It is tremendously rewarding for Us to know you All at this time, because we get to experience you as you are now, and you as you will become, experiencing the ride, the journey with you and to be a part of it as we see your growth. We want you to know that we do get something out of all of this, because 'we get to experience the journey with you' and proudly notice when you take something that we have offered and use it to become more of your True and Whole Selves, and we enjoy illuminating the Path for you.
We know that 'who you are becoming' is magnificent and we would like to remind you of that. We hold space for you, seeing you as your 5th Density Selves so that you can Feel into the Energies that we are sending, and we know when you are on the right path towards your Higher Density Selves. You are amazing Beings who decided to lower your Vibration so that you could have that experience there on Earth, and while you are not benefiting right away, you do benefit from every bit of the experiences you are having, as we are also.
When you are unsure of whether you will achieve your goal, doubting yourselves and your Path, do remember that those of Us in the Higher Realms are absolutely benefiting from you achieving it. When you are 'surrendering' in that moment, you are receiving assistance from above, and in that moment, you are simply allowing yourselves to become who you have always been. We are playing our role in the Higher Densities and reminding you of your Higher Selves that are very active in this moment, which is helpful to you as Individuals.
As a Collective, you are beginning to see one another as mirrors, as reflections, which is a good thing. While we know you like to think of yourselves as Pleiadean, Sirian, Andromedin and Arcturian, however, all the other people on Earth that are with you, also represent an aspect of you and are to be embraced as well. They are also helping to make you whole, by reminding you that there is something within you that needs to be Healed or Forgiven. We invite you to embrace all of them as much as you embrace Us and all the assistance you receive from the Higher Realms, because they assist you hugely by being exactly Who They Are.
We are all playing our roles, it is a group effort, and our Ascension is Universal Ascension. And you all owe each other so much by playing the roles that you play for one another. Once you realise that, you can relax a little more and allow the natural process of Ascension to continue.
We 'tune in' not only to the trauma and tragedies of life on Earth, but we also Feel into ALL of it at once, and overall, you are continuing to raise the level of the Collective Consciousness there, and you deserve to Feel very good about how you are evolving as Individuals and as a Collective. Understand that you do not need to get your house entirely in order before you can Feel good about life on Earth. Everyone is carrying something and working on something, evolving out of something, and shifting from something, therefore, you must look for those opportunities to Laugh, Sing, Dance and Play despite your challenges.
You have no need to work on something until 'that something' surfaces for you in a moment, nor do you need to schedule time to work on yourself, rather, you can pursue a life of Joy, knowing that anything you need to face, you will face when it comes to you. You are not only there to live a life of Joy, but you are also there to spread Joy, Love, Peace, and Harmony around. You are there to be creative and enjoy the creativity of others, to welcome in the Light and spread it around. Therefore, there is no need for you to solve all the problems of the World or the challenges in your life that you face, just because they are there.
We recommend you hand them over to your team, your Guides and to Source and have fun. We suggest you reach for what lights you up, that places you in a space of Peace and a Higher Vibration that gives you solace in a moment, by you 'letting go more'. It is worthwhile to always pursue whatever allows you to be in a state of Bliss and in a state of Appreciation, regardless of what is happening in your relationships, finances, body or in the world. As mentioned before, anything that you need to look at or to clear, will present itself to you.
All you need to do is listen to that Guidance that is always coming to you from within, because you know what you Feel inspired 'to do' and 'not to do' and you know, how you want to live. And right now, it is directing All of you to appreciate something in your life AS IT IS and pursue something that Lights you up.
We know that many of you at this time, are being triggered by what you see political figures are doing and saying, and to what billionaires are publicly saying and doing, and we just want you to know that you have a right to your Feelings and to your Reactions. And we also want to remind you of how 'Powerful you really are' and that your Power lies with YOU, and the Power you have, is YOU changing your Vibration, your Thoughts, your Beliefs, and your Perspectives. Your Power goes far beyond your ability to vote, to boycott a company or a social media platform.
