We are so excited to see you all blossoming and growing there on Earth and we know that the best is yet to come, as do your Guides and Higher Selves. Therefore, we are always encouraging you to 'enjoy the moment' you are in right now, as we know that there is truly nothing to worry about. We hold for you the vision of you gradually returning home to Source and encourage you to Feel for that within yourselves as well. When you look within, you will see all the evidence of the progress that you are making along your journey, as they are all available to you.
Instead of trying to figure it all out in your Mind, use your Mind to Focus, otherwise you will have a hard time trying to make sense of it all. Use your Mind instead, to 'filter' and to Think a Thought on purpose. You have so much Power within you, which has barely been touched by most of you until this point. However, that is changing as more and more people begin accessing their Spiritual Gifts and Abilities.
Once a person accesses a gift or ability, eventually they come to realise that the biggest gift they always had within them, was their Sensitivity. Your Sensitivity leads to your Compassion, your ability to Feel a Vibration on purpose, and your ability to Create a better Reality for you and for everyone else. Those who are stuck operating in their Minds are usually not 'in touch' with that Sensitivity that would allow them to Feel Compassion for others and to Feel a Vibration 'on purpose', which would then allow them to see that Vibration reflected 'back to them' in the Universe.
Those who are Sensitive are more likely to tap into their Spiritual Gifts and Abilities because those 'sensitivities' make the world a very harsh place to be in, forcing a Sensitive person to 'go within' to Feel their feelings, to meditate, and assisting in unlocking their Spiritual Gift or Ability. Life will continue to nudge you in the direction of 'going within', rather than, enjoying all the bright and shiny aspects of the Physical Realm.
At present, it Serves you better not to get caught up in having all the Physical attractions such as elaborate homes, cars, yachts and so on, as those can be distractions from the heaven that exists 'within you'. That is the real journey that you are on, although you can have Physical attractions. It is a journey of discovery, of discovering that 'everything' was always 'inside of you' all the time. The encouragement from the outside world is just what you needed, to Let Go of that which the Ego would pursue, and to 'look within' for that which you truly are.
Everyone arrives there in their own way and in their own timing. The Love within you beckons you towards it, and if you can Trust and be Patient with the process, then you can live happily in whatever life you have created for yourself right now. We know how much you have grown there in your Earth experiences, and we know there is more growth to be experienced by you.
We assure you that your growth is inevitable, and we would like to release you from any idea or belief, that your growth must be hard and full of suffering. When you can look back at an incident in your life that was traumatic to you and see how much you grew from that experience, then you are Served by the reframing of the events. However, you must not develop an 'expectation' that you must suffer, in-order for you to grow.
Growing can be achieved through a 'joyous experience' and having a life-altering experience that is very Positive and Good Feeling. Anyone who is operating under the assumption that 'growth must be painful' is taking that idea from the Collective Consciousness, because it is a widely held belief amongst most Humans. Now is the time where you examine all your Beliefs, in-order, to better understand the Creation of your Reality. Once you do so, you can recognise that there are many ways for you to 'grow and expand' that do not involve 'pain and suffering'.
Look back at your life right now and note all those times that you grew through a joyous event or an exciting set of circumstances. Understand that when you take beautiful opportunities that come your way, you grow from them. In fact, while you are sleeping and travelling through the astral plane, you grow in leaps and bounds. Therefore, understand that your 'continued growth' that is in front of you there on Earth, does not need to be awful experiences.
We are encouraging you to Create a joyous journey in your 'waking state' as we encourage you also in the astral plane when we meet with you. We also encourage you to believe in yourselves as the Creator of your Reality, as you are the only one choosing for you, on your Path to the 5th Density.
We are looking to encourage all of you to participate Consciously and deliberately in the process of your 'natural evolution' there on Earth. Although there are many people telling you the way to bypass or shortcut all the work with which you can grow in leaps and bounds by using this technique or this device, the best way however, is the 'natural evolution process' to raise your level of Consciousness. We want you to understand that the old-fashioned way is still the best way to Evolve and to Ascend and we see how you all Consciously and Subconsciously participate in the natural evolution process.
By Focusing on your Vibration, by Meditating, processing your Emotions and offering Forgiveness, by being Aware of your Thoughts and the Words you speak and the messages you send online, by being Aware of these things, they are so much more powerful than anything that is happening 'outside of you' or any application that could take you into a more Enlightened State.
The assistance that you are receiving from outside of you is always meant to encourage you to Focus more inwardly than you are currently doing. When it comes to your Spiritual Evolution, you have a choice to make, you can look at the predictions, the external events that can fix all the problems of your world instantly, or you can Choose to take more control of your Spiritual Evolution by 'paying more attention' to what is going on 'inside of you'. The biggest benefit of meditation is that it brings you more Awareness, and with more Awareness, you can make more changes that need to be made and will be made, one way or another.
It is a much easier and better Path when you 'deliberately' take on your work because when you push things down or put things off, they will eventually erupt out of you, leaving you an even bigger mess to clean up while you are doing the necessary work on yourselves. We have noticed many more people seeking out connection with those like Us and we assist you to 'pay more attention' to what you are Thinking, Feeling and Vibrating. We are also offering a Higher Vibration to you, and an invitation for you to join us in the Higher Vibrational Realms.
When you make connections, you are reaching up and you are reaching in, and when you reach up Vibrationally, you make a huge impact on your normal Vibrational state, which is needed for every Individual, in-order to acclimate to the Ascension Energies. Otherwise, by ignoring everything that is going on inside of you and looking outside of you for the answer, you are just making it harder on yourselves.
