We have been observing your progress and we are very happy to say that we have noticed frequency leaps forward for Humanity. We notice during these times your overall Frequency rise into a Higher Vibrational state once you take on more challenges and then move through those challenges. As you all know, for quite some time throughout Humanity's warring on Earth, you have had to Collectively face the wars, where it was being placed right in front of you and where you had to Acknowledge it. While it is not new, it is something you have come to expect at this point, however, it is time for you to 'embrace' that side of yourselves, simultaneously 'activating' the Peaceful side of you, the side that Acknowledges Unity Consciousness - that we are All ONE.
Through these high-profile wars that are happening on your planet right now, you have given yourselves the opportunity to embrace that aspect of yourselves, and you have done so to the extent necessary. You have also been activating more of your Peaceful nature, as those of you who are Awake have recognised that you must Be the Peace that you want to see in the world. You are making that enormous progress for yourselves, and it is time to Feel Good regards where you are as a Society, as a Human Collective, because you will continue to face more of these types of challenges.
One of the biggest challenges you must face is in acknowledging that aspect within you, the aspect that is warlike in nature. You will face other challenges along your journey and as you do, you will continue to make enormous progress as Individuals and as a Collective. We know that you, as the Awakened Collective, realise that you are there to do something and do something big.
While you cannot just materialise into a war zone, making everyone drop their weapons, you can however, 'embrace' that aspect of Humanity that start the wars. You can 'activate' Peace within yourself, sending Love out to All who are involved, and you can do this from the comfort of your own home. Your Love matters, as does your Healing matter, enabling your Compassion to grow with every day, and with every moment that these wars continue.
Once again, you are the ones who are being called upon to make the enormous difference that you know you want to make, and we are here sharing with you that your efforts have had the impact that you want them to have, and you are moving Humanity's overall Vibration. This will be evident as you continue to do this work and recognise yourselves as the Integrated ones, the Changemakers, the Lightworkers, that you always intended to be in this beautiful lifetime of Ascension.
We see everything is playing out perfectly there on Earth, providing everyone an opportunity to evolve Consciously. We see you All as giving yourselves opportunity after opportunity, to Love unconditionally, and we see more and more people taking those opportunities and start using them and developing them further.
It is a true pleasure, watching a Human Being really grasping something and moving beyond the Ego, the separate, little, mortal Self and move into the space of Awareness and Knowing. That is what you are in the process of, right now, and we are simply coming to you from a higher plane of existence to assist you in that. We will consistently remind you of Who You Really Are.
You are there to Awaken to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, and at some point, you will also realise that everyone else is also a Source Energy Being. Once you recognise that nothing exists outside of Source, you begin to treat others accordingly. People do have filters or blinkers on that prevent them from living the life they want to live, and it is easier to see it in others than it is to see your own.
However, everyone to a certain extent must be wearing blinkers or filters in-order to have a 4th Density experience. You are not just there to Ascend from the 4th Density, you are there to Experience it. Therefore, the filters and blinkers that everyone are wearing are there on purpose, giving you a more limited Reality, a point of view. The catch is, not to get caught up or lose yourself in the illusion, to such extent, that you completely forget Who You Really Are, as a Source Energy Being. And certainly, you do not want to forget 'who everyone else is', because you will then start to treat them as though they are 'less than' the Source Being that they are.
There are many ways Human Beings have attempted to do this over eons of time that you have been incarnating there. Seeing others as less than Human, in-order to further your own agenda, has not Served any of you, however, those who are addressing it right now, have moved beyond that level of Consciousness. You would never dehumanise another person to start a war with their country or use them for your own devices in some way.
You are now at the point where 'everyone' needs to be seen as Source, as Love. You need to see your role as one who reminds everyone that they are Love and that by being Love yourself, is the best way to do that.
Others eventually, will be able to Feel the Love emanating from you, and they will be transformed by it. This is how you end all suffering and not by eliminating all the ones who you deem to be the villains there on Earth. You end all the suffering by being the Love that transforms the Consciousness of the Collective you are a part of. By being Love, inspires you to Be of Service, and Being of Service inspires others to also do the same.
People are inspired more by your 'acts of kindness' than they are by your success, your new home, car, or financial gain. You will be living your purpose right now, when you seek to inspire others, by holding the 'knowing' of Who You Are and Who They Are. You can do something for Humanity right now, and you do not have to wait for a 'grand opportunity' to do so, you know you can, and we will continually remind you of that.
We know that we talk about action many times and how you are moving into a time when there will be much less of it needed, because you will be operating as Energetic Beings who have mastered the offering of a Vibration, eliminating the need for much of the actions that you take. There are always steps that you know you can take to become more enlightened, becoming your true, whole Selves to move closer to Source, steps you often intend to take.
Those of you who are Awake want to be in a Higher more elevated state of Consciousness and you intend to come forward for that purpose. There is a time for sitting still and doing nothing, and there are times when you must make a decision about an action, and those are the times we are referring to here. We have noticed that more and more of you are coming forward to take necessary action, action that enhances your experience of Who You Are. There are actions that as an Individual are unique to you that you know Serves you well to take, then there are actions that Serves everyone to take, that will bring you closer to Source and to Who You Really are.
The action of Self-care is the action we are talking about, eating foods you know feel good in your body, allowing yourselves the time you need to rest and to be open to receive, alongside spending more time connecting with Mother Nature and Mother Earth. The action of 'reaching out' to those who are in your life and who you know you need to speak to or communicate with in some way. These are very simple but major steps for All of you towards Enlightenment and once you initiate them, you build a momentum, that are easy to do.
We also consider Meditation as an action, of stopping to do one thing and moving to another location where you know you can meditate without being disturbed. It is very important for all of you to take that action, that step towards a meditative state, because it is like saying to the Universe, that I matter, that this is something I know is good for me and I will do it. When you are not meditating, Conscious Breathing can also be seen as a 'necessary action' because a certain amount of 'intent' is involved. It means you are making the act of Breathing voluntarily, going beyond the involuntary act of Breathing.
Your life will be transformed by doing these things. By 'paying attention' to the nudging that you are getting from 'within' to move in these directions, you will Feel immediate results as you do. This is a gift to yourselves, a gift that no one else can give you. You are completing a loop, a cycle when you are the 'giver and the receiver' and becoming that 'whole version' of yourselves that you know you want to be and need to be, to Ascend.
It is always our desire to present you with the choices, opportunities and options that will give you what it is that you really want, as well as in good timing. There is so much available to you right now and we want you ALL to FEEL into the various Timelines that you have in front of you. We also want you to know that there is no need for you to wait for external changes in the World to happen or for your fellow Humans to tidy up their affairs in a Collective act.
There will always be a 'version' of the Human Collective around you, and whichever Collective 'you are experiencing' is there to reflect to you your Thoughts, Beliefs, Emotions, and Vibration. It is your ability to change what you 'see out there' and you do that by shifting 'within you' the Vibration that you are offering, therefore, you do not have to reach millions of people with your ideas or teachings. The Vibration that you are offering changes everything, it changes which future you meet, which people you come into contact with, and it changes the World and 'everything' that is happening in it.
If you are looking at what is going on Earth and feeling despair, then realise that you are looking at the mirror that you need to be looking into, at that moment. It is there for you to see exactly what you need to see, to trigger you, to inspire you and to reflect to you what it is that is going on inside of you. When you are in a state of Joy, offering Love to your fellow Humans and when you are at Peace, you will see that eventually reflected back to you. The tricky part is that some of you give up quickly if you do not get the results you want, or if you do not get immediate results.
Doing the work of shifting your 'internal Vibration' for the 'feeling of it', knowing that it is the only way for you to Feel 'the way you want to feel' is its own reward. Just being happy is its own reward. You do not then need to manifest many happy circumstances to show you how happy you are. While it may be the easy way, it is not the way that gives you the greatest opportunity for Spiritual Growth and Evolution. The time lag exists there on Earth in your Density so that you will continue doing what you need to do in-order to Vibrate in the Frequency that is best for you and for everyone around you. This is why you went to Earth in the first place, to experience a series of incarnations to do just that.
You wanted to master 'offering' a Higher Vibration despite everything, despite whatever circumstances were in your life and in the World around you. You will not miss a step if you keep Focusing inwardly and you will know that you need to shift that Energy because you will be so Aware of what you are FEELING. You need to Let Go of whatever it is you are Feeling that has you in a state of stress, despair, sadness, anxiety or whatever, so that you can find the Love, that is always within you.
The Love is always there, waiting to be discovered that 'it is within you' and at times you will give yourselves a catalyst to make yourselves aware of the Love within you. However, you must choose, you must make the choice that Serves you even though it is not ways an easy choice because not everyone in the Physical Realm is always lovable.
And it is when they are not at their most lovable, that is when 'you know' they need the Love most. It can be a challenging part of your existence there on Earth, however, you ALL knew what you were getting into, and you are ALL very accomplished at doing it because you have all existed on Higher Density planes. You are returning to where you came from, back to Higher Density planes and back to Source, so you might as well start to enjoy it now and there is no better journey in the entire Universe.
You have travelled a considerable amount to get to where you are now, to lower your Vibration enough, to be able to have the 'myriad experiences' that you do have on Earth, and All the Consciousness from across this Universe are fascinated by your journey. We get to share the Galaxy of the Milky Way with All of you, and we Feel very fortunate to be able to call you our Galactic Family. We know that the choice to be there on Earth is often questioned by you throughout your lives, and that you can be facing many different challenges all at once, however at these times, we want you to know that it Serves you to 'just Let Go'.
Let Go of the 'idea' that you are supposed to be somewhere other than where you are, or that you should be further along than you are, right now. Let Go of 'any attachment' that you may have of wanting your life to be different from how it is right now. Let Go, Let Go, and Let Go some more, and by Letting Go of the struggle, you will find yourself sinking comfortably into the 'now moment', where you can just 'settle in' and 'experience it'. Where you can experience it from the 'knowing' that you are creating it for your own Highest Good and with the 'knowing' that it will be 'changing all the time', no matter what it is that you are experiencing.
Experience right now, the Reality as it is, with the 'knowing' that you can access more of Who You Really Are when you slow down and stop altogether and Be more of a Human/Source Energy. By recognising this, you are able to see 'how facing emotions' is a large part of the journey, because much of what you do there on Earth is to suppress or numb yourselves to one or more emotions. However, you become more Powerful as you 'face them' and 'move through them' and you become ready for what is coming next and experience it in a new and more aligned way. Because when you find yourself, you find your Whole Self, where your Whole Self is guiding you with far more Knowledge from the Higher Mind.
We want you to know that we feel you have been doing wonderful work with all that life has thrown at you and we want you to know that because the Higher Consciousness that is upon you is taking affect and that circumstances are going to get better for you. You are 'shaking loose' all that is lower Vibrational, and you are being grasped by Higher Frequency Energies and becoming One with your Whole Selves so that you can experience this next period of your lives with much Joy, Love, Excitement, Creativity and Peace in your Hearts. By Changing your experience of Reality, right now, you Change everything and that is how to live as one who is a Human/Source Energy.
We do want you to recognise that everything that is happening at this time on Earth has the potential to cause more Growth to occur within the Collective Consciousness, and an opportunity for more Compassion to be felt by All of you because of all the suffering that is still there. You are there as the Way Showers and the Light Workers to bring more Love and Light to the darkness. You are never there to simply point out the darkness and condemn it, as it is ALL a part of YOU, because you are a Collective.
You 'are' what you 'see' out there in the World, and when you claim it as 'your own', as you claim it as a 'part of you', it is then you have something to work with, because you can then start to heal. What is underway is a 'coming together' of the Collective of which you are a part and those of you who are Awake can recognise that, in those moments of clarity, when you are able to see beyond the injustices and atrocities.
When you can see the 'bigger picture' as we do, you join us in our Vibration, and you hold that Trust and Knowing that all is well with Humanity. You continue to Grow and Expand as a Collective, not regardless of troubles and challenges that you are having, but because of them. Take the position with 'every single thing' that is happening, that 'all is well' and that you can ALL benefit from it and then you 'will' benefit. Your History shows you that you will never eliminate anything that is happening there on Earth, it has been attempted and it has not worked.
This is the new age, the new becoming for Humanity, and you are all playing pivotal roles in that. When you receive and resonate with messages like this you know that you are on the right Path Home. We are all headed home to the state of Oneness with Source, and we take Joy in every Consciously Aware step that we take.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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