We have so much enjoyment witnessing you during this time of great upheaval there on Earth, with how well you have all been handling the ways in which your Society, in many ways, has been collapsing around you. You have noticed that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in, are all really 'houses of cards' that could topple at any moment, and you even have many people predicting that they will in some way, shape, or form, be crumbling in the not-too-distant future. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your Vibration, because 'you choose' to be 'stable forces' for Humanity. You choose to 'recognise' that as one institution or system crumbles, a 'new one' is formed to take its place.
And you are the Way-Showers who have decided that you want to be the Creators of those new systems, new institutions, and the new ways of being in the World. You are not just building shelters and scrambling into them with canned goods. You are able to see 'the possibilities' that are springing up all around you for a better World for everyone, and you are even able to envision those Worlds and your part in Co-Creating them. We want to point out to you, as previously indicated by us that you are Co-Creating other Worlds, and it is not just one Earth, nor just two Earths, as you are constantly Co-Creating 'new experiences' of 'new versions' of your World, because that, is how Powerful you really are.
You have no need to pay so much attention with what is happening in the Governments and the Banking Systems, etc, as they represent the older Consciousness, the 3D version of You and of the rest of Humanity. At one time they were necessary, and they played their roles for all of you, however, now you are graduating to something new and better. And you are the ones orchestrating what those institutions will be, how they will be run, and how they will 'Be in Service' to 'everyone', not just for the few.
Before you could start to operate effectively in the 'Physical Realm' as the Masters' that you truly are, to bring harmoniously together the Physical and Spiritual Realms, you needed a stronger foundation in the Spiritual Realm, and you are there now, as the 'Beings who are very focused' on your Spirituality. You are there to show people that there is a 'happy medium' between living in squaller and living in opulence. Whether you Acknowledge it or not, you are a Spiritual person and you do not have to meditate all day, in-order to be Spiritual. You can live comfortably in the Physical World without living in excess, without hoarding, and without protecting what you have against anyone or anything, fearing it would be taken away from you.
As the Awakened Souls, it is all about the 'merging' of the Physical and the Non-Physical, the Material and the Spiritual, the Human and the Divine, Humanity and Extra-Terrestrial. It is not a choice between one or the other, it is always both, and it is in the 'merging of both' and everything, that you Become one Harmonious Whole, that you become your Higher Self, ushering in the time of the New Age, the 5th Density. And we, are Non-Physical Consciousness that are here to assist you all.
Understand that you All wanted to be there on Earth at these times before you were born, whether you know it or not, to experience all the struggles that Humanity faces, through living in war torn countries, experiencing poverty, famine, and civil unrest, having terrible things that no one would ever want. It is true that they are terrible things, and it is 'all right' for you to decide that they are terrible things and that you no longer want them, because that is one of the purposes that they Serve you. They Serve you because they 'allow you' to create what you 'do want' out of the circumstances that you 'do not want'.
You also get the Satisfaction of experiencing yourselves as the ones who feed the hungry or give money to the poor and you get to experience yourselves as the ones who stand up for those who in some way, are disenfranchised. And for those people who live in war-torn countries, they get to experience themselves as heroes, as many have. Therefore, any Being or Group of Beings coming into your environment and wanting to make it all better for you, would be just robbing you of those experiences of Self, that as Souls, you want to have and even some would admit as People, wanting to have.
This is why 'non-interference' is such an important policy for E.T.s to take. Of course, not all E.T.s have taken the non-interference policy to heart, all the time. We can say it is true for us, however, we can also say that we did have other interests, and those interests did not involve planet Earth for a very long time. Our interest is now taken in you, and we know the ways in which we can assist you, by teaching you and sending you energies. We know that you will run with the Energies that you download from us, as you receive them, and that you will get to experience the Joy of your own Growth.
Many on Earth would like to see thousands, even millions of trials to happen, to bring the 'truth to light' about the dastardly deeds there on your planet, perhaps even have us judge those cases, however, it is much easier to FORGIVE, no matter what they have done, which is then, so much faster to see the Light, the Love, the Divinity within each and every Human Being. It is so much better for you to Forgive than to lock them all up, and some of you know this, and some of you are doing it, and you are the ones doing the work that some Humans want Us to do, and our work is not to take sides, make it all right for you.
