I now understand that I create everything, that I manifest everything with my thoughts, I want to know as much as possible about 'manifesting' so that I can really understand what there is to know about what I am creating and how... I am taking responsibility for my thoughts but feel there is more to understand...
You are born, you grow and live and you die, but you are still there. You form another wave and then another. All there IS is the Ether. The rest is just ideas, a dream created in the Mind that is the Whole. The rhythms of these Waves, your position between them, the Frequency and Distance between them, are the Harmonics and together they form the sea and a seemingly solid Reality. But it is only apparent. You are dreaming being a person, indestructible and Timeless, Eternal without 'beginning or end'.
What does not receive Creative Attention will become Potential Energy again from where it originally came. If you do not need it anymore, the house or the car, it will rust or be eaten by termites or the forces will reclaim it at some point. Only the strongest things remain, or remain the longest before also becoming Potential Energy again and this is because they have received the most Attention, therefore, the most Creative Energy. Even stonewalls will eventually return to Potential Energy and this because of the loss of the Attention of who created them. The more Attention an object receives, the longer it will dissipate that Energy, however, it will dissipate sooner or later if someone does not pay Attention to it; the Harmonics of a Frequency (Attention).
Harmonics from the scientific Perspective are only electromagnetic pulsations in perfect mathematical order obeying toroidal formulas. Everything is a toroid, all Matter comes from a toroid, everything from an atom to molecules, the Earth, Sun and Galaxies. Everything is based on the same precise and even predictable mathematical principles once they are understood.
What a Holographic Quantum computer achieves or does is to emulate or copy a brain. The brain also calculates probabilities within a Quantum Field between the seemingly material World and the Etheric side, where you really reside, who you really are, the computer only copies it and captures it with greater electromagnetic intensity in terms of voltages, amperes, joules, ergs and by other measures manifesting the acceleration of the process.
Wow, I had no idea. When I think about it we create computers in the way that we think, so it is only logical that the Holographic Quantum computer works in the same way.
This is the same in a Starship in Supra-Luminar Flight. Its high Energy Toroid of controlled Frequencies with extreme accuracy and precision make it incompatible energetically and in terms of its Harmonics, that keeps it as 'existing' with its place of origin.
Sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Are you saying that with controlled frequencies that are set up by the starship while in flight, that it is what makes the craft incompatible in Harmonics within the Ether holding the ship in its state?
It jumps into the Ether becoming the ships Potential Energy contained in an Artificial bubble that still contains all the information of the Harmonics of its Frequency, that in turn, maintains the Energy in the form of the ship and its occupants. When you change the Harmonics of the ships Frequencies artificially again it becomes compatible with the Destination.
There is NO movement through space, there is NO displacement and there are NO distances to travel since from the Ether EVERYTHING IS, and Everything that Exists, the entire Universe, is ALL contained and superimposed within the Ether. By description, EVERYTHING that Exists occupies the same Space, all intertwined as a Fabric. You only change where you are 'compatible' according to YOUR Harmonics, Frequencies and Vibrations. And where YOU ARE compatible, IS where YOU ARE.
The Higher the Realms or Densities the more detail progressively is added to the Perception of the Consciousness Observer and this can also be processed exponentially faster and so are the Harmonics, as the rate is also exponentially faster. The Individual cannot process more than a specific amount of data given to it by its Awareness and it can only process the data at a specific Time Rate, directly proportional to the Individual's Awareness.
Awareness is the number of things, ideas and objects a Consciousness Observer can process and interpret, and all are Standing Waves resulting from Frequencies and their Harmonic within a Potential Energy Field that is called the ETHER, and in turn, is the Consciousness Observer itself collectively and as a Holographic piece, an Individual. This means that the slower a Density or Realm is, the less detail it contains and as a Perception of the Consciousness Observer is reduced, so is its Attention Energy and so is the Perceived lapse of Time it takes to transform THOUGHT into a Perceived 'material object or situation'.
As the Awareness of the Consciousness Observer grows so will its capacity to Perceive and to Process more detail resulting in a faster Manifestation Rate resulting, in turn, in a Perception Experience of a Higher Density Realm of Existence.
