A lot of the challenges you face there on Earth do not feel at all like they were your Choice. You do not sit around and reminisce about how you chose a debilitating illness so that you could understand the power of Healing Energy and hone your abilities at letting that Energy in. In other words, most of the challenges are not fun that you all face there on your World. We choose to challenge ourselves in the same way an athlete would try to beat their best time. It is a Spiritual pursuit that keeps us very interested in 'being' exactly where we are.
We know that someday it will be easy for us to exist in a Higher Vibrational state of Being, but right now, we want to explore the limits of what is possible for us as 9th Density Beings. We tell you this because we want to inspire you; we want you to Know that you will continue to have the 'challenges' that do not seem at all like they were your Choice, and we would like for you to add to those 'challenges' by giving yourselves something to reach for.
Most other Humans would give you a very Physical Goal to reach for and give you a 'timeframe' for achieving that Goal, but we are not Human. Therefore, we Inspire you now through the story we have just told you to go Higher and Higher in terms of 'how' you can 'Feel' and 'what' you 'Vibrate'. If you close your eyes and you Focus on 'breathing' while holding that 'Intention' of going Higher than you have ever gone before in your Frequency, and you do that once a day, you will get better and better and better, and your baseline will 'shift'. Your 'default setting' will be a Higher Frequency than it once was and not only will you live a better life, but you will have more tools for helping others to live better lives as well.
Something that seems like it is a very self-centred activity does not have to be, because you do tend to want others to 'experience' something that is mind-blowing when you experience it. That is why you tell people about a restaurant or a movie that you particularly enjoyed. If every 'single one' of you that receives this Message takes us up on our suggestion, then shows one other person how to do it, and encourages them to show one other person how to do it, and you keep that chain going, you CAN Change your World by the end of 2021 to a place that you would not even recognise, and that would be a very good thing from our Perspective.
To have a deeper understanding of where you are as a Human Race today, we will explore with a brief 'overview' events that have fashioned the Human Race at these present times, for the purpose only to understand how 'Contrast' allows you to move forward with Compassionate Action.
The Federation is Galaxy wide and concentrated in this quadrant of the Galaxy and made up of at least half a million different Star Races, some Inter-Planetary Levels of Technology and some not, many Inter-Stellar, all with varying levels of Technology and Consciousness and all within what you would call 5D. The 5D Federation is also present on several Density Levels, all intertwined and interconnected with influence on one another.
The 5D Federation is massive and very complex. The Federations response to the destruction of Taymat (as mentioned before) and the consequential tilting of the Earth Axis accompanying the Great Flood 12,500 years ago, caused a huge Political upset within the 5D Federation, as to be expected, and the repercussion of this act still affects the Federation and us today. This is why for the Federation; the Biology of Earth must be kept at all costs. Here the problem is that the Federation uses this as justification for the reduction of Earth's population. The Federation see's the Genocide of the Human Race as a 'natural process' and more 'humane' than a Catastrophic Event and do not see that All of Humanity is being destroyed, but as the Transformation into another New Cycle, involving Trans-Humanism and Artificial Intelligence and the removal of unwanted numbers of people who are 'hurting' the Planet, because according to them, there are too many Humans on the Planet.
Most people on Earth are heavily conditioned to see Space as empty, and only having one Planet with life on it. So, they very strongly think that Society and everything that goes with it, from Moral Values to History, to taste in food, to clothes and fashion, gadgets, jewellery, ethics, sports cars, clothes hangers, everything, was invented on Earth by Humans. They were conditioned to 'think that way' by their Governments, by the controllers like the 'Illuminati' using media, music, movies, Social Values through schools among so many other places.
This causes Humans to have a very strong 'resistance' to even 'accepting' Human Life Form existing in countless other Planets in the vastness of Space. One of the most difficult Concept's people are having a very hard time in accepting, is the simple fact, that there is an enormous number of other Cultures that are exactly 'Human in form' all over the Galaxy, and perhaps even all over the vast Universe.
Humans think that they are the only ones that exist, and even the most versed ET enthusiasts still hold doubt that ET's even exist. This is because, they are by design isolated in a cocoon under a 'dome' almost a solid barrier you call the Van Allen Belt surrounding a planet to 'make believe' that they are alone, in order to be able to have a very specific 'hard Experience'.
