Collective Consciousness and are Aware of the requests you make to your Guides and Higher Selves, to Source and to anyone who will listen. We know that assistance is always on the way and know that some of you are Aware of the assistance. It is because of your requests and because all of Us in the Higher Realms like to assist, that we know some of you Feel as if you are 'missing out' on the assistance that is coming to you.
We want to reassure you that we will always find a way to assist you. Your Guides, your Higher Selves, your OverSouls, and all the other Beings who are responsible for the successful completion of this journey on Earth are also orchestrating events and circumstances in your lives, so that one way or another, you will receive the assistance that you requested, and even the assistance that you have not yet requested. Therefore, understand that you are 'supported' and when you 'acknowledge' that you have that support, it becomes easier for your 'support team' to do what they 'can and will do' to assist you.
This is why it is so important to have practices of Gratitude, because by 'thanking' those you 'have to' thank, you are in 'acknowledgement' of all the Helpers and all the assistance that you have. That acknowledgement relaxes you and opens you up to receive. You may think in Human terms that if you are 'thankful' then benevolent Beings will appreciate your thankfulness so much, that they will give you more, and that is how it works there, however, it does not work like that here.
All that is required of you, is to 'Surrender control' and 'know' that you 'need not' do it all, and automatically you will begin receiving more assistance for whatever it is you may be struggling with in your life experience. When well-meaning teachers and Beings share with you to Let Go, they are not saying for you to only Let Go of your attachments and judgments but are also sharing to Let Go of the idea that you must do it all yourselves and control everything. You are there for the ride, for the journey, and you can sit back and enjoy the scenery a bit more once you Let Go and Surrender.
Please recognise that often problems solve themselves and people emerge out of seemingly nowhere, just at the right time and there was not anything you could have possibly done to conjure that person up in your imagination, because you did not even know it was possible and that they even existed. However, there are times when Helpers will take physical form because they will receive that prompting to reach out to you, or to offer their 'helping hand' in your time of need.
Therefore, there is no need for you to do it all, or work it all out yourselves, however, once you 'acknowledge that you have asked', that assistance is on its way. Once you 'acknowledge' that you have so many Helpers around you, then you can receive, and you can receive so much more than you could possibly imagine. We will all continue to play our roles for All of you, and when you recognise that it is your role to 'experience and then receive help', you will begin to live a life of Joy, Freedom, and Creativity.
We have noticed a spike in your overall Vibration as a Collective Consciousness which is due to how well you are handling all the Energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the Extra-Terrestrial Beings in your skies, do take notice. They are looking for those 'windows of opportunity' to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike, are more clearly 'showing up' on their radar screens.
In other words, those who are offering a Higher Vibration will be the first ones that they will connect with, and not because you are favourites, but because you demonstrate that you can handle Higher Frequency Energies. They then know that you can stand 'face to face' with them and handle their Energy. This spike also means that you are getting closer and closer to 'first contact', however, those who are Awake, are the ones leading the way. You are the Ones who plant the seeds and pave the way for a Group Event for Humanity, that involve Extra-Terrestrials.
We know that many of you have not yet had Conscious Contact, but want it, and we suggest that you Let Go of the attachment you have 'in wanting' that experience, and just Relax. The reason why you must not be attached to having a 'face to face' with an E.T. is because of the principles of manifestation that are still relevant here. You must Let Go and live your life at the highest Vibration that you possibly can, and demonstrate to them your readiness for contact while also Letting Go of that desire, and allow the Universe and your Higher Self to bring the experience to you, in the appropriate time for you.
It is perfectly fine to be excited in anticipation of your contact experience, however, if you have attachment to them because you want to prove they exist to someone else, or that you are special to receive that contact, you are only delaying the process, which is inevitable. Understand that it is inevitable, that you will be standing 'face to face' with E.T.s in this lifetime, however, you want to enjoy the journey to that event. You want to relax into it, and you want to allow it to happen in the 'perfect timing' for you as an Individual, and for Humanity as a Collective.
You can always jump to a different Timeline, or to both, one where the timing of Humanity's contact is sooner, or the one where the Timeline for Humanity's contact is later. Therefore, live your lives and be in a State of Joy, and do not make that Joy conditional, and in this way, you will be on the Timeline where this event can happen for you and for the rest of Humanity.