All that Power lies within YOU, and you are ALL being called upon to access those Powers, those Abilities. You are the ones who have the Tools, who have the Knowledge that 'YOU need to change yourselves'. You can do much more than just post on social media, your website, or your blog in outrage. As you shift and change yourselves and become the Beings of unconditional Love, Beings of Acceptance, Beings who can see the Source Energy within every Being, you are then 'creating the change' that you want to see in the World.
It is not enough to point out how bad an Individual is or how damaging the things are that they say or do. It is not enough to give you the kind of change, the movement 'required Vibrationally' that you want to see within the Collective that you are a part of. While it is time for you to stand up for what you Believe in and to Be that which you would like to see the politicians and billionaires Be, however, you always need to 'pay attention' to how you are 'reacting' to something you see, hear, or read. You must be the one who Changes, because you do not achieve anything by asking everyone else to change.
The average voters Mind is so inflexible, that you will not be able to provide enough evidence to get that person to change their Mind, however, YOU can change enough 'within yourself' to start seeing the changes occurring outside of you that you want to see, that you want to be a part of. This is how you do it and this is how you change your World. You have all the Power within you to do it, and you can either align with people that you see are doing good works and are saying the right things, or you can give all your attention to those you would like to remove.
There is much more Power in aligning with 'what you want' and aligning with the people that you see holding a Higher Vibration. It is through 'experience' that you learn what works and what does not work, and how you need to be, in-order to be a part of the solution, a part of the New Consciousness that Humanity needs, and that all countries need, regardless of who is 'in charge' of that country. What matters more than any of that, is what is going on inside of you. And to bring about the New Earth that you want to see and experience in your lifetime, is the message of Love, Light, Hope and Unity.
The journey is always changing because you enjoy variety and challenges. You do want to fathom how old you really are so that you can understand how wise you really are, how masterful you really are, and in-order to do that, you must see yourself as being bigger than this singular incarnation would indicate.
You are meant to see yourself as a Multi-density, Eternal, Infinite Being. While you are meant to see yourself as Light and Love, it does not mean that you need to destroy or bury your Ego. However, it does mean you need to use that 'sense of Self' that is the Ego, to expand and to move into your natural Self. Your true Self is Divine, and your True Self is Everything, and therefore, you can take 'yourself and your life' less seriously and start to enjoy the fun ride you are on, when you at least open yourself to that idea.
We know it is not always presenting itself as fun to you, however, you must make it fun. You must realise that making this life Fun and Enjoyable is a small task by comparison to how much you have already accomplished. You need to give yourselves more credit and elevate your sense of Self without getting caught up in Spiritual Ego that would tell you that you are the saviour, that you are better, or more Spiritual than everyone else.
We are ALL Source, we are ALL One and there is nothing higher than that, therefore, do not get caught up in the egoic trap. There is no need either, for you to work out who you have been in every density and in every lifetime, in-order for you to know yourself. However, to know yourself more completely, you do want to FEEL for the Love that you are, and of which is a lifelong pursuit. You want to know yourself as Love in the face of hate, discrimination, and abandonment, as these are the real challenges. These challenges are really what your life is about, you are working towards just 'being yourself' in the face of whatever is in front of you, that results in you Ascending.
It is the way you get to know yourself, as more, experientially and in a more permanent way, than you would if you just chose Love in a particular moment. It is so much more important for you to Focus on who you are supposed to be, allowing the doing to then come from that. Therefore, do not see 'the doing' as what life is all about. And the expression of the True Self is to be seen as significant, because it is. The True Self can be expressed in a smile, in kind words that you speak, in Compassion that you Feel, or in the Healing that you send.
Relax and know that you are loved, because You Are Love, and do not get caught up in the details of your life or anyone else's life. Nor do you need to get caught up in the Human condition, the Human struggle sometimes seen by you, that all of Humanity is embroiled in, because it is all good and it is all serving the greater good. And whether you ask it to be or not, the Highest Good will always be served.
We recommend you be curious about yourselves and about life. Be curious about exploring 'who and what you really are', without concerning yourself about making mistakes or missteps, and worrying about getting it wrong because it always Serves the Highest Good. And it is in 'how you are Feeling' in the moment, that you can tell whether you are moving toward the Highest Good or not.
