How far have you come from the Pleiades Star System to be here on Earth at this time?
From the perception of Humanity at these times we would say approximately 128 light years.
I know it may be obvious to you but does that mean if you were travelling at the speed of light it would take approximately 128 years of in-flight travel time to traverse this distance?
From your perspective the answer is, Yes. It will be necessary to expand on the understanding of how Stellar Navigation works to explain things from our perspective. In Stellar Navigation we use Frequency Maps and not Location Maps. In a Frequency Map what is important is the relationship between the given specific Frequencies that can be taken as Destinations or as Locations as we do not use concepts like distance and directional placement as would be used in a traditional Map. Remember we have shared before a Location has a specific Frequency and on a conventional Map this would represent a dot and a given name would identify this place.
Because everything is Energy the only difference with one Location and another, is its Frequency. A Frequency of a Location is the result of the combination of all the Energy interactions of not only the objects and things such as Location but also the relationship with other Locations surrounding it inside a continuous soup of Potential Energy in the form of WAVES. Each object big or small vibrates at a specific rhythm from a subatomic level and that rate of 'Vibration' is what we call DENSITY.
Does that mean I am also giving off a specific Frequency that is all mine and does that mean I can easily be located through my personal Frequency?
Indeed, the Mechanics of Manifestation is a Universal Principle that applies to everything in this Universe.
Is this why we apply the 'Imagine' tool of Transformation and hold the highest idea of who we are and the highest idea of the Earth we wish to reside upon?
Exactly - THOUGHTS CREATE. Matter is always the result of Consciousness and IS a consequence of Consciousness. The ultrahigh Vibrations and ultrahigh Density Potential Energy Fields we call the ETHER is nothing other than PURE UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS, the Unified Field from where everything else comes out from or is made manifest from. Every holographic piece of the Unified Consciousness Field 'the ETHER' has the same power as the WHOLE and IS the WHOLE in itself.
So are you saying we can manifest anything we want, including a Real ADMA to an Unreal Human?
Exactly. You have captured the Mechanics of Manifestation.
Is that what you mean when you say we are both Source and a fragment of the Source at the same time?
In as many words you are correct. The ETHER is the Consciousness of the CREATOR, ALL THAT IS. Each living form, each persons Consciousness is not only 'part' of the ETHER, 'it is' the ETHER itself, defining the holographic piece as something, for although it is a fragment of a Whole it keeps ALL the attributes and power of the Whole. In other words, everything in the ETHER works and is in the form of ENERGY fluctuations and variations within the Field, these are WAVE patterns.
Every single Wave is defined by a 'crest and trough' moving and existing at a specific 'time rate', this is called a Frequency. And the Frequency of a Wave is defined by a 'time-frame' that is given by and is the result of the Consciousness of the Observer. When the Frequency of a Wave is given a specific Time-rate with added complexity with a mathematically perfect and orderly way by the Observer Consciousness, this is called the 'Harmonics' of a Frequency and this occurs as the result of a repetitive 'Conscious Intention' by the Observer, the thought pattern resulting from a creative imaginative process.
When the Harmonics of a Frequency has enough 'consistency' Energy and is of correct or right type it will form 'Standing Waves' these are points within an Energy Field where a concentrated part of that Energy does not reabsorb back into the Potential Energy Wave Field, the Harmonics of the Frequency constantly feed that specific point with Energy given at a very specific rate, keeping it ever 'present' and 'continuously' energized.
Is this the same process discussed before, that when we are on a specific Timeline that matches our Frequency, we animate that Timeline with the Harmonics of our thoughts?
Exactly, it is the same process that we are expanding upon here. Continuing, This Potential Energy Wave Field will form a concentrated Energy point within the Field, this point is called a Node and with enough added complexity it will form an object that we would call Hard Matter and depending on the Harmonics of the Frequency, that Matter will form an object. However, its existence will always depend on the Frequency and its Harmonics that are given to it by the cause of it, the Observer Consciousness.
We have shared before that it is from this higher Awareness that the only thing that seems REAL in this reality is YOU and is the Focus of your Conscious Attention Awareness, everything else you have placed into this reality is of your choosing to make it more REAL to experience Contrast. In essence the only thing that is actually REAL is your Soul OBSERVING YOU everything else is a construct through Conscious Focus Awareness of your Soul.
Defining Harmonics of a Frequency is the ordered sequence of 'pulses' within a Potential Energy Field. Every Frequency and Harmonic of a Frequency depends on a 'Time-rate', this 'Time-rate' is the result of the changes in the Intention and Attention of the Observer Consciousness. Time being the result of the Awareness of the Observer Consciousness as it animates its 'concepts and ideas' giving them a sequence. 'Time' is a perception given by the order of concepts in the Awareness of the Consciousness Observer and the rate with which it sequences ideas. The more Awareness the more concepts it can manage and at a higher rate as it means processing more Data Perception.
Is this the intention of all of these recent messages, sharing more knowledge with a greater understanding of how our Universe actually works, is that how we raise our Frequency, by expanding our understanding?