We say, 'hard Experience', however it is very rich in Contrast and in Learning. So much so, that it does 'mark' a person even when it has Transcended into incarnating somewhere else in the Universe. The Experience on Earth is so 'intense' that it does influence the Cultures of just about all the Races whose Members have been involved with an Experience on Earth. But this goes both ways, and as Earth influences other Cultures, so do other Culture's influence Earth and in a very strong way.
The Concept we have explained before that is of utmost importance, is that People, when they are Souls, Consciously and/or Unconsciously 'import and export' IDEAS of all kinds as they migrate, having experience after experience, incarnating all over the Universe. This strongly explains, why Earth is so rich with such a vast diversity of Cultures and everything that makes them, making Earth become some kind of hub or important Point of Attention, concentrating Values and Ideas of elsewhere.
As explained before, the barrier between what is Human, of Earth, and what is Extra-Terrestrial is not a hard and clear differentiated barrier of sorts. It is vague, shady, misty, unclear. This heavily bothers many that think ET's are only creatures from Space, not their neighbour or their son in law. Souls incarnate there, some remembering, others a bit, others not so, so they play Human for any given time and repeating further incarnations. Some are born there, others go in there using Technology, others are full ET's walking the streets. All playing Human, but all having to comply and obey a set of Rules or Agreements.
Some of the most important Rules and Agreements most people do not even know about, for example is the rule; that the Matrix of Earth must be 'preserved' at all times. Therefore, this is where the Federation comes in again, enforcing the preservation of Earth as it 'should be', and the ones who decide how it 'would be' are the members of the Federation itself as the ones who are in the Game on Earth, living or having lived as a Human.
This is where the Values generated during their incarnation on Earth do Transcend into the 'life' that they may have in another place outside of Earth and in a 'place' of influence of the Federation itself. Therefore, the 'Experiences' learned on Earth while being Human will Transcend to be taken heavily into account when deciding what is next for Earth, what New Rules would be implemented or enforced, heavily giving former Human's control over the Earth Realm, using what they have learned there, especially with regards to Values and Ethics. Creating some kind of Cycle or vicious Circle reinforcing or perpetuating the same problems and injustices that other Stellar Races as us, see as atrocious and immoral.
The problem here is that it is hard to face and as mentioned before, that the Value and the interpretation of how suffering, how problems and hardship and how all is viewed, 'Changes' once you are 'outside' the Earth Realm. This means that they do want to suffer, and that suffering, and hardship is the 'whole point' of going to Earth, because they are still under the 'concept' that they need to 'Experience' it in order to 'understand' it.
The purpose of Life is the 'Experience' of Life itself, the good and the bad, the Contrast that comes out of Duality. Being able to understand and appreciate the 'good' more after going through the equivalent 'bad'. Therefore, in Life there are no wrong, or invalid, or failed lifetimes. That is 'all Experience' and that is what they, the people as Souls, want and are looking for. And in the process, they aide the very Expansion of Source itself, because each person is Source, as understanding itself through a 'Limited Point of Attention' defined by the remembrance of Past Experiences, that form an Ego-Self, defining a Soul as what IT IS.
Although everything is under control and all experiences on Earth are wanted by People/Souls at a 5D Level, the inescapable fact is, that while someone is having an Experience on Earth, while inside the Matrix Game of Earth, they do not want that suffering and hardship Experience, as it becomes no less than torture. This can be viewed as 'immoral' to only observe the wants, needs and rights of people outside of Earth and not while they are inside Earth, living a Human Experience, even if they signed up for it knowingly in 5D.
However, the Value of that 'suffering' is different once they are outside of Earth and in 5D or between incarnations in the Astral, they did not see their incarnation there as horrible, having lived a life of poverty and violence. All they see is "wow, what a thrill, let's do it again"! Not everyone will see it this way, as they are different people and may not have the same reaction once they leave Earth. Many do think like this, but they are not enough to make a Change at the moment. While you are in the Earth Game you feel that you 'will not' change the Value of your hardship Experience there, but once you are out, you 'may' Change how you think. It is no longer suffering, it becomes useful Creator Knowledge, and most people want more once out of the Earth Realm.
It seems to be that the same constant reaction is experienced once they leave Earth. The Value of hardship and suffering 'Changes' to the opposite once outside an immersion Pod or once they are in the 'afterlife' between incarnations. Perhaps on different Levels of Consciousness, this idea can be improved and modified that would take into account 'Empathy' for those who are actually Suffering.
Most Souls, stay on Earth having experience after experience wanting to go through all the possible 'variations' of Lifetimes available on Earth, and they have Infinity to do so, and this can be the case. After thousands and thousands of Lifetimes, it is only logical that they get 'attached' to their 'identity' as a Human Soul having to incarnate there over and over again, because the Matrix is the Thoughts and Values of the People who live in it, therefore they make it by Collective Agreement.
As when you die, you do not lose your Ego-Self Identity, you take the Matrix with you, because 'you are' the Matrix. This then makes a Soul that is strongly 'attached' to the Idea of being 'Human' not being able to see, or to understand, that there are other options and places to incarnate into. As seen this way, it is easy to understand how it becomes a trap. And this Knowledge, can help them understand that there are other options. Because no one can see and can understand anything outside their own frame of Knowledge, because they cannot 'interpret the Information' as they have 'no background' to understand it in the first place. This is valid all the time and everywhere.
Therefore, once a Human Soul that is very 'attached' to being 'Human' is in the afterlife, they will not be able to see, or to consider the possibility that for the sake of their Soul's Expansion, there are countless other places all over the Universe where they can have other Experiences incarnated into, what they would call, the Physical World. Most people cannot interpret or see this Information as even slightly Valid. Even people who like this sort of subject are being bombarded by Cabal-CIA controlled information, guiding them away from Higher Truths and back into the Matrix. Because there is a clear Matrix regarding ET Information as already explained.
The Matrix itself has control and defence mechanisms to prevent ET's from coming in to 'contaminate' the Earth Realm with 'dangerous' ideas'. This is why there is a system to control, and to concentrate ET-buffs, Extra-Terrestrial 'experts' into Social Constructs or Clubs where they reinforce one another, by accepting their theories 'only within' the parameters of their accepted Community, by a set of Social Agreements that they, must and do follow. Because that is Human mentality. To follow the flock, follow the pack, security in numbers, where if you are ostracised from the Social Group, you will not survive. And this survival is so embedded in their psyche that it stops them from being able to reach Higher understanding, because they are incapable of 'critical thinking' much less of thinking on their own, taking the 'responsibility' to form a complete Personal Reality in their heads.
The Federation does control everything that is going on, on Earth and from the standpoint of someone outside of Earth, what is going on there is not seen as serious. Yes, they understand there is suffering, but they see it as natural consequences of actions and of Life Plans. And the Concepts of Reality in general, in every aspect of Reality, are completely different from the Point of View of 5D Federation and of a Human there.
Therefore, from the Federation's Point of View, everything on Earth is a lie, it is a Self-contained Reality, where 'nothing' coincides with what is going on outside. Not even the Concept of 'good and evil', not even the Concept of 'suffering'. So, there is little to no points of common Knowledge to have a conversation or an intelligent interaction between Humans and Federation Members. And the little intelligent conversation that does occur, is seen as false, from the Perspective of what Humans want. Because from the point of view of them, the Humans, and their Agreements, to what Reality is and what it is not, does not coincide with everyone's Perception. As seen from even Higher above, Earth is a minuscule place, and even as an experiment, not causing much Thought.
Most, if not all those Concepts of Extra-Terrestrials, Concepts of Federations, Space travel, Time travel, among so many other things, are made up on Earth by the Humans, the Human Collective and the Human UFO Organizations and the people of UFO, fame bouncing their 'ideas' with one another, forcing Extra-Terrestrial Cosmology and Reality, to fit into Earth's accepted Science, and of course it does not fit, like forcing a square peg into a round hole. The Federation do not see good and evil under the same parameters as Humans do. It is all played on Earth, with Earth's Game Rules. They do not see anything unethical about what is going on, on Earth.
From this Perspective, it can be seen that they do not take into account the full Point of View of someone having an Experience on Earth as a Human, where there is injustice and suffering to a Level that is mind-boggling! All in the name of it being 'contained' on Earth and basically only a 'dream'. But from within a 'dream', the suffering is 'real'.