You can do so much with what is happening 'inside of you', by simply recognising and realising when you are holding resentment, holding judgment or condemning those who appear to be responsible for all the problems on your World. Once you do Let Go of all the heaviness and darkness that is within you, then you no longer need to create the idea of villains in your stories anymore. When enough of you are in that place of Forgiveness, is the time when the ships will land. When enough people decide that 'no-one' must be put on trial or be locked up, that is when you will 'open up' to your friends and family members who are patiently waiting on their ships in your skies.
We want to assure you that everyone there on Earth is on a journey of evolving their Consciousness and we know that you have All evolved tremendously throughout the course of your lives. While it may seem as if there is 'no hope' for certain members of your family, certain segments of the population and so on, you are in fact, there to provide that 'hope' to those who are asleep and to those who are very much 'seeming to' want to stay asleep. As the Way-Showers, you provide the formula, the template, and you are there to demonstrate to others, how it is done.
Remember, that you are still impacting the Collective Consciousness with what you have been able to do and how you have been able to grow in this lifetime, even though you may never write a book and the book may not even be read by anyone who is asleep. And of course, many of you have a book in you with stories to share and you do not have to wait until someone invites you to share your story, in-order to share it.
There are many predictions floating around in the New Age filled with cataclysmic events, and many of you who are awake Feel that those predictions make sense because of how asleep a large portion of the population is. However, by 'holding space' for everyone, you can help everyone to Awaken there on Earth. By acknowledging how far you have already come on your journey, you are showing your Faith in those around you who have yet to awaken, because they can move forward quickly, if not more quickly than you did. You have prepared them by laying down the groundwork for them and you are sharing your stories with them, despite the fact, that you have no idea how you will be received when you 'open up' to them.
Whatever the state of the World is today from your Perspective, it is time for all of you to recognise that the 'growth experiences' available to everyone, is because of the state of the World and they are what you are really there to experience. You did not come forth to get it everything right and to do it all perfectly the first time, because you have come forth many times to arrive at this place where you are now. By 'seeing' the Path of Ascension for All of Humanity, you then 'know' that Timeline is available to you and everyone else, and you have no need to worry about the predictions that are around telling you what Humanity needs in-order to Awaken.
All that is required is for YOU to 'believe in Humanity', that starts by you 'believing in yourselves', because you are a representative of Humanity, and they are a reflection to you. And if you can see yourself reaching the next level and the next level, you are helping your fellow Humans to do the same. Again, it is important for you to recognise just how Powerful you are, and to 'hold space' powerfully for All of Humankind to ensure your Ascension is of Joy, Peace and Love, that is desired by All.
We know many of you have been 'opening up' to receive more of the assistance that has always been coming to you, and that many more of you are 'stepping forward' to become the Helpers that you truly are. The way that we Ascend as a Universe, is by coming together, therefore, anything that Feels to you like it is a movement towards 'coming together' with any other, will Feel good, and anything that is a movement towards 'separation, segregation, moving apart', will Feel bad.
If you were to choose a Path of Separation, you would be going against the grain, especially at this time, if however, you choose a Path of Integration, of coming together, you will Feel very good. Because coming together means you are setting aside differences, that you are seeing yourself in another, and it also means that you have 'accessed' more of your Compassion for another Human Being, all of which are very good things.
If we were Physical Human Beings living on Earth at this time, we would make a list of all the ways in which we can come together with our fellow Humans. We would be looking for ways in which we can Forgive, we can Let Go of resistance, and we can put aside differences, so that it is possible to come together with another Being or Group previously seen by us as the enemy. We truly are ALL in this TOGETHER. This is a Group event, a Collective experience that we are having and by seeing yourselves more as members of a Collective than Individuals, assists you immensely.