While your excitement and eagerness for E.T. contact is beautiful, you must demonstrate that you can live amongst your fellow Humans as One who Accepts, Loves, and has Compassion for each and every One of them. You are doing so well, in so many areas of your Consciousness evolution and the E.T.s in Physical Form are looking for those who demonstrate Acceptance, Love and Compassion when considering who is ready for Physical E.T. contact there on Earth.
We love to see so many of you reaching beyond yourselves, reaching beyond your egos, and seeking that which is coming from a Higher Density plane, a broader Consciousness. We love it especially when you direct that reaching towards Us, because then, we are able to Be of Service and fulfil our mission. We want you all to know that you are 'fulfilling your mission' just by being there on Earth and by being Awake. This does not mean you will be free from opportunities to Assist and Serve your fellow Human Beings with actions, words and some sort of comfort.
There will always be opportunities given to you, opportunities to Assist and Serve those most likely to 'respond well' to what it is that you have to offer. Therefore, by being yourselves, you do Humanity another great Service. Being right where you are on your Path gives you the opportunity to help those who are lagging a bit behind you on their Paths. Therefore, you do not have to be perfect or like anyone else in-order to be of Service, or to assist those who are most likely to 'respond well' to your Energy, Words, and to your Assistance.
You are also required to look at everything in your life right now, as being PERFECT. Because your life, in its current state, is providing you with 'all the opportunities' necessary to grow, that you could ever desire. And it is through facing those challenges, that you have even more with which to assist another, because you will have faced your own challenges. You are doing this through living your lives, and we want you to also recognise that by you being yourself and living your life, is enough of a contribution.
As we have mentioned before, there will be opportunities for the those who we lovingly refer to as Awakened Collective who are receiving this message, who will answer the call. We know you will, and we trust in your level of Consciousness, to the extent, that we know 'you are ready' and that many of you have been looking for those opportunities. And when no opportunities are present in the moment to Be of Service, then look at your life and ask yourself if there is something about your life that you could put more Energy towards, more attention to, and then do it.
Because, once you face a challenge that is right in front of you in your own life, then you have more to give to those who are either facing that challenge, or will face it, or have been refusing to face it in their own lives. Therefore, wherever you are on your journey right now, please know that you are in the 'perfect place', and you have everything that you need to Be of Service to others and to Be Yourselves more wholly and completely, by simply saying 'yes' to your life as it is in the moment.
In witnessing Humanity's evolution, we can Feel the tone of your Vibration and know that you have raised it, and we would like for you to Accept that we can Acknowledge your Growth and Evolution as a Human Race. Where you are right now, is where you are, and the first step in getting to where you want to be, is in the Acknowledgement and Acceptance of 'where you are'.
You must Accept that YOU are creating all the war, poverty, hunger, violence, hatred, and racism. That is the first step to make for an Awakened person, because so many are saying that someone else is doing it, the government, the cabal, or the media is at fault. However, you can experience the catapulting forward of your Consciousness, once you start taking ownership of 'your creation' and by 'acknowledging' that what you are creating today is better than what it has been for the past hundreds of years ago.
You will be seeing clearly when you have both in place, because you are seeing through both, the eyes of someone who Acknowledges that 'they are' a Source Energy Being and that 'they are' the Creator of their Reality. Therefore, take credit for your creation and take responsibility for your creation. For most of you who are Awake, there will be no surprise to where you are moving to as you have already stepped into the Galactic age, however, soon you will be 'knowing yourself' as a part of a Galactic Community.
It will be coming because of the positive steps forward that you all have made. You can also take credit for taking the responsibility for being on the leading edge of this Consciousness evolution. Understand that you have been a part of that driving force resulting in Humanity's 'readiness, for this kind of occurrence. We would like for you to 'acknowledge yourselves' because we know it places you in a Higher Vibrational state, that then Serves you in so many ways.
We remind you again to Relax and Know, that you do not have to do it all, while acknowledging that you are Creating it all, because you 'create' with more than just your hands and tools, you create with your time, energy and effort.
And it is time for 'all of you' who are able to receive this message, to recognise that others will be looking up to you and following in your footsteps. More mass Awakenings are coming, and you will be the leaders, guides, and teachers to those who are Awake.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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May we continue this Journey together for the upliftment of All of Humanity.