We know that there is much Focus on the A.I., reptilians, cabal groups, and so on, with the idea that they all must be defeated before you can access the truth of Who You Are within you, and none of that is true. All of them are distractions and keeps you from Focusing on what is truly important, which is, the importance of what is going on for YOU, within you.
We know our Vibration is of assistance and we are happy to be one of the many Groups and Beings that you can 'reach out' to for a connection. We know that as the Awakened Collective, you are ready to receive those Higher Frequency Vibrations and to spread them to your fellow Humans, because we see the impact our energetic messages have on all of you. Your seeking of connection helps everyone, regardless of whether they are seeking it or whether they are listening to anything you are saying. Everyone is benefitting from that particular 'gift of connection' that you have to give to your fellow Humans.
We know that not everyone 'is open' to receive what they need, and most people are 'not open' to receiving what they want. Therefore, one of the best things you can do for your fellow Humans is 'open up' to 'receive' what you have coming to you. By 'opening up' you are not only setting the example for others, but also creating the template that others can also use, and next time someone asks why your life is so great, you can share all that is being given to you, with what you receive Consciously from the Non-Physical.
They will then ask you how you do it, allowing you the opportunity to explain it to them. You can explain that you realised that there is a certain amount of futility in forced action and in struggle. And you can share with them that you decided to Surrender, to Let Go, to Relax and to 'open up', and that when you made that decision, everything changed for the better.
If you want to be Healed, 'open up' to the healing Energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more Abundance, 'open up' to the flow of abundance that is always coming to you. If you want more Peace, 'open up' to the peace that surrounds you and is inside of you when you look for it. 'Open up' to the Love of Source and 'allow in' the Love of Source to flow to you and through you and will see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
The one caveat is that it does take some Letting Go. You must Let Go of tension, doubt, disbelief, anger, resistance, resentment, and many more. You must Let it Go and you have to realise it does not Serve you. You may benefit from observing a Master, not just what the Master is doing or saying, but also, what the Master is emanating. Feel into their Vibration and notice there is no tension in their shoulders, neck, jaw, or brow. They have freed themselves of all that, because they know they are Eternal, Infinite Beings of Light and that this is just one stop on a magical explorational journey.
You are also on that journey, and you must Let Go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others and to God. All that is required is for you to 'embrace' Who You Really Are and then, the 'doing' will come from an 'inspired' place. It comes from within you, a deep desire exists for you to explore something, it comes from enthusiasm and from interest, and not from wanting to make up for a feeling of 'lack of' from within Self. You are not trying to fill a hole by taking the actions that you take.
Your actions can come from an 'overflow of Energy' that you 'opened up' to when you relinquished the struggle, tension and so on, and you allowed yourself to 'Feel the flow' that is coming to you at all times. That is what channelling is. Channelling is possible when a person has 'opened up' to the Energies that are all around them.
When a person 'wants' to be in the flow, and to Feel something different, they eventually will. We know you can receive all that is coming to you, and that the best time is when you are more relaxed or when you are asleep. Sleep is so beneficial for you in so many ways. When you sleep, you Let Go enough of the doing and the thinking to allow sleep to happen, and you 'allow in' so much at night while you are asleep.
You also never stop having experiences and exploring Consciousness, and many of you are aware that you are doing so in the Astral Plane. Set your 'intentions' for what you want to receive while you are asleep, and then allow yourself to be amazed at what will come to you during the night. All you must do is Let Go and you can 'wake up' to a brand-new life and a brand new you.
We want to encourage you to Focus more on 'Feeling' whatever it is that you have your attention on, rather than, just asking your Mind whether it seems true, or real, to you. If you give your attention to something based on whether is interesting or not, you will find yourself Focusing in many different directions that will not Serve you in the end.
Therefore, we invite you to 'pay attention' to the transmitting of Energy that is happening right now, and for you to do the same whenever you are Focusing on anything, whether it has to do with your Spiritual journey or not. Everything is Energy that is Vibrating, including all people, all teachings, all perspectives, all wisdom, and all thoughts. Everything is Energy, that is vibrating at a particular Frequency. That frequency is one that either Serves you or does not Serve you to match. Therefore, 'pay attention' to how you are Feeling when you are Focusing on something, regardless of what it is, because that 'feeling', is telling you everything you need to know.
Something you should ask yourselves more often, is whether you like the way you Feel when you Focus on something, or whether you need or want that something. Do not fall into the trap of the Mind when it says that it seems logical, this seems like it might be true, or that this is interesting so I will continue to give it my attention. When most people give their attention to something, they ignore everything that their Emotional response is telling them and that is not a good idea. You become what you Focus upon, therefore, make sure you are Focusing upon what you want to become. Always Focus only on what you want more of and never Focus upon what you want to eradicate.
There is no way to eradicate anything, because all of this exists within Source, and Source is not going anywhere, neither is anything that exists within Source. Therefore, you might as well 'Accept everything' as it is right now because it will always exist. What you need to decide is whether you do or do not like to encounter it around every corner, because if you do not like to encounter it, then do not continue to give it your attention. If you wish to live a Conscious and deliberate life as a Creator Being there on Earth, then continue to give your Attention and Focus on that which you want to 'see and experience' more of. That is what you are and whether you realise it or not, you are all Creating, all the time, so you may as well do it Consciously.
We are offering you energetically what we know that you need, however, not everyone can receive it, or even want to receive it. By knowing it is there, you are more likely to receive it and if you 'tune in' to what we are sending and Feeling for those Energies in your body, we are certain you will want more. We seek to Serve and assist you. We will never stop delivering to you as long as you are Ascending, and we are Ascending and there will be more for you to receive from Us.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings