There are many large pharmaceutical companies about to roll out their vaccines with little to no reliable testing. What are in the vaccines?
The vaccines are designed to separate the body from the Soul. To prevent the connection of the body and brain to the soul and spirit, the vaccines are designed to control the global population with Trans-humanism and Artificial Intelligence. It is the nano-chips in the vaccines and the heavy metals that are causing this problem.
The vaccines are designed to suppress Spiritual Thought and produce the suppression of religious extremism. The Cabal's Consciousness think this is positive to their Agenda, however, they cause this type of religious terrorism in the first place and are the ones behind the New One World Order that is perpetuating the extremism.
The secret tests that have occurred with these vaccines are starting to be leaked to the Social Media. How far back have these tests been occurring and what are some of the effects?
The early tests of these vaccines cause neurological problems with the effect that the recipients/volunteers no long feel anything and become devoid of having any emotions, feeling empty inside. There is a direct relationship between vaccines this includes the Triple Viral that is given to young children and the development of Autism. This is by design and the main reason is to prevent the entry of Starseed children onto Earth at these times, some with full memory of 'who they are'. The intention of these Starseed children is to help change the course of Humanity towards something 'good and more positive' than what the Cabal has planned.
Is Autism a more recent condition and if it is, for what reason was it created?
Autism was almost non-existent a few centuries ago with less than one in one hundred thousand of the population and today there are approximately twenty in the same sample population. The pain and suffering of these souls is what nourishes the regressives. The creation of suffering for these Souls induces Low Frequency organic portals amongst the population, giving the regressives' greater control of the Human Societies.
What actually is Autism and how does it affect the person on a Conscious Level?
Autism induces a state of 'thought paralysis' preventing the brain functioning in the normal way, preventing the formation of neurological pathways and networks. The person cannot enter this body properly as the brain does not form or generate Consciousness; rather, it translates it into the body. In other words, the Soul cannot enter the body properly and can only manage this with faults and problems, which imprints these faults into the neuron/networks that the person has throughout their entire life. Children with Autism suffer greatly, often lacking empathy and unable to read emotions in other peoples facial expressions. Many of these children experience sensations of burning in their heads caused by the heavy metals including mercury. They often cry, screaming with the discomfort or attack themselves. The Low state of Consciousness makes them compatible with harmful Low Consciousness entities.
Are the Cabal and/or Alliance targeting young Starseeds or all Humans with the vaccines?
Humans as we describe them are the 'sleeping ones', the people who simply follow all of the Rules and just want to be left alone to cruise through life, so they pay their Taxes, are entertained by mainstream programmes and follow the news, all mind controlled and remain asleep. However, there are many non-Humans fighting for Freedoms and a more 'positive uplifting future' who are masquerading as Humans, many believing they are Humans - the Starseeds.
The Cabal are attacking the Human Civilisation with Covid working to dissolve Society so that they can implement a so-called Planetary Re-Set. And it is the Starseeds that are destabilising the system causing the whole system of control to collapse their Matrix. The Low Level Cabal Humans are terrified that the Starseeds will awaken the masses, so they do 'everything' to maintain their control.
You have said before that the Human Race is a secondary Race and not created directly by the creator but by other Races for the Human experiment of suffering.
Humanity as a Race does not exist; it is more like a blend of countless Extraterrestrial Races all using the same Biological Suit as a Human Biological Body. The Lyrian D.N.A is the basis of the Human Biological Suit as a Human Biological Body in the 3D Matrix. Humans are the only Race in existence on Earth and have been genetically modified for this purpose; mind controlled with the Lunar 3D Matrix, Frequency controlled suppressing their connection with the original Source.
Are some Humans, some of the Starseeds starting to reconnect to their original 5D versions of themselves?
If they had this connection they would re-activate their D.N.A. altering it back to its original Frequency removing the changes made in the laboratories that were made to suppress these Frequencies. There have been many alterations in many laboratories throughout the centuries. Most of these changes have been made through mind control or any artificial changes have been reinforced through mind control. Throughout history changes have been made in the laboratory, however, as has been described earlier, these D.N.A. changes naturally reverse back to the original Frequency. The only way to prevent these changes back is to perpetuate the Low Frequency emanation of the Human Mind itself. These changes that have been made, do not or have not 'defined' the Species, they are isolated changes over thousands of years.
