We are very grateful and appreciate each and every one of you who receive our messages and reach out to Us with your Desires and with your Intention to connect. This is a beautiful relationship that did not begin just in this lifetime for all of you, we became acquainted with All of you at some point in our journey and your journeys, something that we have experienced for some time, as have you.
Everyone in the World can be seen as someone you already know, regardless of where they live or whether you will ever meet them in this lifetime. By seeing everyone in this way, makes the connections stronger between All of Us, raising the level of Compassion that we All Feel for one another, solidifying the eventual coming together of All Beings, so that we may re-form ourselves back into Source.
Although you are already a Collective, you do not operate as One in the way that we do. It is much easier for Us to operate as a single, whole unit, because of our knowing, that 'We are a Collective', something that is not questioned by any of Us who are a part of this Collective. Whether you realise it or not, this is what Humanity is striving towards and you are moving in the direction of a Unified Consciousness that operates through the 'Collective Will' to support everyone within the Collective, rather than with Self-interest.
When you consider the way Humanity has operated there on Earth for so long, it is an enormous undertaking. Many challenges come with this 'intention' because you are faced with those who think more about themselves than others. It is hard to convince someone with words that they need to care about the Collective that they are a part of, however, it is easy to do once you radiate that Oneness from within you.
When you see the World through the Eyes of Source and see 'no separation' between you and another person, between you and an animal, or you and the entire planet, then that is the Vibration you are putting out and it becomes the World you are creating. Therefore, it is so important for you to recognise how Powerful you are and to give yourself Permission to Feel that Power, because the alternative is to Feel Powerless and to give up.
It is also important for you to recognise that you are not alone in the mission of bringing Human Beings together into One Harmonious Whole. There are many scattered across the Planet doing their work and accessing what they need to access in-order to shine their Light more brightly. When you shine your Light more brightly, you do convince people to shine their Light, without the need to address them at that level of the Mind.
Within each and every one of you there is a Peace, a Love, a Joy that you radiate out once you find it and others will want to do the same. They will want that Feeling you have discovered, to be within them as well. That then will be your next mission, to teach others how to discover within themselves what you have discovered within you.
You can ALL live together on a Beautiful, Loving, and Peaceful Planet and no one must be removed or incarcerated, nor die for this to happen. You will begin to see how much easier it is once you see the World and 'everyone' in it, as YOU. If you have been thinking how to change all those Minds to get them to agree with you, you will overwhelm yourself, reaching a point of hopelessness.
We suggest that you start with 'tuning in' more Consciously to what you are Thinking, Feeling, Believing, Vibrating and go from there, and you will find it a much easier task than when you attempt to do it the hard way. It is inevitable that you ALL come together in this way, and we see it happening within individuals all the time, who are making an enormous difference there on Earth. That is why we will continue to praise you and for you to be confident in your success, because no matter what, our Evolution and Ascension are happening, and they will continue to happen.
With each new discovery that we make in our constant observation and study of you All, we often make new discoveries that we enjoy sharing with you everything we can. These new ways of approaching our assistance to you will not always be apparent to you, however, know that there is an Evolution of our Consciousness proceeding. This Evolution of our Consciousness we pass on to you and one of the ways we do this is with the Words in these messages and with the Energy within it.
We encourage you all to Let Go of what you thought and believed you knew to be as Truth as often as possible, so that you remain 'open' to what could come into your Awareness, that will give you the boost that you need, to take you to the next level of your Consciousness. We know how many of you are also 'opening up' to receive that which is new. You are there to give birth to that which is New, to that which is Unique and to that which is Unusual, and you are not there to just 'relive and repeat' that which is old, because when you do this, often there is resistance.
There are those set in their ways, wanting to either stay the same or go back to an earlier time that they 'perceive' to be better than the time you are now living in, and in a World where Polarity exists, all of that is to be expected. With this Polarity of hot/cold, up/down, left/right you must have at least two Perspectives on everything, therefore, it is important not to get attached to these Perspectives so that new Perspectives can be allowed in.
It is also important for you to know that you are constantly growing in your Spirituality, and in your ability to Perceive Reality, in the ways you able to access ideas, information, and new approaches to living life there on planet Earth. It is perfectly fine for everyone to have their own experience of Reality and their own way of perceiving the World. We are reminding you that you are the Light-Workers, the Change-Makers who are there on the leading edge and is the reason why you respond so well to Us. In many ways we bring you that which is bright, shiny and new, which you then take and sculpture into a better World for all Humans.
We Feel into all the events there on Earth, all at once, and we find that you are continuing to raise the level of the Collective Consciousness there, and you deserve to Feel very good about how you are Evolving as Individuals and as a Collective. You do not need to solve all your problems, in-order for you to Feel good about life there on Earth, because everyone is carrying something and working on something.
And everyone is Evolving out of something and shifting from something else, therefore, look for those opportunities to laugh and to sing with joy, despite all the challenges in front of you. There is no need for you to schedule time to work on yourself, nor wait until the issue presents itself, rather, you can pursue a life of Joy and just know that anything you need to face, you will, and you can face.
You are not just there to live a life of Joy, you are there to also spread Joy, Love, Peace and Harmony around. You are there to 'be creative' and enjoy the 'creativity of others' and to 'welcome in' the Light and spread the Light around. Understand that all your problems and challenges that you face in your life, do not need to be solved by you, just because they are there. Instead, we recommend that you hand them over to your Team, your Guides and to Source, and go out and have fun and you will be amazed at how much you can get done when you are not the one doing all the hard work.
