I am trying to understand the different density levels of the Federation and how they influence each other in the stepped system?
Liberators and mentors come from 7D, 6D and 5D that are in turn controlled and mentored from above. Earth is a learning place where individuals move through a process to learn through new experiences that are Self-imposed. The lessons they go through, difficult or not, are experiences chosen and imposed by themselves implemented by the 5D Federation for personal experience to grow through, as an Individual and as a Species.
I feel great responsibility when I am sharing what I understand from this process, does my 5D mentor experience what I am experiencing?
At a 5D Level a Starseed has a very responsible task to guide those who suffer at a 3D Level. If 3D suffer so does the Starseed at the 5D Level and the Starseed at the 5D Level is being mentored from above, this is just another step. What is felt or experienced at the 5D Level is transferred down to the 3D Level also, so if hardship is experienced at the 5D Level all that are being mentored in the 3D Level will experience the same again from the 5D Level, so if insecurity is felt in 5D then thousands at the 3D Level will also experience the same insecurity. If laughter and happiness is felt at the 5D Level then this is felt and experienced at the 3D Level. The mentoring from above 5D Level have a larger, vaster experience from these feelings, everything is stepped. This is a huge Responsibility on ALL Levels, this is Creationism itself Manifesting on ALL Levels.
So does the responsibility become larger the higher up you go in this stepped system?
All of these challenges create the experiences that we need to grow. The 5D Federation is just another set of experiences to create challenges to grow through. Those above do have more challenges and Responsibilities, Responsibilities that they brought upon themselves. This is just another learning experience at Higher Levels as it is upon Earth in 3D.
The purpose of the 5D Federation is to Mentor Humans to assist in their evolution into a New Stellar Race. The purpose of 6D, 7D and all Levels is to expand, to grow to understand the Giant Cosmic Consciousness. What they want to find is themselves, however, they will never find themselves because they cannot Perceive themselves. So they try to understand their own shadows, their own creations.
I am trying to understand the permissiveness as felt in 3D resulting from the actions, choices and decisions of the 5D Federation.
What the 5D Federation want to experience is the birth of a New Species with a New Consciousness and that is why we are all here now, we are a part of this process. Where your physical body resides does not matter, what does matter is who you are inside, Starseeds often do not know what Level they are as everything comes from inside. This is what Humanity is training for - to Think and Manifest - The Law of Mirrors - To Manifest their Desires.
The 5D Federation can see the immense Spiritual Growth Potential so they create more and more experience, more growth for Conscious Expansion. They increase the difficulty and levels of deception in order to cause more growth. A density is not something that happens to You, it is something that you Are. 3D teaches you clearly all of the things that you 'do not want', the 5D Federation does not show you this, it is up to You to liberate yourself from all the things that 'you do not want'. This is the Way Out of the self-inflicted nightmare that Humans have created in the Lower Group Conscious Minds.
Is it the same for those above 5D in regards to their growth?
From a 7D Level, this is how we also learn, grow and expand, manifesting ourselves into a Biological form 5D and 3D, ever expanding through new experiences, new levels of Awareness, this is the process of Creation, Inexhaustible, Unlimited Expansion. We never stop asking questions, these questions create new experiences and this brings new understandings and this process is Unlimited.
Sometimes I feel that this process is very demanding and it consumes and demands my constant attention and sometimes I feel like having a rest and relax from the pressure to grow and expand in my consciousness.
The only way to know 'Who you Are' is by experiencing 'Who you are Not', in other words by Contrast. If you stay still, there is no growth and this is a choice, however, after a while you will become bored and you will want to experience again, so you seek adventure again until you want to experience stillness, the process is eternal. When you experience stillness, you are just 'Being' however, to fully understand yourself you require experience of 'Who you Are Not', your shadow, Contrast, the Journey to seek.
So does that mean that the higher levels of densities are also learning through the same experiences?
The Higher the Realm the vaster you can experience, the greater the Expansion for Consciousness and the Greater the Awareness. From Higher Realms you understand the needs from the Lower Realms so you manifest technologies that provide a platform for those experiences. It is at 7D, 5D and 3D where you oversee all these Levels and this is the interconnectedness of All Things.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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