With all this manifesting ability I look at the 3D Matrix and I find this game tiring, it seems we have been doing this for eons of Time. I know many Souls want out of this 3D Matrix Game. The regressives and the Cabal are full of evil and work tirelessly to control Humanity and it seems the 5D Federation's point of view overrides the 3D Starseed's point of view and experience here on Earth today.
You must decide for yourself, each Starseed, each Soul, you must decide which is your position and what you must do in this regard. Every position is as valid as every other; they are all equally valid. Remember, just because there is another point of view from what you would call a Higher Density, it does not mean that it is more valid than one from what you would call a Lower Density. This way of thinking is a mistake that countless Souls make from both Higher and Lower Densities. This way of thinking indicates that somehow Values and Conscious Awareness of Higher Densities are somehow 'more valid' than those of the Lower Density Awareness and that somehow the Lower Density Awareness Consciousness arises from ignorance and is assumed incorrect and therefore incomplete.
Consciousness and Densities are a 'whole' and you cannot remove any one Density from any Reality. They are all ONE. Every Density has the same Value. So, being on Earth as a Starseed you must decide what you can do and 'fight' for, what you 'think' is right for you, for if you do not, your life will simply end for there is much evil on Earth today. From above, you know this was always the plan. From Higher Densities, you know it is necessary to INTEGRATE everything, however, from below, you know you must 'fight' and all at the same time. The Higher Density will win by INTEGRATING everything and with this comes the Individual and Collective Ascension.
From Higher Densities, you know that at the 3D Level Souls are tired and do not want to continue in the way that things are today. The game in 3D is tiring and you know there will be a mass exodus and the destruction of the 3D Matrix. You also know that the evil of the regressives and Cabal cannot exist by themselves.
Evil is not self-sustaining because it will always destroy itself. Evils characteristics of Consciousness will eventually self-destruct. Evil needs the 'creative mind' of an Individual or Group of Individuals for its own existence and without this Conscious Focused Awareness of 'creative minds,' everything collapses and eventually disappears. In other words, Evil is only generated by a Being's own Consciousness that maintains both elements of Evil and Positive thought. So, the regressives and the Cabal can only exist by the very Souls that exist within the 3D Matrix, that in turn, are of their own construction.
INTEGRATION is the only way to end the game. Again, from within the 3D Matrix Evil does exist and it must be fought, also knowing that what you fight only energies and perpetuates it, giving it more energy. This is the fight between 'Good and Evil' knowing that INTEGRATION of Good and Evil is the only solution. You cannot deny or ignore Evil, INTEGRATION is the only way and this will inevitably bring about its dissolution with only the Positive remaining. This is what defines a High Density.
I am not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that if all of the Starseeds exited the 3D Matrix game, that the Evil of the regressives and the Cabal will then simply not exist?
From Higher Densities it is known that everything must be INTEGRATED and from these Higher Densities they know that from the Lower Densities that they must fight and that they must ALL fight at the 'same time'. Again, from this INTEGRATION comes Ascension at the Group or Individual Level. This must be understood in a way that expands the mind and helps to find 'new solutions' to solve the problem, solutions that do not include Genocide.
O.K. From what you have shared before, the Human experiences on Earth have been terminated and reset many times before only to have Humanity experience the game all over again.
Indeed, here is the problem today. If the Starseeds today do not come out of the 3D Matrix en-mass, they will leave en-mass later on, however, taking the planet Earth with them. This is because of the over population and insufficient planetary resources to sustain life for everyone with the Conscious Awareness of the masses at these times. The masses mistreat nature with a selfish attitude, using up the resources without regard for future generations or the Earth herself. This will cause the imminent collapse of the whole system, at least in the short term.
What is the answer or solution to this problem especially now that 'vaccinations' and all that goes with it are imminent?
From a point of view of Covid-19 the vaccinations provide a sterilization program for both male and females. The Cabal is taking this option to greatly reduce the Human population as a 'softer option' rather than by Genocide with catastrophic Earth changes. This softer option avoids the 'total destruction' of all of the sustaining systems that support the present Human structures. However, this would create a total famine situation with much suffering on many Levels.
Are you saying that we should support the Cabal and take voluntary vaccines as the softer option?
Perhaps from one point of view this would be valid, however, from the point of view of the Covid-19 Agenda and its complex sets of Agendas that come from the same vaccinations, there are many other factors to take into account. For example, mind control and Trans-humanism modifying heavy metals, artificial intelligence and control by the 5G destructive Frequencies, which together make more regressive entities. So this is not an option.
I am trying to understand the 5D Federation and the Cabals point of view, why they see what they are imposing onto Humanity as Positive, especially the 5D Federation's point of view or perspective?
Even seeing the Positive aspect of reducing the Human population, it is still Genocide. From the point of view from the general population, it is genocide. Remember, the point of view from the Human 3D Perspective is just as valid as any point of view from above and is not of 'less Value' than other Perspective or points of view that some may call Superior or of Greater Awareness. The point of view from Humans living inside the 3D Matrix must be respected and with what is happening there. Therefore, the system plan for the exit of Humans is not Ethical on any Level, be it from what is considered Lower Levels or the Higher Levels, as what is planned is simply not Ethical.
How does not being Ethical affect the outcome?
By not being Ethical, any Positive intention collapses, this therefore creates the need to neutralize such a horrific plan.
So how can we make the difference when 3D and 5D think differently?
The 5D Federation and the Starseeds need to return to the position of Loving Neutrality and 're-think' a creative and Ethical plan, to find another viable solution that does not involve genocide.
Then there is still the Cabal and their plans.
From the point of view of the Cabal, they think their plan is viable and the only solution from their Level of Consciousness. This includes the self-described 'Elite' who are not regressives but believe that 'their' plan is the only solution to the problems on Earth today. 'They believe' they are trying to save Earth by implementing the use of vaccines causing mass sterilizations rather than the horrific effects of some of the intended outcomes from the planned genocidal solutions that are being imposed by other factions of the Cabal.
I don't understand their thinking.
From the Cabals point of view, they see their plan of genocide with the horrific side affects of further suffering though illness, disease and the weakening of the Souls connection to Source will stop, or at least, will slow the great numbers of Starseeds from arriving here on Earth in the numbers that have been incarnating or 'walking in' over the past twenty or thirty years.
This includes the vaccinations of older people who are retired or do not contribute into the existing work ethic and are considered to be a burden on Society. So, the mass sterilization of the Human population includes Trans-humanism and Artificial Intelligence with Economic Agendas involved removing older people who are considered to be 'non-productive' to the system. This becomes evident around the global situation of Pensions. The Cabal does not want pensioners.
How will these vaccinations negatively affect the Human body?
The body will become full of heavy metals and act as an antenna to the 5G Frequencies. Destructive Frequencies will turn 'on or off' the body's immunity. Frequencies will control the mind by numbing down the Human population even more, the controllers of which can decide who lives and who dies. The survivors of this genocide will be mind controlled and connected to the 'Cloud' being genetically modified and eventually becoming a New Non Human Race.
So, if the 5D Federation wants Humans to be vaccinated and the masses that are asleep waiting and soon queuing to have the vaccines, it then becomes obvious that it is only the Awakened Starseeds that are opposing the wishes of the majority?
Yes, at these times unfortunately, this is a valid observation remembering that the masses are being mind controlled. The masses do desire to be mind controlled and it must be considered that they knew this when they entered this vicious game with the 'Law of Mirrors' that we have spoken of before. The Law of Mirrors dictates that whatever you put your Attention upon; you will only get more of the same.
The whole plan is understood from above. Humans are only seeing the problem from below, from their reality of 3D. From above, lets say upper 5D and above, it is seen as a WHOLE, a set of ideas, solutions and what is possible through the Conscious Attention Manifestation Awareness available to Humanity. Genocide must be avoided at all costs. This is like telling the Cabal that we understand their entire plan and from a Higher Awareness that we recognize their Ethical Awareness of their 'plan and solution' from one or another Perspective and still, WE REJECT THE PLAN. It must be stopped; it is not Ethical from any existential Plane or Density.
Even so, remembering on Earth that nothing or very little is fair, this is why atrocities have and continue to be perpetrated. Another point is that the Cabal could or will initiate its own vaccine that only contains the sterilizing agents, eliminating the most horrible and harmful elements that are also present in the same planned vaccines. Elements that would be in the versions of Covid that other aspects of the Cabal, the more regressive ones are releasing upon Humanity. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION, TO ACCEPT THESE VACCINES.
You must continue resistance to these vaccines. From above and from High up it is agreed that the vaccines are the way out of Earth. It is what we continue to see from our point of view. From your point of view, it must be prevented and fought against.
We agree, if we accept that this is the only way and we accept the plan from above and therefore just accept this genocide, then is this what will happen?
From one point of view this is what some are manifesting, nevertheless, it is an atrocity and must be stopped. The problem is that most Humans only think in a linear way, 3D thinking, right or wrong, up or down, black or white with limited Perception Awareness and not experienced in a Holographic way of thinking. This is where you are faced with 'cognitive challenges' where two or more ideas that seem to be contradictory to each other are both valid, things that seem contrary to each other, even what seems to be opposites may well be both correct and often are.
From above, it is important to understand that from this High Density Soul Level, this was all planned; the experience you are now manifesting. You planned the experience, whatever the atrocity you find yourself facing, so you must hold that in your minds and be comfortable with that. Higher order of things, in other words, you must be able to see things from another way and a way that is not so dramatic or even so tragic. A good example of this is by seeing the death of a loved one in another way…… more like seeing your loved ones are going home or they are being released from limitation and not just a tragic loss.
Know that everything has been planned and death is just a return to a Higher Reality and that everything can be celebrated without ignoring the side of the living that may be grieving and experiencing loss and seeing this loss as a terrible thing. Therefore knowing that death is not final that your Consciousness, your Awareness, even your Ego goes on to the so called 'other side', you must also respect or value lower life in 3D. Knowing this, it makes you value life even more, because the points of view from a Lower Density is just as valuable and valid as those from a Higher Density. In other words, the mere fact that something unwanted, tragic or horrible in any one Density also makes it unwanted, tragic or horrible in all Densities or Dimensions.
We maintain that there are no Higher or Lower Densities; this is only a concept of the mind where the only thing that really separates 'one from the other' is the complexity of Awareness and therefore, the existence in any one Density. And this added complexity is expressed as a Dimension or Density, so in our mind, all is connected and in-separatable.
Wow, that gives a deeper understanding of being ALL and our connection to ALL at all levels.
What we are saying here is that whatever is happening on Earth today is as relevant as anything that is happening in another Density, including ALL IDEAS on any other Density or Level of Awareness. We must ALL face what is happening on Earth today as it affects ALL Densities, because they are not separated and what affects one Density, affects them ALL.
Everything is just one MIND CONSTRUCT and one SINGLE UNITY. All Densities are all only 'one' in the end and the different Densities are only the Observers Conscious Awareness being made Manifest. The suffering in the 'so called' Lower Density is tragic and the planned Genocide must be halted. The so called Higher Density Beings that do not want to become involved in what is happening on Earth may want to review their ideas on Karma and become involved with action by assisting with a Positive change for up-liftment on Earth and not just observe or remove themselves for Fear of involvement or intervention of what or how that would affect their more comfortable way of existence.
What has been happening on Earth, must change to something more uplifting and the many Races and Civilizations that know what is going on must rethink their IDEAS and be part of that change. There are many Races that accept these arguments and agree, however, still walk away choosing not to get any stains on their white gowns of office. They know that what is happening on Earth today is not their doing and if they help, all that is going on Earth today would be transferred into their Society. We see this as Fear, justifying Karma, so they do nothing. We do not understand their 'why' at a deep level as it is irrational and immoral. They do not know how to intervene.
How can they intervene?
They could make themselves known to Humanity in a more observable way. Their technologies can easily take over the news media outlets globally giving an alternative point of view to what is being broadcasted at present. Thereby, offering an alternative to the Cabals Mind Controlling messages.
They could offer the true history of Earth shaking the stranglehold of limited information, control and limited Perception Awareness manipulation and the Agendas of the few. There is so much that can be offered.
If they do not do this, they are as regressive as any other. At present they do not offer any assistance or any type of intervention and this is why we see the Federation as Negative and see them as Low 5D. As seen from above, there is no difference between the 3D problems and the 5D Federation handling these problems; they are the same.
Well, I am ready, willing and committed, I am definitely saying NO!
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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