Indeed. Consciousness Observers Perception will determine which Density of existence the Consciousness Observer can perceive. This higher rate means a faster and more complex Harmonics of a Frequency the Consciousness Observer can create within a Potential Energy Field. There are no Densities of existence as such, not as separate realms.
A Density is the result of the capacity of Perception of the Consciousness Observer, the rate at which it can process Data, the rate it can give the Harmonics of a Frequency, all Matter depends upon and exists within the Awareness of the Consciousness Observer.
The Consciousness Observer with this Frequency cannot perceive anything with a higher rate or Frequency of any object resulting from a higher Harmonic of a Frequency than the rate the Consciousness Observer can animate and understand its own 'perceptions'. In other words, when you are in 3D all that your Perceptional Awareness will only allow you to perceive is 1D, 2D and 3D, however, nothing higher. Similarly, when you are in 5D your Perceptional Awareness will only allow you to perceive 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D, nothing higher.
The more Awareness, the more Perceptions it can handle, the more Perceptions it can process, the higher the rate of Harmonics of a Frequency it can handle resulting in the capacity to be AWARE of a higher Density of existence. Low Density of existence realms is the result of a slower Harmonics of a Frequency and the faster it goes it will result in a progressively higher Density. And as explained above the rate of speed is given by the Consciousness Observer, this means that there are as many Densities of existence as there are as many Consciousness Observers.
More than one Consciousness Observer can perceive the same as the result of similar Harmonics of a Frequency of each one of them. Similar but never the same as their point of Attention is always different, defining point of Attention as each Individual Conscious Observer having its own 'Individual' stream of thought patterns and perceptions. The interaction between Individual Points of Attention result in a partial equalization of Perception between them as they combine patterns that are Harmonics of a Frequency that will result in a 'Perceived' set of concentrated Nodes or Energy concentration Points within the Potential Energy Field that are in turn Perceived by them as material objects that make up their 'shared outside world'.
Are these the Dominant Frequencies that create Timelines that we as a Group Consciousness create, that are either destructive or constructive?
Indeed, and all of the perceived 'solid' objects within the Reality construct of these Timelines are a concentration of 'standing waves' within a Field that are a more or less fixed rate, therefore giving the Consciousness Observer the Perception idea of a solid material thing. Any 'situation' is the combination of Frequency Harmonics in a dynamic process involving a specific rate of Frequencies within a 'time frame' given by the Observer. It is the dynamic interaction of both 'idea perception' and 'perceived' solid objects through a passage of time, a sequence of Frequency Harmonics interacting with each other with mathematical precision.
To understand you clearly, is this why an event also has a specific Frequency as well as an incarnated Soul into a chosen reality along with a planet or even a star system?
Exactly. These mathematical interactions define the Wave lengths and Frequencies within a realm or Density of existence and also defines the exact Frequencies within a Field of Energy. There is no 'Matter' as such, as it is all perceived Standing Waves concentrated Energy Points, or Nodes within a Field of Potential Energy call ETHER. To recap, these specific mathematical Frequencies and their interactions with one another create a combined Collective Harmonics of a Frequency within the ETHER Energy Field and is what we call Location, that we can call Matter.
This we can interpret with our Conscious Perception as for example, a lamp post, a side walk or path way, the corner of a building, a specific part of a city in as much detail as we require. With less detail, the city or town that these exact locations occur within and with even less detail would be the planet or star system that this detail is contained within. When our Conscious Focus Attention is being placed in an exact Location such as the corner of a building then vehicles and people passing by are also influencing the Frequency of this Location with their own Energy patterns within the Field of their own interacting Harmonics of a Frequency, in a continuous interaction between them all at a specific 'time-rate', as a result of Individual and Collective Observer Consciousness.
It is these specific Frequencies that are 'exact' and never 'equal' to others, this then can be interpreted as an 'exact Location' within 'Time & Space'. It is these 'exact' Harmonics of a Frequency that we can use to navigate a starship. The Location and its Harmonics of a Frequency can be as small as an atom or as large as you can possibly imagine. The 'exact' Harmonics of a Frequency of a planet for example, within the soup of Potential Energy we call ETHER, externally you call Space Time Continuum, is the exact Location in a Star Map, it is also the 'exact' date, that we can then enter into our ships computer and set as our Destination.
To be continued...
Here we have presented a lot of information that on a first read may seem complex, however, please read several times carefully. It will all start to make sense. The Mechanics of Manifestation follow Universal Principles and most of your Stellar cousins and Soul Families understand and use these Principles with their various technologies as they move around the Universe with ease in astonishingly short periods of Perceived Time. If you are well versed in conventional scientific studies based upon Newtonian Science you may feel challenged. So, please place your Newtonian conventional science ideas to one side and study with an open mind.
We have shared before the Universe has no Beginning and no End, it just IS. It is not expanding at the Speed of Light, rather, it is more uniform, however, the entire Universe is moving 'together' in Spiral Projections through what you would Perceive to be Space. Part 2 of 2 of this explanation you will find fascinating and it will expand your mind beyond the Newtonian concepts of bending Time and Space to travel a shorter distance from one part of the Universe to another. And Universal Science will naturally replace Einstein's postulations that nothing can travel faster than the Speed of Light.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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