As always, choose to Let Go of more, and reach for what is lighting you up, that places you in a Peaceful space, a Higher Vibration, that will give you solace in a moment. It is worth pursuing whatever allows you to be in a state of Bliss, a state of Appreciation, regardless of what is occurring in your finances, relationships, your body or in the World. As we have shared above, when you do need to look at something, to clear something, and to let go of something, it will show up.
Even like a child playing in a playground that cries or gets angry if they fall down bruising themselves, whatever you are going to do in that moment, you move past it, you get through it and continue to play. And if you decide that playing is too dangerous, you can put on safety pads and walk slowly throughout the rest of your life. All it takes is for you to listen to that Guidance that is always coming to you from within, because you know how you want to live, and you know what you Feel inspired to do and not do. Right now, it is directing all of you to Appreciate something in your life 'as it is' and to pursue something that lights you up.
We have also noticed many of you bearing witness to yourselves and others in your lives without rushing into judgment and this is a huge sign of Spiritual Evolution. You are Growing and Evolving any time you are resisting a knee jerk reaction of judgment. By not choosing judgment, you are choosing Compassion or at least, Acceptance. We want you to know that there is great Power in Accepting yourself just as you are, in Accepting others just as they are, and the World, just as it is. And you can make better decisions once you make Peace with yourself and others.
You can use your Free Will to move towards the Light, understand however, that you are never moving towards the Light while 'simultaneously condemning the darkness'. It is only ever, one or the other, Light or Dark. You can acknowledge the darkness and choose to be the Light in the face of it, and that is what we recommend that you do. However, you do not have to condemn anyone or anything, in-order for you to Feel better about yourself. And it is liberating once you realise this. This allows you to be free to Be Who You Are, without Self-judgment. You are there to become more of Who You Really Are which is a natural process, a process that only you can thwart, and you accelerate the process, by Letting Go.
To grow and evolve Spiritually, all that is required is to Let Go of everything that does not Feel right to you, that makes you Feel burdened, that Feels 'out of alignment' with the truth of Who You Really Are. When you are first willing to Accept everything about yourself, it will be easier to do that for others. We see less of a tendency in you to point fingers, blame and come up with conspiracy theories and more of a willingness to just sit with what is, and even a willingness to offer Compassion to all your fellow Humans, Animals and all Beings in the Plant Kingdom.
Unity Consciousness is the truth of Who You Are, and that is the Unity that you wanted to experience, and to move towards it willingly, deliberately, and even with some enthusiasm about heading home. The 'real you' is the 'whole you', and the 'whole you' includes 'all the parts' in this Universe. And you volunteered to show others the way as the Awakened ones, as The Awakened Collective.
A very 3rd Density game is when you go forth and point out and condemn all the darkness, wanting to ensure all the evildoers are put away for life or worse. Before making the choice to Ascend out of the 3rd Density Consciousness, you knew you would be embroiled in the 3rd Density, which is what the volunteers and Awakened Collective are doing right now. You are leading the way to the New Earth, and we and others like Us see it, and we are all extremely proud of you.
We are very interested in what brings Humans the most Joy, as Joy places you in the greatest amount of Alignment possible. We have noticed that Happiness comes spontaneously to those who are choosing to look for that which is intrinsically joyous in their experience. In other words, by choosing to look at or observe something that will put a smile on your face instead of looking at or observing something that gives you no pleasure, such as rubbish on the sidewalk.
As always, the choice is yours and it does not always need to be a monumental event to put you in a perpetual state of Joy, or give you some Joy leading up to it, during it, or when you are remembering it. Happiness can be a Choice because your ability to Focus is one that you either employ, or do not employ, depending on your Awareness. When you are truly being Conscious in the moment, you recognise that there is a choice. You can think about all the things that you have to do, or all the life situations that have you worried when you Focus upon them, or you can tilt your head slightly and look at a cloud and notice how beautiful and majestic it is.
Certain animals on your planet naturally put you in a joyous state. It is so important to be Present and Aware of what you are Focusing on in the present, because there is so much to be Happy about and there is so much that you could Focus on that would put you in a downward spiral, that would then be hard to get out of. You do want to enjoy this Journey, and want to spread Joy wherever you go, because that is the best way to ensure that others are also enjoying the Journey.
By putting a little skip in your step as you walk down the street, someone is going to see that and smile. It is easier to connect to things that bring you happiness, therefore, set aside time in your day to devote to those things that put you in a state of Joy, understanding that it is also possible to find the Joy in your daily commute to and from work. It is also possible to find Joy in the everyday chores that you do and in the errands that you run. Other things that it is possible to appreciate, is the fact that you exist, that your heart is beating, and that you can breathe in air, and when you are that Conscious in the moment of the Joy of Beingness, then what becomes more apparent to you, is that which is joyous.
We suggest you talk about things that bring you Joy and Focus on them. Think about them, move towards them, and notice how the Universe can always bring you more, and in this way, you will raise your Vibration. In raising your Vibration, you raise the level of Consciousness, that assists All of Humanity.
Understand that acts of Service do not have to be things you force yourself to do out of a sense of obligation, to be something to your fellow Humans that they need you to be. You can just 'be yourself' and 'be happy' and help everyone along the way of their journey to the next Density, the next level.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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