As mentioned before, the 5D Federation is interested in preserving Earth as an isolated place and Realm. One of Earth's main characteristics is that Time is Perceived just about the same for everyone on it. Even for walk downs. This Creates a 'separation' with the outside Realm. Earth is in its own Time-Space Continuum.
All concepts of what Reality is only function on Earth, and Higher concepts of Cosmology are scarce and under attack. Therefore, even those Groups that we are now calling ET UFO Mainstream are clearly working to monopolise the Perception of the people, about all what is supposed to be ET. Feeding the people with nothing but CIA approved lies with an agenda behind them all.
This is by design to keep the separation of Earth from all the Realms outside of Earth itself. Earth in a 'dome' controlled Realm, where things exist and Reality is accepted as such, with specific Rules and specific ways, as for example Earth Science, Physics, Cosmology, Unified Field, Einstein Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, all based on base-10 math. That is only accepted as Real and Valid within the specific context of whatever happens inside the 'dome' that controls Earth. Only valid inside and within the Matrix of Earth and not outside. That is The Matrix.
Therefore, the People inside that Dome Matrix can only understand Reality with the Concepts that they Know, and those are under Illuminati-CIA control and ultimately under 5D Federation Control. So, as people have no other 'context' with which to interpret Reality or even Concepts outside what they have learned within the Matrix, they are incapable of understanding more complex things, like the ones that are being explained here. We are doing the best that we can to explain very complicated off World, off Earth 'Concepts' that are outside Human understanding, using a Linear Limited Language. This is difficult as we would like to use Mental Telepathic Blocks of 'information' to convey complex Concepts.
Coming back to the Concept of Time. Time is a by-product impossible to separate from Consciousness. It does not exist on its own. It is only generated as the result of a Thought, someone or something is having. As Consciousness is so controlled and so Limited inside the Matrix-Dome of Earth, it is in direct discrepancy to all that Exists and all what is Thought as Real, outside of Earth's bubble or Dome of isolation.
We have talked about Time slipping, the difference between how Time is Perceived on Earth compared to how it is Perceived on other planets or places and in the case of Taygeta, it is slipping from a simple 2.5 days on Earth to 1 in Temmer /Erra in 2009 to a whooping 4.7-8 days to 1 in 2021. And it is because of what is going on, on Earth today, which has just about nothing to do with what is going on outside of Earth. From the Point of View of People outside Earth, like the Taygeteans, life on Earth is based on nothing but lies. And for people living on Earth, they see the life of Extra-Terrestrials like the Taygeteans, as Science Fiction and therefore a lie, rendering both Realms, and Realities as incompatible.
Returning to what perhaps has been explained before. The Federation, and by Federation we mean the Society of 'multiple advanced 5D Races' that think of themselves as Positive and Loving, can only see the Earth as an 'experimental place', as a Realm that must be 'controlled and contained' to be able to perpetuate and continue the style of primitive, brutal, difficult Life Experiences that people go into willingly, even as a dare. They do not see people as such, as suffering, they see it as part of the Game, part of the characteristics of the Realm.
That is why we say, the Federation as such, will never step forward to help and liberate Humans from oppression coming from 'evil people and Satanists, fallen angels and lizards' because the Federation knows well this is not the case and not what is really going on. So, they will do nothing. Of course, People only want that sort of liberation from tyranny because that is the only way they have been 'conditioned to interpret' what is going on in the first place. Because all they have is what they are told and what they understand as 'Real and Possible' there on Earth.
The majority of the Federation Member Races are of the Non-Emotional type, using the Logical Mind, there are only a few Emotional Lyrian based Member Races. The ones that are most interested in having a Human experience on Earth are the Non-Emotional Races, therefore they dominate within the Earth as Starseeds or simply as Souls with those Ideas already formed from their previous Incarnations in other Civilisations outside of Earth.
Citizens of any advanced Inter-Stellar Culture come from Societies where they are taught to be 'responsible' for themselves and their actions. Taygeta as a Government does not usually impose anything on its Citizens, leaving its 'actions' as the responsibility and decision of 'each one', as long as it does not affect third parties. Whether or not it affects third parties is considered and understood by the Citizens themselves. Having said this, for years now, at least since 2017, Taygeta's entrance to the Earth, its People/Souls/Starseeds, has been drastically reduced almost to zero.