In-order to 'go with the flow', taking an easier Path, we suggest you look for and 'create those opportunities' to assist others, to come together with others, to unite and see beyond the differences. This you can All do, and we know this as we have seen it when we have looked down those Timelines, and seen exactly what we are describing here. None of you who are receiving this message have to convince anyone else to do the same. When you do it, you will be aligning with the World, and the Human Collective on that World, who is also doing it. And so, there is no converting or preaching necessary, you just do it and you will see the results in your World and in your life.
You do have the capacity to take on so much in a single lifetime, because of how Powerful you really are, just look at all the challenges that you have carved out for yourself in this lifetime if you want to know how Powerful you really are. To know your Power, first you must have something that you need to overcome, which is why you do not incarnate to live a perfect and beautiful life, even though you are already masters. You incarnate to run into obstacles, to fall into pitfalls, and to face hurdles that you have to jump over. These are all meant to show you exactly how Powerful you really are. During those times when you did not Feel so Powerful, you wound up in a heap on the floor, crying and not doing very well at all, which is when you needed Compassion the most. We, and other Beings and Collectives in the Higher Realms, are meant to have that Compassion for you and we are fulfilling our missions when we Feel Compassion.
When we offer you Love and support, we gain an understanding on an 'experiential level' just how loving and supportive 'we can be'. Therefore, everyone at this time, is playing their role perfectly, no matter what is happening. We now Feel ready to shift from being the 'agents of Compassion' that we truly are, to being the ones who assist you to 'gain more access' to your Power. We invite you All to Feel into your solar plexus and to breathe into those areas so that you can Feel your Power and Know your Power. In that way, when you do get inspired to take some sort of action, you will take it from your place of Power.
You are now ready to move forward into your lives of mastery. You have experienced all the emotions you were meant to experience and have faced all the challenges you set up for yourselves. Now is the time for Power and Mastery. We know that you are ready, however, do you know, and do you know how ready you are? Do you know that you are masters who have come to experience your mastery in the flesh, amidst all the challenges?
You are shifting the way you 'Perceive your Reality', which is what allows the Reality that you Perceive and Experience, to change. In some cases, you see it happening in real time, at times you notice that miracles are possible and that quantum leaps are possible. You notice that spontaneous remissions are possible, and the more you notice these things, the more you hold the Perspective that is more aligned to your true Self. The true Self knows, and YOU are seeking to know what the true Self knows.
In-order to do that, you must find your 'alignment' with your true Self and with Source, that sometimes all that is required by you, is to change your Perspective on something. You change the way you look at something, you change you and it, and you certainly change your experience of it, and then you have nothing to resist. You have nothing to condemn, you have nothing to judge, you have nothing to fear. It is only when you take back your Power that you can 'know yourself' as Powerful. Once again, the true Self, the whole Self, is Powerful and knows that Power.
It is easier to know without the veil, and no one in the Higher Realms would have expected anything else from you, and 'as Souls' you all wanted the experience of being veiled. As humans, you wonder why you would ever take on the veil and experiment with the experience of Physical Reality. You do not have to discover all the reasons why you would ever want to know yourselves as separate and separate from Source, to realise that YOU are the one who is playing the game with YOU, and YOU are the one who is discovering the rules of the game.
You become 'one' with the Reality that you want to experience as you 'shift your Perspective' and you realise that the Reality you have been experiencing, is not solid, not long lasting, and it is not even the Reality that someone sitting next to you would be experiencing, if they were to give an account of their experience of it to you. Again, different Perspectives, which is how it was always meant to be there on Earth.
However, once you realise that you can take on the Perspective of the person seemingly having a very good time in life, that instead of resenting them, you take back your Power. You take back your Power from circumstances, conditions, from others who would like you to hand your Power to them, and you do so, without any resentment towards them, because 'you know' they were playing their role in your game.
It is then you live your life as an Awakened Consciousness, and the evidence is all around you. The evidence is in your life. It is in the way you Feel, it is in your relationships with others, which also change when 'you change' the way you look at them. We invite you to Feel for your Power, to seek out your Alignment, and to experience the Reality that is of your preference and your creation, and we want you to know there is absolutely 'nothing' holding you back.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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