The changes are from Lyrian to Human and from the point of view of Humans, they are regenerative. The biggest changes are that the Human Body is a container for Mortal Souls that have different requirements from different Species. This is why we see the Human Race is not a Species of its own; instead, the Human D.N.A. controls the Biological Suit for many Species.
You have said before that some Starseeds have Frequency and D.N.A. manipulation as a part of their 'Life Plan' that is being monitored from above?
The Races that have their Starseeds incarnated onto Earth do regularly abduct the mothers and prepare their bodies so that they can host the Starseed as a baby. The mother needs a certain type of Energy Matrix. Humanity that has been involved during this period of gestation where the Starseeds and their mothers have been abducted to prepare the mothers body to support a baby who enters with a Soul Energy Frequency greater than that of the mother.
Once a Starseed has incarnated into a Human Body as a baby, how does the Human 'mind' and the Starseed's Life Plan requirement workout?
The Soul's mind in the form of a 'Human' generates their Reality. This is most important to understand, that the 'mental control' of the Matrix applies to 'everything' in 3D, that you call the Universe. All of the information that you receive in 3D comes from your five senses; your Perception is made from your Agreements of how things should be interpreted. Your 'outer world' is a mirror of your 'inner world', in other words, whatever you are paying your ATTENTION to, you receive 'more of the same' - THOUGHTS CREATE.
If that person is immersed in a life full of problems and suffering then under this 'Law of Attraction' you only get more of the same. Everything is the Perception and Agreements of how to see and interpret things. YOU create your own literal REALITY based upon what you have YOUR ATTENTION upon and ALL people are subject to this Law. On Earth you ALL live under this influence and by knowing how this works on a Person or Group Conscious Level, you know how to 'interpret things'; this is where mind control fits in.
If Humans are being manipulated and are asleep with most Humans who 'think' they are of high intellect and cannot see the manipulation, how can Humans wake up?
The Human Race is being manipulated from the most basic Perception Levels and by a much more intellectually superior Race. Human Beings are 'not' the most intelligent Race in the Universe as many Humans think or are led to believe by the very controllers of your minds. Humans must counter-act with what is available to them against this superior intellect.
These so-called superior intellects are several steps ahead in their game than most Humans who are unable to or simply cannot see. Humans are not inferior; they have just been conditioned to function with less capacity than the optimal one. Humans are 'mind controlled' so that they have Limited Perception and are easily controlled en-masse. In other words, you can control what people choose to manifest for them selves.
The genetic engineering on Earth does not understand that you cannot go far by artificially modifying genes, as they will revert back to their original state. D.N.A. has its origins in the Etheric World or the Spiritual World and not the Physical World. However, the separation between the Physical and Spiritual World is only something that Humans are just starting to understand, whereby, everything is UNITY and the Physical World is a part of the Spiritual World, where there are NO clear boundaries, only 'limitations of Perception' according to the Level of Consciousness of each Person and their Frequency.
If advanced Races can modify D.N.A. why can we not modify our own D.N.A. as our way forward?
The real way forward as used by the more advanced Races is to modify the D.N.A. by using the Species itself to modify its own D.N.A. genes, by modifying its own Creative Consciousness and this is achieved in the case of Earth, with Mind Control. The genes themselves are designed to be turned ON or OFF by the Mind of the Body. So, some of the genes can be switched on or be read, while others cannot. The mind can re-write genes even entirely create new ones. It is by design that the Human genes work like this. It is the Mind in the Body that can and does manipulate their own genes, with their own Consciousness and Perception of Reality.
So, our genes can override the 3D Matrix Frequencies and we can use our mental capacity to bring about something better or to manifest something different?
Genes are a molecular structure in geometric form, sacred or mathematical that is the reflection of the Attention that Consciousness has on the Potential Energy to create a sustained Energy Point in Matter - THOUGHTS CREATE.
If you control the Perception of Consciousness, you control what it will manifest. You can control what you create as a World, including your own body. This is the understanding behind 'mind control' on Earth. You only need to implant ideas in a population an agreement about how things should be Perceived and you will be able to make a New Race, when Souls are interested in the experience of being a part of that New Race, or in contrast, you can create a Slave Race to exploit.
Does it take a long time to manipulate the Human mind and does this manipulation come from within the 3D Time Matrix?
Manipulating the mind of Humans does take time, however, the intellectually superior Races 'mind controlling' Humanity do have Time as they reside outside of 3D where their Time construct is much more malleable, they can wait and they have patience.
So when we want 'change' we just have to 'focus' our minds on what we want and show others how to do the same, then collectively, we bring about that change?
You must focus on what you really want, free from the framework of 'what you do not want', free of thoughts escaping from 'what you do not want'. The Human Race needs a new Value System. The problem is that you cannot change people; you can only invite them into a 'new one' by offering an 'alternative', knowing that if an alternative system is not offered and they are unaware of one, then they simply do not know it exists. They may not know of alternatives to what they already know.
Each Human Being and each Human Body has within it everything necessary to 'activate' Genetically and Consciously. Under the Law of Attraction, you live within your own Perceptual Awareness and if that is 'limitation', then you manifest more of that 'limitation'. However, as you grow in Perceptual Awareness your manifesting abilities grow proportionally - THOUGHTS CREATE.
How much are we exploited by the regressive's by our own choosing, compared to what the regressives' are actually doing for their own agenda?
Inside the Matrix you have Agreements that you have made yourself, the experiences you wanted to have as a 'limited' Human for the Spiritual advancements as well as other intentions that this experience can give.
Unfortunately, Humans are serving the purpose similar to farm animals to these regressive Races. They do not exploit Humans for a single purpose. From the Arcontic Perspective of exploitation, they farm Humans for meat/food. Some Races use secretions from Human glands, others just like meat especially children and women, sexual exploitation, reptiles use organic biological portals for sex slaves to drain their energy and for their fun. They are also used for multiple rituals especially young boys and girls before they reach puberty, babies and newly born and young virgins. They also use Human skin for manufacturing bags and clothing, all extremely widespread, they use secretion as elixirs and they use Humans as slaves and genetic farming for all sorts of purposes.
This is terrible, frightening to many and perhaps most people would simply prefer not to believe or accept this is happening today.
People should know this. This perverse behaviour must stop. Before you can change a system, you must first know what needs to change. Like it or not, what is happening on Earth has gone out of control, the regressives' Society has fallen apart. Humans must choose again if they want something more uplifting.
The key is Individual Self-Development. NO-ONE can change the views and belief systems of another as stated before, this is good news because the success of the liberation of Humans does not depend on others or other Groups of people, instead, in a completely isolated way, the INDIVIDUAL has complete control with what happens to them in a Society. So, do not wait to be 'worthy' of something tomorrow or wait for tomorrow to know enough to 'be that change'. ACT NOW, BE THAT 5D PERSON, ACT YOUR LIFE AS A 5D PERSON would living on an advanced planet, even though to a large extent you will find 'contrast' with what you want to BE and what happens all around you.
So, ACT as if you are guests on Earth, however, you should BE and ACT out what your ideas of Self are to be. IMAGINATION CREATES, so immediately adopt the Values you want to see in others within your Society, especially within yourself. Hold the highest idea of Who You Are and live that Reality, every moment of every day. You are the EVENT. Do not expect this to happen outside of yourself; something external to you as there is 'nothing' outside of you, no material World, there is only YOUR MIND.
YOUR WORLD, YOUR REALITY IS IN YOUR MIND; THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE EXTERNAL WORLD. IT IS A GREAT ILLUSION. The sleeping Humans do not understand that they are not victims. Everything 'Good or bad' in their lives, they themselves are creating it all, generating it and the many villains in their lives are not real people but a reflection of their own Consciousness materialising outside of what they 'think' is themselves. The change is YOU; the only REAL THING is YOU. The 'event' has no date; it is something Individual and can be today, for you or anyone.
Yes, I understand, we must be responsible for our own Creations and our own thoughts and make our own internal changes!
With 'internal work' and 'change of attitude', all will be reflected to your 'external World' where you will find people who share the same feelings and understandings, because they have a compatible Frequency. This will lead to a change in Society, to reflect a New Attitude and a New Way of seeing and feeling things. Each person on Earth is the KEY to CHANGE. Do not invalidate others; only be responsible for your-SELF.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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