You know that sometimes you must 'set an intention' to put aside the time to do what lights you up and brings you joy at this point in your life, that will raise your Vibration. You know that there are times you can decide to do something that is more responsible for you to do, in terms of taking action, and you also know that by doing what brings you the most joy, is in fact, the most fruitful action to take once you have Faith and Trust in the Laws of the Universe.
And you know that by following your Bliss, so much can happen, that the things that must get done, always do get done, however, when you are in the process of deciding what to do next in your lives, you may need to remind yourselves of these things. You do have 'internal guidance' that is always there, and you are more likely to Feel into and Know what that guidance is telling you when you meditate on a regular basis. We suggest you start with a meditation, then wait for your inspiration, and then act on that inspiration.
Faith and Trust are required by you to act on your Inspiration, which does not come easily when there are many people telling you to do this or to do that, or even not to do that, and that you must be responsible. Those people may well be safe or getting by, however, they are living their own self-fulfilling prophecies, and they always look tired and drained of energy, therefore, what you want to do, is that which gives you Energy. You know the things that give you Energy and perhaps you need to make a list to remind you during those times you are not Feeling inspired or low on Energy.
Nothing is more important than 'your Vibration', therefore, remind yourself of what gives you Energy, lights you up and brings you joy, because you always have control over your Vibration. Although you do not have so much control over circumstance, you can shift your Vibration and once you Trust the Law of Vibration, you see the results of your Trust in following your Bliss. By you 'being in the flow' simply means that things happen easily for you, things come to you, helpers show up and there are not so many things to do in your day. We recommend you have more Faith and Trust and prove to yourself that it works, and you will lead a happier life.
This life is really all about the discovery of Who You Really Are. You will discover more and more every day just how beautiful you are, and you have so much more access there on Earth than you have ever had before to the Truth of Who You Really Are. As mentioned before, the process of coming home occurs when you first Awaken, and then you recognise that you were 'not who you thought you were' for much of your life. And this home coming occurs in the Mind and is much more than just travelling through densities to Source Energy.
It is time to fully embrace the Truth that 'you are Source Energy', and when you realise that, then you must reconcile the fact that you do not always Feel like Source Energy. It is by you not always having access to all your powers, abilities, gifts and knowing, that then becomes a big part of the journey. You are meant to be on a journey, it is the 'discovery', even though you may want it all to come flooding in at once. Your experience of discovery is meant to take time and to have layers and levels. You can relax about the character that you are playing, as long as, you know that you are on a journey and that journey is one that takes you further into yourselves.
You can recognise that it is time to Focus on Who You Are as an Infinite and Eternal Being of Love and Light, and that all you have placed your Faith in does not really matter. And once you do that, you step more fully into the Truth of Who You Really Are, by Letting Go of Egoic concerns and this is achieved when you are willing to examine and explore. It is not necessary to have all the experiences at once as you would Feel overwhelmed, therefore, keep taking baby steps by moving forward and 'expect' for things to change.
However, your Mind is the first thing you change. You change your Mind about who and what you really are, what you are capable of, what you are doing there and then you must keep reminding yourself of these Truths. Because if you do not, you fall back into the 'Mass Consciousness' and their beliefs and the way they operate in the World, only to find your life is once again frustrating and unsatisfying. You can still have a magical life, full of all the things that you 'want to experience', however, now you know that life is a much different journey than what you were originally taught it was supposed to be.
Other people may wonder what you are doing, and why you are not doing what the rest are doing and you are not supposed to be doing what everyone else is doing just because they are doing it. It always comes back to your 'core beliefs' that you have now discovered to be true. The remembering can be a lifelong process, and your Minds can be used to remind yourselves. Once you train your Minds, they become beautiful Tools that give you so much more when you are operating Consciously. You are Awake, therefore, Be Conscious and use your Minds knowing that this is a journey, and you will be able to walk that journey with Joy, Peace and Love in your Hearts.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings