We love you and adore you and we do not see ourselves as being better than you, nor do we see any type of hierarchy existing within this or any other Universe. All parts of the Universe are needed, as are all parts of this Universe required to function as they were created to function. Therefore, when you Feel you are 'falling short' of the goals set by you for yourself, please recognise that those goals are very much created by you, and that they often result in you 'feeling like' you are not measuring up.
As you begin to understand that you are 'exactly where you are supposed to be' and that the only thing missing from the 'current moment' you are in, 'is Self-Love', then you can start prioritising Self-Love. Understand that when you are in judgement, criticism, or resistance to someone else, you move further from Self-Love, and they are meant to show you an aspect of yourself that you have yet to fully embrace. And you are also 'hard on others' which is unnecessary and mind orientated, something you can always reframe to soften and make more digestible. Therefore, instead of judging someone who you see is clearly operating from a lower Vibrational Frequency, you can choose to either think that you do not like them anymore, or realise that the person is playing the role they are meant to play in this Universe in-order to complete it.
Understand that 'everything' is always changing in this Universe of ours, however, you have no need to change anything outside of yourself, the changes must come from within. There is always refinement as part of the evolutionary process. However, when you make yourself wrong, feeling bad for being where you are, or who you are, then you are not aligning with Source Energy, which does not feel good to you. Recognise, by your definition, that if you are making many mistakes in your life, then you are 'exploring' what it is like to make many mistakes, and that is perfectly alright. Acknowledge that every time you slip up, one way or another, you are giving Source that experience, through you, and therefore, you are fulfilling your life's purpose.
Your purpose is to EXIST, as YOU, however, if you think your purpose is to 'DO something', and you are not doing it, then you are being unnecessarily hard on yourselves, which is not a part of your purpose. Self-Love starts with Self-Acceptance. When you bless all circumstances 'as they are', that is when Self-Acceptance begins, including when you bless you and your relationship to your gifts, or abundance, or other people.
Therefore Relax, which is the simple answer to every situation. Everything is as it is supposed to be, and it will improve, and this is the process of refinement. However, you are not required to 'force' it to get better. Each and every one of Us have been exactly where each and every one of you are right now, and together, we all get to experience it as it is a natural process. We are still there in some ways, therefore, Relax, and take it easy, especially with yourself and your fellow Humans. All is working out according to the Divine Plan.
We know that you struggle with the idea that you may have chosen something for yourself as a challenge before you incarnated and that when facing something particularly challenging, you do Feel it is unfair and you can get angry at your Higher Self or your Soul for choosing it for you, feeling victimised because of those choices and challenges.
We want you to know that when you are Feeling angry and Feeling victimised, you are forgetting that you are your Higher Self, that you are your Soul, and that you are your Oversoul, therefore, you are only getting angry with yourself. There is no one and nothing that truly exists outside of YOU. You are the one choosing to suffer, so at times, you must step back from the 'part of you' that wants to Feel like a Victim and see yourself as you truly are.
Ultimately, you want to see yourself as a High Vibrational Being willing to 'take on a challenge' that could potentially lead to suffering. When you see Suffering as a choice that it is, you can then choose differently. And your Emotions are also choices that you are making, it is just that you are making them subconsciously most of the time. However, once you observe yourself Feeling an unwanted Emotion, you can recognise that it is a choice and that you can choose a different Perspective, a different way of looking at the situation, so that you can Feel better.
Many times, you have set up the momentum of low Vibrational Feelings that needs to be experienced before you can step out of it and start to gain a new and Higher Perspective on the situation and/or the person you may have been thinking about. You have the superpower ability to 'Accept everything As It Is' by understanding why it is occurring, and it is a superpower ability that not every one of you is tapping into and this is an opportunity to do that right now.
It is up to you to choose and decide to look at everything in your life right now in a way that Serves you. And in doing so, you will get a positive Emotional response in your body to tell you that the way you are looking at your current circumstance, person, or group of people, Serves you. Your own Body, Feelings and Emotions are your bodies feedback; however, you must have enough Awareness to recognise that you are choosing all of this.
It is all by Agreement, all by Co-Creation, you are consenting to Everything. As the powerful Creators that you are, you get to make course corrections as you go. You have the Power, right now, to rewrite your own Blueprint, even if you chose something before you were born, and you have the Power to place yourself on a higher, better Feeling Path. It is time for you to empower yourselves as the orchestrators that you are, by making the choices that 'Feel good' to you when you are making them. We are talking about the many different choices that you make, in terms of, how you are going to Feel, how you are going to look at something, what you are choosing to believe in, and the Perspective you are choosing to take on.
In every moment, of every day, you have so many choices and once you realise that you 'do have a choice', you will make the choice that best Serves you and Feels best to you when you choose it. That is important for you to know and to know the importance that you have Free Will that you can use in so many wonderful and creative ways to live the lives that you say you want to live there on Earth.
You are gaining more access to your Spiritual gifts and abilities with the acceleration of the Ascension amongst those of you that we call the Awakened Collective. You will find that if you already have gifts and abilities, they will be sharpened, honed, and expanded. And for those of you who have yet to access your Spiritual gifts and abilities, they will be coming to you in a myriad of miraculous ways.
You always play a part in the receiving of the Energies being offered, and so we do recommend that you make yourselves available to the Energies by quieting your mind, closing your eyes, and opening yourself up to them. Allow them in. Allow them to do what they naturally do and allow yourself to exist in a Higher Vibrational state in an effortless way. It is natural for you to be in a Higher Vibrational state, and Energies have been coming in all year long to help you in finding your Higher Vibrational state to assist you in releasing all that would keep you from being in a Higher Vibrational state.
You are now being given the opportunity to fill those spaces, those voids left behind by what you have cleared with the recent Energies that are all about taking you on that accelerated Ascension Journey that you want to have. Your Ascension experience will be a 'group experience' and you will still Feel somewhat tied to the Collective of which you are a part of, therefore, you may not leap so far ahead of them that you become Vibrationally incompatible with all others that you encounter. The Group Ascension we speak of can only start with Self.
You will always be able to reach for your fellow Humans and pull them up with you. This is a journey of Oneness, of Inclusion, of Unity Consciousness and not one of separation. While it is desirable for you to rise above a certain level of Consciousness to be Consciously Ascending, you are not meant to necessarily leave everyone else behind.
You are there as Way-showers, Helpers, Leaders and Lightworkers, and you will find that the gifts of Clairvoyance, Healing, Channelling, and Psychic and Intuitive Knowing are exactly what those around you need from you, in-order to Heal, to Forgive, in-order for them to unburden themselves with the lower Vibrational Energies that they have been entertaining in their Consciousness.
You are accessing your gifts and abilities so you can be of greater Service to help the rest of Humanity, to join you on a Conscious Ascension Journey. A Conscious Journey to Ascension that is accelerated by circumstances there on Earth that would naturally lead a person to 'want to' rise above the wars, racism, hatred, bigotry and everything that you see around you that could drag you down into a pit of despair along with it. This is the opportunity you are being given, to be the Light in the face of all of that, so that what is Light and Love within 'each individual' can be illuminated and so many more can join you on a Conscious Journey of Ascension.
There are versions of All of you here in the Higher Realms. While we are interacting with you there on Earth, we are also interacting with you in your Higher Density forms and states of being where we have a very good time together. We wish to tell you that we Love every bit of your beingness. We remind you that everything is going to be all right for you, and we know that you will eventually find yourselves experiencing these Realms and we will continue to teach and offer you more of our Vibration.
We suggest that you 'be present' with whatever you are doing and with whomever you are with. Be present. Bring all of YOU with whatever you do, not just a portion of yourself. Do whatever it takes for you to do, in-order to Relax and Trust that everything IS all right, and you ARE on the right path. Speak your Truth to those who are around you and you do not need to hold yourselves back in fear of what they might think of you. Be purposeful in your actions and take action with purpose, not just for the sake of getting something done.
We also suggest that you be more creative with your Thoughts. Do not allow previous missteps or failures, as you would define them to be, to limit you in your creativity and in the use of your imagination. Seek out alignment with your Higher Self and Source. You can find that alignment in a variety of different ways, and how you find it in any given moment will depend greatly upon that moment, and what that moment is about for you. Be kind with yourselves because you are not going to grow faster by being hard on yourselves.
Do your best to 'see everyone else' as a Source Energy Beings who are doing the best that they can. Wherever you can, Accept and Forgive, offer Healing Energy wherever you see that it is needed and know that you have support in all these endeavours and many more from All of Us. You are living in a time of transformation and a time of accelerated Ascension, therefore, there is so much that you do not have to do.
And we know that you do your best to hold a High Vibration under challenging circumstances. We invite you to Recognise yourselves and Acknowledge yourselves for all the times when you do hold a Higher Vibration amidst circumstances that are not to your liking. It is important to prove to yourselves that it is possible to do so, in-order for you to then be able to 'believe' that you can hold a Higher Vibration, under any and all circumstances, because that is the goal. That is what it takes to be a 5th Density Being.
That is how you Ascend into the Consciousness of your Higher Self. It is YOU doing the work of holding a Higher Vibration and that kind of work involves 'Accepting Reality as it is', so that you can drop 'all resistance' that would put you in a lower Vibrational place, a lower vibrational Frequency. You are constantly testing yourselves to see if you have taken the required successive steps to the point where you can hold your Vibration despite something 'unwanted happening' or something 'not happening' that is wanted. Because you now know how they Feel when they are in sadness, pain and suffering without needing to go there with them, and without lowering your Vibration to meet them there.
And we recommend that you look upon others with the eyes of Source and hold Compassion in your Hearts for them when you see them suffering, even when you know that it is also the goal for them to be able to hold a Higher Vibration amid their unwanted circumstances. There is no need to preach to everyone about this being a goal for them, instead you want to 'be the example' of what it 'looks and feels like' when someone is holding a Higher Vibration, in the face of something that previously brought you to your knees.
This is how you Evolve, Expand and become more of what you already are as a Source Energy Being of Light and Love. That Light and Love is unconditional, which means the true core of you, the aspect of you that you really are, will never dim the Light that shines from within and will never withhold Love. These are big purposes, big missions for all of you, and they require Focus. They require you to set Intentions, to Be Present, to Be Aware of what you are doing, what you are offering and when you are being triggered.
And when you can maintain a High Vibration while witnessing all kinds of chaos, and all kinds of different people doing different things, you will then know that you are walking as a Master amongst your fellow Humans. You will then know that you are being of Service, just by being there and offering others that template, so that they also can follow, to rise above wherever they have been before on any number of topics, subjects, issues and so on. We will continue to encourage you to do this as we know you have it in you and because we enjoy witnessing you walking as the Master's that you truly are, on planet Earth.
Te Wana | Tawa | Te Awa | Adventure with joy, with all its multiple meanings
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May we continue this Journey together for the upliftment of All of Humanity.