The non-emotional Races Andromedean, Sirian, Arcturian and others are here to experience 'emotions' as did the Lyrians. The Human Race is a mixture of Cultures and Races in one, ALL using a Biological container you call Humanity. It has always been like this. Humans must learn to fend for themselves, solve the problems that are of their own making. The 5D Federation's purpose is to Mentor, however, they do control what happens from above - they say no intervention, but it really is non intervention behind the Humans' backs because their hands are everywhere. The 5D Federation will not intervene or remove the Cabal. It is not up to them, it is up to Humans. It is the same in Higher Realms, there are other levels of Cosmic madness we are all dealing with.
The 5D Federation will claim that they are preparing Humanity for Ascension back into 5D and are sending in Starseeds to assist in this Global Movement towards 5D, however, the 5D Federation has had plenty of time to remove the problem, indeed, thousands of years. It does not want to remove the problem all it really wants to do is to move its Resources and Assets around the Earth to perpetuate 3D and all that goes with it. This is because it is their created playground where they continuously set-up challenges and experiences that become ever more difficult for their entertainment and the entertainment of all the Souls who dare to go there into the 3D Matrix for the shared experience with the excuse of tremendous Spiritual Growth.
The 5D Federation can see the immense Spiritual Growth Potential, so they create more and more experience, more growth for Conscious Expansion. So they increase the difficulty of levels of deception in order to cause more growth for all of the participants.
So what about Ascension, where did all of this talk come from ... Liberation of Humanity and Ascension?
The many Races in the 5D Federation talk about Ascension and have been doing so for thousands of years, however, they never actually share what this actually is. Usually they say Ascension cannot be achieved without death or near death. What they are trying to 'sell' to the people is a story about something that will somehow assist to transcend all of their problems freeing them from their hardships that are almost inescapable especially in 3D. Suffering, hardship etc comes hand-in-hand in the Lower Realms with the illusion of Separation. And if you remove the Illusion of 3D, what you are left with is the Higher Realms that already exist! And all Souls go there already between lives.
So, fighting for Ascension is part of the deception. The deception is trying to make Earth a paradise for Souls to experience a more harmonious reality when this already exists in 5D. This is the trap.
A density is not something that happens to you, rather something that you ARE! All of the different Densities are already on Earth and always have been. It is each Souls Journey moving through existence to experience their personal Frequency. When you are ready to let go of 'limiting beliefs', only then will you be able to let go and remove yourself from that reality. It is these 'limiting beliefs' that hold you to these Lower Realms that give you suffering, attachments and Karma concepts, if that is your belief.
Why do Humans only live to around 70/80 years and not live as in 5D to around 1,000 years?
In 3D you experience materialism looking for happiness and contentment, however, this seldom occurs so you look for more materialism. This is the concept of 'Having' verses 'Being'. It is these attachments that keep you in the Lower Realms and suffering. In 5D you have more freedom with less emphasis on materialism and attachments, however, in the end in 5D you know that all you really have is yourself, all you really need is already in your minds.
Do the 5D Federation want Freedom for Humans?
3D teaches you clearly all of the things that you do not want. The 5D Federation does not want to show you how to liberate yourself and be Free, YOU must teach yourself how to liberate yourself and set yourself Free. This is the trap.
So why do they talk about Ascension and Liberation?
They have been talking about Liberation for thousands of years and have sent countless Souls to Mentor and for some to experience Liberation to Ascend. And when they do Ascend, it is into another Matrix of confinement to further experience another set of rules. If the masses grow in Consciousness then the 5D Federation move the masses through guidance into another confinement with a different set of rules for more confined experiences.
Often people are stuck into a paradigm of one concept or Reality, so the 5D Federation attempt to wake them up to that Reality by moving them into another sometimes more confined reality that the 5D Federation has already chosen for them. This Perspective is from their ideas and these ideas come from the Human Mind. So they are actually only giving Humans what they want. Remember, the people are the E.T's and the 5D Federation are giving them what they want. Trans-Humanism Artificial Intelligence of being 'chipped' is all part of being mind controlled all for the experience that people are choosing at a Group Lower Conscious Level ... levels after levels of mind control.
Where do the truly awakened Souls go?
To another Higher or bigger controlled Reality, however, it is still another controlled and regulated Reality. In 3D this new level Reality construct is a New World Order - One Government - One Religion - One World Currency.
So why do they send in the Starseeds?
Starseeds are sent in as a reminder for 3D Humanity that there is a 'way out' of this game. When you choose to come into the 3D Reality you know this, however, once in 3D you forget and can lose yourself believing there is 'No Way Out'. The Starseeds can Mentor you so that you can have the choice to 'go home' wherever that may be. The Starseeds are essential for Humanities growth otherwise Humans will have no other point of view or reference and can be lost in the experience. The Starseeds are the gatekeepers for the 'way out', they can remind Humans "You can finish this game and get out and go home".
So, is the Ascension actually going to happen or not?
The 5D Federation will move People towards whatever they want, be it 5D or stay in 3D. The 5D Federation will not hesitate to give the People what they want even if it is against what 'some' want on Earth - that is what is going on Earth now. Ascension or not depends upon the People, the Collective and not on the whim of the 5D Federation. The Collective Consciousness is so volatile that anything can happen. At these times the Collective Consciousness is mainly leaning towards Negativity and the Starseeds will suffer the most. The problems with what the Collective wants is not always convenient for the People. The 5D Federation make up experiments to give Humans more of what the People are asking for on the Lower Group Conscious level experimenting with them and all of this is within the Universal Laws, so in their minds, no Laws are being violated and what the People want is being lied to and manipulated, therefore, that is what they are getting. This only makes the situation worse for Humans, this is the problem and this is the trap.
The 5D Federation believes in learning empirically, so Humans must experience at least once in one life-time this level of control, suffering and abuse. This is how the 5D Federation is operating now.
Humans are very focused onto Negative things with very little focus on Positive things. The concentration of Fear brings on the events that are manifesting here on Earth at these times. The Positive things are dispersed changing little of the Dominant Negative Thoughts/Experiences. Everything that is happening on Earth today is of the Creation of the Human Mind, the inner world of their Minds.
As long as we live in any Realm that has Duality we create limitation through Contrast to experience. With the concept of 'You and I' there will be a Matrix to experience this manifestation accompanied with a set of agreements between People, this is the 3D Matrix. Starseeds want Ascension to 5D Earth and to remove the 3D Matrix and make Earth beautiful again and to create a New Humanity that live in harmony with each other, the planet and become Interstellar. And if that is the case, will it stop the suffering - no it will not. It will only move it around and the 3D Lunar Matrix is completely irrelevant as it is the 3D Human Mind that is the problem, which creates the 3D Density.
True Ascension is to move beyond Duality and beyond any Matrix that confines you in a place. A place where there are no Densities, no Agreements, a place where there is only your own Truth, nothing outside of Your Self, nothing external from You. Nothing is external from You, however, People are so attached to thinking there is a World outside of them with Laws and Logic. But not everyone wants this True Ascension, they want to experience other things and this is their choice. A 5D Matrix is just another set of rules and a Matrix of Limitation and Agreements. This understanding is from a greater Expanded Awareness a Higher Metaphysical Perspective - Total Freedom.
Most people waking up are just waiting to get out of this 3D Matrix.
You are talking about Liberation into Higher Realms. The 5D Federation and their Secret Societies that help them on Earth (and elsewhere) want to take Humanity into another form of extreme Limitation and Control - a New One World Order - where everyone is 'chipped' and Mind controlled not only at a mental level but with full 'two way' chip control where People lose their Free Will entirely.
The Starseeds promote their ideas that they bring down from the 5D Realm that are another form of ideas, nevertheless from a controlled Matrix. Even Starseeds are working towards putting People into other levels of control for more experience. This is still limitation. The only way to be Free is to follow your 'own way' and Transcend ALL things outside of Your Self.
I would like to experience a more comfortable 5D experience before ascending to a Higher Spiritual existence that you have shared, the true level of existence that we are all anyway.
This is your choice and for all others who do not want to experience the New One World Order on Earth. Clearly 'know' what you do not want and 'choose' what you do want. All other Souls will experience what they ask for, some on Earth and others on other planets experiencing 3D Matrix. This is what they want even if it may be more Limitation. This is what is meant by 5D Federations 'assets' being moving about the Earth. This is what Souls are asking for Vibrationally.
Why are the Starseeds here then if the 5D Federation don't want Humans to Ascend?
The 5D Federation gives exactly what the People want. It is the People who are asking for what is coming. The ones that want the New One World Order will stay on Earth and be chipped, vaccinated and all. The ones that do not want this will go to another place wherever their Vibration and Intension takes them. This is where the Starseeds are Mentoring People and showing them the 'way out' of where they do not want to be. So they are clear to know exactly where they choose to go next.
While this is a noble cause, the Starseeds are the 5D Federation so why do they need to come and show anyone the way out if they want to keep Humans in here, in 3D?
The Starseeds from the Higher Realms know that they are themselves in 3D, so if they do not help they may never be truly Free and sometimes they do go against the 5D Federation and many are Rogue or Systems Busters. The game does not end and many People and Starseeds that are asleep do not know when or how to step out of the Game. Most Souls when in 3D Matrix do need assistance and do need Guides. The game is complicated and it is easy to forget.
From above everything is exactly as it should be, the problem is that most People are too focused on what is going on Earth and in the process creating more of the same.
You are always Free to control your own Matrix be it 3D, 5D or above and you never have to renounce your connection to Source. So you can experience anything of your choosing and maintain your Conscious Connection at whatever Level, Realm or Density of your choosing.
In the end, you only work from the Higher Realms and in the Lower Realms you simply forget that fact. WE ARE ALL COSMIC and we are mentoring ourselves making it known that we can RETURN TO SOURCE to be truly FREE.
More People remember their true essence in 5D than in 3D. From a Higher Realm there is NO difference in 3D, 5D or other Realms. 5D Matrix is not another game it is the 'same game'. Humans are all Divine Beings experiencing through a Biological body.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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