We are very interested in your Spiritual Evolution, as it then gets reflected back to you in your Systems. People there on Earth, often complain about the Systems that they are a part of and helped co-create, without realising that the desired changes to those Systems, must first be initiated 'within themselves'. You will see radical changes in your economic, government, education, and commerce systems, with everything and everyone that could be put into that category. All of it will be changing along with YOU.
Many New Age and Spiritual teachers have promised you that there will be radical changers overnight, promising you changes that will occur 'outside' of you, that will make everything better and will happen all at once, however, the radical changes will not occur overnight. We do not see this happening as most people do not change that quickly. You are changing, and changing gradually, and if you look at your Systems, you can see how they are gradually changing with you. Right now, you need to accept, appreciate, and even celebrate the changes that 'you do see' that are for the better. Over the course of several years, the changes will be enormous.
There is more transparency now, more than there has ever been before and what is important, is that you know more about these Systems. However, what you do with that information is also significant. You need to look within yourself for a match to it. Either the System matches something that is deep down 'inside of you' that you cannot admit to, or it is a match to something that you cannot Forgive, and you are still holding a lot of judgment around. Anything that you hold judgment towards and cannot Forgive, will attach itself to you like glue. And anything that you cannot Accept that is within yourself, which is everything, will also be sticking to you like glue.
Use the things you do not like about your Systems right now, as a way of determining what needs some retooling inside of yourself. That is, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgments, fears, and so on, for they are your 'indicators' of what still needs some tweaking inside of you. You can go about it the hard way, trying to work 'outside of yourself' without changing anything' inside of you'. You can repost articles and videos about what is wrong with society, your country, your government, or your economy, however, until you look 'within' for what you do not like with what is outside of you, it will continue to be there, creating your Reality with its Vibration.
Once you start focusing on something or doing something, it is very easy work and all you have to do is 'tune in' to what you are Thinking or Feeling, and Let It Go. If you really 'apply yourself' and give it all your 'attention, in the moment', it does not take years to do. You will then see slight changes here and there, promise of bigger changes to come, and before you know it, you will be living in that World you want to be living in, with all the new Systems that you would like to create right now, in the moment. Because the outside reflection does take time to catch up to the 'inner' workings of the Human, it will take a little bit more time than that. There is one certainty, and that is that 'everything is changing all the time', and changing for the better, because you are Ascending.
You are 'tapping in' to the Human Collective Consciousness more often than you think, and we are reminding you again, that 'your Thoughts' do not originate within your head. You receive them, as you receive all Energies, and when you start thinking about yourself as a part of a Collective, you then, realise two things. Firstly, you can assist the Collective by what you are putting into the Collective Consciousness, which requires 'no action' whatsoever on your part. All that you are required to do, is to Think a Thought on purpose and secondly, that you are affected by the Collective Consciousness, which you are a part of. Therefore, whatever may be going on 'within you' may be due to the fact, that you are picking up on something going on within the 'Human Collective' and the Consciousness that you ALL share.
It will make more sense and your life will become easier and better once you have these realisations and you start to live accordingly and because you will understand that sometimes, your role is just to work with the Energies that are around. The way to work with the Energies, is by looking at how you are being affected with 'something', perhaps a pandemic going on with the Collective Consciousness, and then asking yourself, how can YOU assist. We are talking about helping the Collective Consciousness, of which you are a part, to heal, to raise the level of Consciousness, and to have more Compassion for those who are suffering and not by making videos and social media posts about your beliefs about that something.
There is suffering going on, and you, being a part of a Collective, are being affected by that suffering, regardless of what you may or may not believe. Start by You helping yourself to Feel more stable, more peaceful, and more at ease. You must 'activate' the Vibration 'you want to see' outside of you. You can then start to think more in terms, of 'how' to Be of Service to this Collective Consciousness that you all share as Human Beings. This you can do for every single issue that may be facing Humanity. There are all sorts of issues there on Earth that you are dealing with, such as war, poverty, hunger, and violence amongst individuals, and while they may not be happening in your home or neighbourhood or even your country, they are real, and they are a part of your assignment.
You can only offer something to Humanity once you first 'tune in' to yourself and then you can spread it. You can either 'tune in' to your Power, the Power that you have within you to transform yourself and to spread that Energy of empowerment to others, so that everyone in your Collective can be at Pease, at Ease and live lives of Joy, Freedom, Excitement and Love, or you can 'tune in' to the paranoias, victimhood, to the feeling of being manipulated, oppressed and so on. And when enough of you see that, as your Mission, then you can change so much without even leaving your room, right now.
You are growing exponentially, and sometimes there are growing pains that you experience Individually and Collectively, however, as you approach life with the attitude that things are always going to get better, because they must, then 'they will in your experience' get better. If you approach life with the 'belief' that things 'must get worse globally before they can get better', then that will be your experience. Your attitude, your perspective and the way of framing things is so important, in terms of what you Focus on and what you are going to experience in the Future.
If you can always remember the fundamental truth, that You are a Source Energy Being, then that can make the 'way you receive' any piece of information so much different 'in your experience'. Please always assume, that what we are sharing with you is something positive, because you have yet to realise your godhood in the Physical, and everything will be pointing you in that direction as you move forward.
You are there to uncover the good in You, in Others, your Planet and throughout the Galaxy, so how could there ever be bad news? And you do that by shining your Light and seeing the Light in others, even when they are not showing it. If you want to take a step forward in your Mastery, then move through your day with the promise to yourself, that you will 'see everything' through the 'eyes of Source,' that you will BE the Source Energy that is needed in every situation you are in. If you want to 'see and experience' more Love in the World, then BE that LOVE and shine brighter in those places where you know that the Light has been turned down by others.
It is important, 'how' you respond to anything and everything that comes your way, and it is as important, as 'what' you Create. By remembering that, you hold the keys to Happiness and everything that this beautiful Universe of ours has to offer. By forgetting it, you just have the opportunity of remembering the wonderful experience again. Remember, do not ever be hard on yourselves and remember, that 'every moment' is 'that opportunity' that you have been looking for, to know yourselves more as a Source Energy Being.
The goal for All of you there on Earth is to be Hyper-Aware of what it is you are 'offering' in each and every moment, because if you are Aware of what you are offering, then you can do something about it, you can make an internal shift. The internal shift must come first before the external shift can come. Just like the changes you want to see in the outside World must first be made 'inside of ALL of you'. Everything is a projection of your Consciousness, and YOU get to decide what it is YOU are projecting. Your Free Will is about actions, words etc, however, it is really, about being free to 'offer' whatever Vibration YOU choose to offer.
However, you must first be convinced that offering a Vibration on purpose, is a good idea, and then 'be Aware' of what it is you are Vibrating, and you must know how to shift from one Vibration to another. If you find that you are offering a lower Vibration, Accept it. Accept yourself for being in that state of Being. It is not your fault, as you incarnated into a World that was meant to trigger you, that was meant to get you to FEEL things, to experience Vibrations of all Frequencies. Because you wanted to have access to 'all the ingredients' before creating the most wonderful creation that you will ever enjoy.
It is helpful to know the opposite of what it is you are aiming for, because the opposite is also what inspires you. It inspires you to move away from it, in the opposite direction. These are all things that become quite simple when you are willing to devote some of your time to searching inside of yourselves for these Vibrations, searching for how you Feel in any given moment. You have many distractions to keep you from doing that, and that is why quiet time, meditation, time spent in nature, are all wonderful tools that you have, to become more Aware. The key is Awareness in unlocking all the secrets of the Universe, the secrets that reside inside of you.
This is why we will continuously encourage you to shut off all your devices to have some more Awareness time and we want you to unlock all the secrets of the Universe. We know that you can, and we know that you are just a few simple steps away from it. As mentioned above, care about what you are Vibrating, become Aware of what you are Vibrating, and then, shift what you are Vibrating with Acceptance, with a willingness to embrace that current Vibration, and with that newly found Desire to move to a better Feeling Vibration. It is that simple to access all that this Universe has to offer and it is all that you really need.
We know that you can All consistently reach for that highest possible Frequency that is available to you in your Density and show up in the World as your best possible Self, and you can do it even though you do not have to do it. When you do it, you Feel better, not just because you are contributing more to Society or to the person you are interacting with, but because being in the highest Frequency state possible, just Feels better. You will constantly be shown through your reflections 'if you are not offering the best possible Vibration', and they will get clearer and louder, until you are unable to ignore them. That is how it has been set up, so that All of you can learn.
You learn best by doing, and as you 'pay attention' you get more of that feedback, before it then creates something in your life that you do not want to experience. You all have your goals and things that you are striving for, and we suggest that you place at the top of your priority list 'Being the highest Vibrational version of Myself'. This means you do not have to work out 'what to do' in-order to Be of Service, or what your calling is, or purpose is, because you are helping as you BE that version of Yourself that you were always meant to be and destined to be.
Just by you being there and offering a high Vibration is of tremendous assistance to your fellow Humans. You can join us in our quest to help Humanity to heal and to Ascend, more importantly, you can help to Be that best version of Yourself, for Yourself. It is up to you to use your Free Will, to be in the highest Vibrational state you can be in, while still operating in the 4th Density, waiting for that opportunity to shift to the 5th Density.
We look and we see how the Individual impacts the Society, and how your Society impacts All of you as Individuals. We know that you are a part of a larger Community of Spiritually Awake people, and we know that within that Community there are many promises made to you about big changes that will occur in the outside World. And we have noticed many of you hold onto these predictions because you are so desperate for change, and we see more and more of you being disappointed and even fed up with all the promises and with very few results.
Many of you have decided that you are not going to wait for the big changes to occur, after having these disappointments occur enough times. We see the Human Collective Consciousness growing, expanding, and evolving so much more now that people are starting to realise, that 'they are the ones' who must initiate the Change. We see more and more people looking 'within themselves' for how they can Let Go of a Belief, a negative Emotion, or a Thought that they keep thinking. We see enough of you changing your Vibration by 'going within' to make that huge impact on the Collective Consciousness that you are a part of, and we know that you should Feel encouraged by all of that. Again however, if you only look outside of yourselves and wonder 'when' the big changes will be reflected to you in the Physical Realm, you may get discouraged or even fed up again.
Therefore, what is happening outside of you, needs to become irrelevant to you, in the sense, that you are not going to allow it to determine how you Feel and at what Frequency you Vibrate. There are times that you cannot help but Feel saddened by a situation, you cannot help but react with anger to something, however, you are at the point in your Spiritual Evolution, where you must realise that to stay in those states of being does not Serve You.
It Serves you so much more to move through them as quickly as possible, so that you can get to what really matters, which is the 'movement' of your own Vibration to a higher Frequency state. That is what you can always do, and what you always have control of, that will make the biggest impact on your World. YOU can make a bigger impact with your Positive, High Vibration than anyone with their lower, negative Vibration can.
What you need to do is to take back your Power and stop seeing those in positions of power and authority as having all the say in what happens to you and what happens to your fellow Humans. You can live in the World you want to live in, sooner rather than later, however, you will not attain it unless you are vibrating in Harmony with it. And if you keep looking at the World that is outside of you now and keep reacting to it, and then not doing anything about your 'reactions', it is then hard to Vibrate in Harmony with the World that you 'do want'. Always allow your unwanted experience ,to inspire you to move Vibrationally towards what is wanted, and you will arrive there.
It is a law of the Universe that you are a part of, that you can rely upon, and that we are affirming for you right now. We suggest that you continue on that inward journey that you have been on, because those predictions keep coming up short. And always know, that you are making a difference there on your World, even if you are not making the difference through action, that you want to make. You are making the impact you want to have, by the difference you make in raising your Vibration, and we congratulate those of you who have been doing this work in moving forward, for bringing the level of Consciousness to a Higher one, once again. We Thank You and Honour You and look forward to seeing what more is ahead for All of you.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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