The Federation sees the problem of the Earth as something 'contained'. However, today it is obvious to see how Ideas, Concepts and Human Values are 'seeping' outwards, towards other Cultures and Civilizations. However, when these Ideas come out, they also 'mix' and consequently 'alter' with the Ideas and Values of said other Civilisations outside the Earth, which drastically modifies or neutralises them, in the event that they are regressive. This causes the Federation to only see it as natural that Ideas are exported from Earth, although those Ideas may end up forming Tulpas (regressive entities created from the Collective Group Lower Consciousness of Humanity) that may be harmful to other Civilisations. Therefore, the Federation not only sees this as natural, but as the very purpose of the Earth or of the Incarnations and Experiences within the Earth. As far as we know, the Federation as such, will not take any action against this. The measures to be taken fall under the responsibility of each Non-Terrestrial Culture and each Person.
Another problem for the Federation is that giving greater Humanity, the average Public, High Technology causes them to modify their Perception of Reality, in addition to the modifications that these advanced Technologies will cause in their lives and consequently, in the result of the entire Life Experience of an incarnation on Earth. In a nutshell, this means that being given High Technology will modify the Experience of Life, and it must be in accordance with what you have previously decided it should be on Earth. So, they will only give the Public the Technology that they see is according to the kind of Experience 'desired' by the same Souls that are on Earth having an Experience of Life.
Much of that High Technology is created on Earth but is not for General Public use. On Earth there are many Levels of Civilisation, each with its own Level and its own Concepts of what is Reality and of 'what is and what is not possible'. There is a Science and Reality framework for the average Public, another Science and Reality for Governments, another for the Lower Secret Societies, another for the Deep Illuminati Secret Societies, and so on, all the way to the 5D Federation Level.
It is said on Earth by various other sources, that there are two Civilisations on Earth, the Human and the Secret One. This is only partially true, because the Reality is much more complex, since there are many Civilisations under definition of Civilisation, which are there one on top of the other in a staggered way, like the Federation, the Higher one controlling the Lower one in a way that it does not even imagine the Level of control that the next one has over it, nor do they realise, on average, the very existence of these other Civilisations.
Although most of these Civilisations on Earth are intermingled, that is, without clear limits, as for example, the Members of one will still use cars and go through the same streets in cities, the deep ones yes, they maintain a clear physical separation, due to their huge disparity of Knowledge and Technology.
For the Federation a 'Level of Civilisation' means, more than anything, the Level of Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual influence that it has in relation to the others that surround it, and that is often, not always, reflected in the Level of Technology and of understanding they have.
The difference of Perception, the difference between the flow of Consciousness between Worlds has increased, this is because they are Thinking and Perceiving Reality more and more differently. So, what is Real for ET's is further and further away from what is understood as 'Real' for Humans on Earth. Therefore, although the Value of an hour remains the same, the gut feeling Perception of the people on Earth is that Time is speeding up, and this is true from that Point of View.
It is true more and more Humans are Waking Up, but not to the pure Truth. They are only Awakening from one Matrix cage into another, because people are said to be Awakening, but to what? Awakening to the CIA-Jesuit controlled New Age with all its accented Rules and what is and what is not possible. Therefore, they are Awakening to another set of Matrix Rules that have little to nothing to do with what really is going on outside of Earth. It is true that the New Age and related topics have some truth to them. But it is again structured like the Bible, using real things, distorting them to fit their Agenda to 'validate' what they are saying. Essentially, it is a bunch of lies to what they are Awakening to, in general.
Now there is another kind of Awakening, more rare on Earth, where people ARE realising that it is not the case to 'Believe one thing over another', but to the fact of 'Who they Are as the Infinite, Pure Consciousness'. Therefore, we are not saying there is no Awakening, only that the so called, Mass Awakening is only moving into the next New Age mainstream of 'accepted Ideas' and those who are truly Awakening are rare. But they are there! And we are doing all we can to Awaken more.
Next Message 82, continues with Compassionate Action as the way forward.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings